5,456 research outputs found
Climatic variability and cooperation in rangeland management: a case study from Niger
In this paper, we develop an empirical model of an agro-pastoral system subject to high climatic risk to test the impact of rainfall variability on livestock densities, land allocation patterns and herd mobility observed at the community level. Also, because grazing land is a common-pool resource, we determine the impact of cooperation on these decision variables. To capture different abilities of communities to manage these externalities, we construct indices comprised of factors considered to affect the costliness of achieving successful cooperation found in the collective action literature. We then test hypotheses regarding the impact of rainfall variability and cooperation using data collected in a semi-arid region of Niger. Results indicate that rainfall variability first leads to higher and then lower stock densities, indicating that benefits of accumulating large herds in variable environments are eventually offset by the higher risks of low production and higher mortality. Communities with characteristics hypothesized to favor cooperation have lower stock densities and greater herd mobility. Neither cooperation nor rainfall variability has a significant impact on the proportion of land allocated to crops vs. common pastures.Environmental management,
Animal health and the role of communities: an example of trypanasomosis control options in Uganda
In many African countries, governments are re-thinking the role of the state in centrally providing certain goods and services. The rights and responsibilities for providing various public goods are being decentralized to lower levels of government administration, and/or being devolved directly to local citizens or user groups themselves. It is thus critical to ask: under what circumstances will local groups provide the socially optimal level of the public good? In this paper, we apply this question to the case of controlling an important vector-borne livestock disease in Uganda, trypanosomosis, which is transmitted by the tsetse fly. We investigate the underlying epidemiology of transmission and different options for control, and the implications for group provision of control, within the framework of a game-theoretic model. Results indicate that individual incentives to uptake tsetse and trypanosomosis control differ widely across different control methods. Since the costs of successfully implementing collective action are affected by individual incentives to participate in collective action, the model predicts which method/s are likely to be successfully implemented at the community level. More broadly, the model highlights under what circumstances community-provision is not likely to be optimal, depending on the underlying epidemiology of the disease, technological parameters, prevailing market characteristics, and socio-cultural conditions.
Senior Recital: Paul McCarthy, classical guitar
This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Mr. McCarthy is a classical guitar student of Mary Akerman.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1642/thumbnail.jp
Anomalous scattering of light on Triton
Researchers report here the discovery of an isolated region of anomalously forward scattering materials on the surface of Triton. The researchers' best-fit Hapke parameters indicate that regolith particles in the anomalous scattering region are not only less backward scattering, but also slightly lower in single scattering albedo than average materials on Triton's surface. While it might be possible to account for such differences in terms of differences in particle size and transparency, it is also possible that the anomalous region is compositionally distinct from other terrains. It is noteworthy that, for the anomalous region, there exists a distinctively strong spatial correlation between the photometric ratios at different phase angles, and that, relative to other terrains, the anomalous region reddens at a different rate with increasing phase angle
An investigation of term weighting approaches for microblog retrieval
The use of effective term frequency weighting and document length normalisation strategies have been shown over a number of decades to have a significant positive effect for document retrieval. When dealing with much shorter documents, such as those obtained from microblogs, it would seem intuitive that these would have less benefit. In this paper we investigate their effect on microblog retrieval performance using the Tweets2011 collection from the TREC 2011 Microblog Track
A Preliminary Study of the Benefication of Montana Kyanite
This investigation is a preliminary study of the beneficiation of Montana kyanite, and while preliminary in degree the information gained may serve as a guide for the eventual exploitation of this Montana resource
Improvement of oral reports through the students' use of audio-visual aids
Author misnumbered thesis. Please note that there are TWO page 108s, but the continuity is the same. Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit
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