17 research outputs found

    Pulse power supply on IR2153

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    Запропоновано схемні рішення лабораторного імпульсного блоку живлення на IR2153 з можливістю захисту за струмомThe circuit solutions of the laboratory pulse power supply unit on the IR2153 with the possibility of current protection are proposed


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    The article considers the problem of ensuring the availability and integrity of wireless subscribers in cellular and other wireless corporate networks. The article aims to determine the threshold values for the moment of failure of video transmission, quantitative parameters, artifacts, and the number of errors for the image. Show the dependence of the integrity of data transmitted in real-time on the characteristics of the environment. Two approaches were used to assess the quality of video information: qualitative (image recognition assessment) and quantitative (error measurement). Because the research program was written in the Kotlin programming language, a library written in Java or Kotlin was required. After searching the library, it turned out that only three libraries meet such parameters as reliability, relevance, and availability of documentation: Jaffree, Xuggler, and VLCJ. After gathering information, it was found that the most common screen extensions for desktops are 1366 × 768 and for phones—360 × 640. An error occurred that RTP did not support more than one connection. Also, the RTSP protocol could not pass the experiment on codecs other than MP4V. The experiment stopped earlier than necessary without error. Judging by the indicators, this was a very high CPU load. All other protocols were successfully tested, and results were obtained. During the experiments, we encountered various video anomalies. The worst was the video playback problem with the MJPG codec. Other anomalies were also identified: frame delay, incorrect frame rendering, white noise, and white noise mixed with frames. It is clear how up to 128 kbps experiments are successful and then begin to stop the video stream without error information. According to the results of experiments, the H.264 codec performs best.В статті розглянута проблема забезпечення доступності та цілісності безпроводових абонентів у стільникових та інших безпроводових корпоративних мережах. Метою статті є визначення порогових значень для моменту зриву передавання відеосигналу, кількісні параметри, артефакти і кількість помилок для зображення. Показати залежність цілісність даних, переданих в режимі реального часу, від характеристик середовища. Для оцінки якості відеоінформації були застосовані два підходи: якісний (оцінка розпізнавання зображення) і кількісний (вимірювання кількості помилок). Оскільки програма для проведення дослідження була написана на мові програмування Kotlin, то була потрібна бібліотека написана на Java або Kotlin. Після проведення пошуку бібліотеки виявилося, що бібліотек які задовольняють таким параметрам як: надійність, актуальність та наявність документації, лише три: Jaffree, Xuggler і VLCJ. Після збору інформації було встановлено, що найпоширенішими розширеннями екрану для настільних комп’ютерів є 1366×768 і для телефонів — 360×640. Виявилася помилка, що протокол RTP не підтримував більше одного підключення. Також протокол RTSP не зміг пройти дослід на інших кодеках крім MP4V, дослід припинявся раніше ніж потрібно без помилки, судячи по показникам причиною цьому була дуже велика загрузка процесора. Всі інші протоколи успішно пройшли дослід і були отримані результати. Під час проведення дослідів, ми зіткалися з різними аномаліями відео. сама найгірша була, проблема з відтворення відео у кодека MJPG. Також були виявлені інші аномалії: затримка кадрів, некоректне відмальовування кадрів, білий шум і білий шум в перемішку з кадрами. Добре видно як до 128 кбіт/с досліди проходять успішно, а потім починаються припинення відеопотоку без інформації про помилку. За результатами дослідів найкраще себе проявляє кодек H.26

    Structural Analysis of the Ancestral Haloalkane Dehalogenase AncLinB-DmbA

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    Haloalkane dehalogenases (EC play an important role in hydrolytic degradation of halogenated compounds, resulting in a halide ion, a proton, and an alcohol. They are used in biocatalysis, bioremediation, and biosensing of environmental pollutants and also for molecular tagging in cell biology. The method of ancestral sequence reconstruction leads to prediction of sequences of ancestral enzymes allowing their experimental characterization. Based on the sequences of modern haloalkane dehalogenases from the subfamily II, the most common ancestor of thoroughly characterized enzymes LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26 and DmbA from Mycobacterium bovis 5033/66 was in silico predicted, recombinantly produced and structurally characterized. The ancestral enzyme AncLinB-DmbA was crystallized using the sitting-drop vapor-diffusion method, yielding rod-like crystals that diffracted X-rays to 1.5 & ANGS; resolution. Structural comparison of AncLinB-DmbA with their closely related descendants LinB and DmbA revealed some differences in overall structure and tunnel architecture. Newly prepared AncLinB-DmbA has the highest active site cavity volume and the biggest entrance radius on the main tunnel in comparison to descendant enzymes. Ancestral sequence reconstruction is a powerful technique to study molecular evolution and design robust proteins for enzyme technologies

    Information Approach to Evaluating Effectiveness of the Marine Surface Monitoring System Functioning

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    The article shows that the main purpose of the Border Guard Agency's marine surface monitoring system is the information support of the decision making. To achieve this purpose such tasks were performed: provided rationale for the indicators of the marine surface monitoring system effectiveness; developed the analytical models for determining indicators of reliability, completeness, operational efficiency processed by the marine surface monitoring system; developed an analytical model of the integral indicator of evaluating the efficiency of the marine surface monitoring system functioning; investigated the results of applying the information approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the marine surface monitoring system in different circumstances. The choice of system effectiveness indicators has been justified. It is stated that the composion of indicators of reliability, completeness and operational efficiency corresponds to the properties of the information resource of the marine surface monitoring system. A formal description of these indicators has been made and an integral indicator of the effective functioning of the marine surface monitoring system has been formed. The obtained value of the integral effectiveness indicator allowed to compare the results of modeling with the standard value of the effectiveness indicator and justified the managerial solution on the use of operational resources at the maritime border area.</p

    Crustal architecture of the Laptev Rift System in the East Siberian Arctic based on 2D long-offset seismic profiles and gravity modelling

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    The Laptev Shelf in the East Siberian Arctic represents a rare tectonic setting where an active oceanic spreading centre, the Gakkel Ridge, intersects a continental margin. The North America–Eurasia plate boundary follows the Gakkel Ridge and passes into a continental shelf; this has resulted in the development of a wide rift system that has been active since the Late Cretaceous. The new long-offset seismic profiles provide a reliable basis for deciphering the structural characteristics of this rift system. We use two new seismic profiles, along with one acquired in the 1990s, to examine the crustal architecture of the rift system. Our approach combines seismic interpretation, time to depth conversion of seismic profiles and 2D gravity forward modelling. The obtained results indicate the presence of hyperextended continental crust beneath the Ust' Lena Rift Basin and exhumed continental mantle at the base of the syn-rift succession along the rift axis. The upper crust was removed by brittle stretching, while the lower crust experienced extreme ductile thinning. Our results show that continental crust can be eliminated in the course of rifting without a considerable heat input from asthenospheric mantle

    Improvement of the technological process of servicing the fuel filtration system on Cummins ISF and YD25 diesel engines, with a study of the filtering element

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    В кваліфікаційній роботі проведено удосконалення технологічного процесу обслуговування системи фільтрації палива на дизельних двигунах Cummins ISF та YD25 з дослідженням фільтруючого елементу.In the qualification work, the improvement of the technological process of maintenance of the fuel filtration system on Cummins ISF and YD25 diesel engines was carried out with the study of the filter element.Вступ. 1 ЗАГАЛЬНО-ТЕХНІЧНИЙ РОЗДІЛ. 1.1 Загальна характеристика забруднення палива. 1.2 Види присадок, що поліпшують властивості дизельного палива. 1.3 Вимоги дизельного палива. 2 ТЕХНОЛОГІЧНИЙ РОЗДІЛ. 2.1 Технології та засоби для покращення якості палива в дизельних двигунах. 2.2 Техніки вимірювання дієздатності фільтраційних компонентів та системи моніторингу їх насичення забрудненнями. 2.3 Метод аналогій оцінювання стану фільтруючого елементу фільтру тонкої очистки. 2.4 Аналіз тривалості служби фільтра тонкої очистки на основі пробігу автомобіля 3 КОНСТРУКТОРСЬКИЙ РОЗДІЛ. 3.1 Проектування пристроїв для вимірювання ступеня засміченості елемента паливного фільтра тонкого очищення. 4 НАУКОВО-ДОСЛІДНИЙ РОЗДІЛ. 4.1 Аналітичне вивчення даних отриманих під час вимірювань. 4.2 Результати досліджень. 5 ОХОРОНА ПРАЦІ ТА БЕЗПЕКА В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ. 5.1 Виробничий травматизм на автомобільному транспорті. 5.2 Поглиблений аналіз виробничих травм. 5.3 Паспортизація об’єктів підвищеної небезпеки. ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВИСНОВКИ. БІБЛІОГРАФІЯ

    Ways of TPP Power Units Modernization During Their Conversion to Ultra-Supercritical Steam Parameters

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    The approach to solving the applied problem of modernization of the 300 MW series power units produced by JSC "Ukrainian Energy Machines" by converting them from supercritical to ultra-supercritical steam parameters, provided that regenerative feed water heating system is preserved as much as possible, which will lead to an increase in the energy efficiency of the TPP with minimal conversion, is analyzed in the paper. The conversion of the K-300-240-2 power unit to the parameters of fresh steam 650 °C/30 MPa and intermediate superheated steam 650 °C/7 MPa, determined as optimal as a result of previous studies, can be carried out by completely replacing the high-pressure cylinder of the existing unit for a new high-pressure cylinder with ultra-supercritical steam parameters and superstructure with an additional intermediate-pressure cylinder while fully preserving the parameters and designs of the intermediate- and low-pressure output parts. Two options for modernization of the 300 MW series power unit thermal circuit structure were considered, and the scale of conversion of the regenerative feed water heating system was evaluated. In the first option of the thermal scheme, the 1st steam selection is organized from the cold threads of the modernized high-pressure cylinder with ultra-supercritical steam parameters, and the 2nd one – from the cold threads of the additional intermediate-pressure cylinder. In this case, two high-pressure heaters and a turbo drive of the feed pump are subject to replacement. The disadvantage of this option is that due to a significant increase in steam parameters, it is impossible to choose high-pressure heaters from the existing model range, and a new design must be developed. The electrical efficiency for this modernization option increases from 36.5% (the initial thermal circuit of the K-300-240-2 turbine) to 42.5%. In the second option, it is proposed to install an additional turbine with a capacity of 3 MW, to the input of which a steam from cold threads of the high-pressure cylinder with ultra-supercritical steam parameters is supplied with a loss equal to the sum of the 1st and 2nd selections of the original version of the turbine, on the same shaft with a turbo drive of the feed pump for the sake of preserving the existing high-pressure heater. The steam from the additional turbine selections goes to high-pressure heaters HPH9 and HPH8 with parameters corresponding to the output data of the existing turbine. Taking this into account, high-pressure heaters will not be replaceable. In addition, the power of the additional turbine is sufficient to ensure the operation of the feed pump together with the turbo drive of the feed pump to obtain a water pressure of 34 MPa. In view of this, the turbo drive of the feed pump also remains unchanged, except for the additional turbine installation. The electrical efficiency for the second option of the modernization scheme of the K-300-240-2 power unit is 42.4%. It was determined that the payback period of the modernization according to the first option is 5 years, taking into account the modernization of the boiler unit, and according to the second one – 4.5 years. It is proposed to choose the option of the thermal scheme with an additional turbine, since in this case it is possible to modernize the K-300-240-2 power unit with the maximum possible preservation of the regenerative feed water heating system while increasing its energy efficiency by almost 14%

    Sustainable Development Goal 2.4.1 for Ukraine Based on Geospatial Data

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    In this work, the indicator of sustainable development goal (SDG) 2.4.1 for Ukraine is calculated based on geospatial and satellite data. The generally accepted technology for calculating the given indicator cannot be applied for the territory of Ukraine due to the lack of systematic collection of the necessary indicators. Therefore, the authors have developed the complex method for land degradation estimation that uses different schemes for separate land cover and crop types at the country level based on satellite and modeling data using WOFOST model. The paper describes the sources of information used to create crop type classification maps and the data required for leaf area index (LAI) modeling for the WOFOST model. Calculated indicators from 2018 to 2022 for each of the regions of Ukraine. In 2022, the decrease of the indicator is monitored in almost all regions of Ukraine, which is a direct result of military actions on the territory of Ukraine

    Оцінка умов руйнування газопроводу тривалої експлуатації

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    Для тривало експлуатованої сталі магістрального газопроводу «Шебелинка – Полтава – Київ» визначено критичну тріщиностійкость трубопровідної сталі 19Г на основі експериментально отриманих діаграм руйнування зразків «зусилля – прогин». За критерієм тріщиностійкості обчислено розміри наскрізних критичних тріщин . Отримані дані можуть слугувати базою для інтерпретації виявлених у процесі технічного діагностування тріщиноподібних дефектів.For the long-term operation of main oil and gas pipeline steels the method of estimation the critical crack growth resistance of pipeline steels using experimentally obtained diagram of „force-deflection“ specimens destruction was proposed. The sizes of through critical cracks have been calculated and the initial sizes and the shape of the crack-like defects for the investigation of main gas and oil pipelines were evaluated. The obtained data can be a basis for the interpreting of the detected crack-like defects for the technical diagnostics