8,816 research outputs found
Sub-Poissonian Shot Noise in Molecular Wires
We investigate the transport behavior of polyene molecules sandwiched between
two metallic contacts using the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. We
calculate both current and noise power as a function of applied voltage and
show that they decrease with increasing size of the polyene molecules. We find
that even with symmetric connection to metallic contacts, current verus voltage
curves can be asymmetric for asymmetrically substituted polyenes. Most
importantly, we demonstrate a cross-over from Poissonian to sub-Poissonian
behavior in the shot noise as a function of applied voltage. The algorithm for
noise power calculation can be used for designing molecules with low noise.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter
Electron Correlations and Two-Photon States in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules: A Peculiar Role of Geometry
We present numerical studies of one- and two-photon excited states ordering
in a number of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules: coronene,
hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene and circumcoronene, all possessing point
group symmetry versus ovalene with symmetry, within the
Pariser-Parr-Pople model of interacting -electrons. The calculated
energies of the two-photon states as well as their relative two-photon
absorption cross-sections within the interacting model are qualitatively
different from single-particle descriptions. More remarkably, a peculiar role
of molecular geometry is found. The consequence of electron correlations is far
stronger for ovalene, where the lowest spin-singlet two-photon state is a
quantum superposition of pairs of lowest spin triplet states, as in the linear
polyenes. The same is not true for group hydrocarbons. Our work
indicates significant covalent character, in valence bond language, of the
ground state, the lowest spin triplet state and a few of the lowest two-photon
states in ovalene but not in those with symmetry.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 3 table
Theory of triangular lattice quasi-one-dimensional charge-transfer solids
Recent investigations of the magnetic properties and the discovery of
superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional triangular lattice organic
charge-transfer solids have indicated the severe limitations of the effective
1/2-filled band Hubbard model for these and related systems. Our computational
studies of these materials within a 1/4-filled band Hubbard model in which the
organic monomer molecules, and not their dimers, constitute the sites of the
Hamiltonian are able to reproduce the experimental results. We ascribe the spin
gap transition in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2B(CN)_4 to the formation of a
two-dimensional paired-electron crystal and make the testable prediction that
the spin gap will be accompanied by charge-ordering and period doubling in two
directions. We find enhancement of the long-range component of superconducting
pairing correlations by the Hubbard repulsive interaction for band parameters
corresponding to kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2CF_3SO_3. The overall results strongly
support a valence bond theory of superconductivity we have proposed recently.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Absence of long-range superconducting correlations in the frustrated 1/2-filled band Hubbard model
We present many-body calculations of superconducting pair-pair correlations
in the ground state of the half-filled band Hubbard model on large anisotropic
triangular lattices. Our calculations cover nearly the complete range of
anisotropies between the square and isotropic triangular lattice limits. We
find that the superconducting pair-pair correlations decrease monotonically
with increasing onsite Hubbard interaction U for inter-pair distances greater
than nearest neighbor. For the large lattices of interest here the distance
dependence of the correlations approaches that for noninteracting electrons.
Both these results are consistent with the absence of superconductivity in this
model in the thermodynamic limit. We conclude that the effective 1/2-filled
band Hubbard model, suggested by many authors to be appropriate for the
kappa-(BEDT-TTF)-based organic charge-transfer solids, does not explain the
superconducting transition in these materials.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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