223 research outputs found

    Toric Methods in F-theory Model Building

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    In this review article we discuss recent constructions of global F-theory GUT models and explain how to make use of toric geometry to do calculations within this framework. After introducing the basic properties of global F-theory GUTs we give a self-contained review of toric geometry and introduce all the tools that are necessary to construct and analyze global F-theory models. We will explain how to systematically obtain a large class of compact Calabi-Yau fourfolds which can support F-theory GUTs by using the software package PALP.Comment: 19 pages. Prepared for the special issue "Computational Algebraic Geometry in String and Gauge Theory" of Advances in High Energy Physics, v2: references added, typos correcte

    Λ\Lambda-symmetry and background independence of noncommutative gauge theory on Rn\mathbb R^n

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    Background independence of noncommutative Yang-Mills theory on Rn\mathbb R^n is discussed. The quantity θF^θ−θ\theta \hat F \theta - \theta is found to be background dependent at subleading order, and it becomes background independent only when the ordinary gauge field strength FF is constant. It is shown that, at small values of BB, the noncommutative Dirac-Born-Infeld action possesses Λ\Lambda-symmetry at least to subleading order in θ\theta if FF damps fast enough at infinity.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e, minor revisions (version published in JHEP
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