99 research outputs found
TauDecay: a library to simulate polarized tau decays via FeynRules and MadGraph5
TauDecay is a library of helicity amplitudes to simulate polarized tau
decays, constructed in the FeynRules and MadGraph5 framework. Together with the
leptonic mode, the decay library includes the main hadronic modes, \tau \to
\nu_{\tau}+\pi, 2\pi, and 3\pi, which are introduced as effective vertices by
using FeynRules. The model file allows us to simulate tau decays when the
on-shell tau production is kinematically forbidden. We also demonstrate that
all possible correlations among the decay products of pair-produced taus
through a Z boson and a scalar/pseudoscalar Higgs boson are produced
automatically. The program has been tested carefully by making use of the
standard tau decay library Tauola.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables; v2: typo in Eq.(20b) corrected,
references added, version accepted by EPJC. 'Note added' also included for
the brief TauDecay instruction in MadGraph5_aMC@NL
K-ary n-cube based off-chip communications architecture for high-speed packet processors
We present a detailed study of Higgs boson production in association with a single top quark at the LHC, at next-to-leading order accuracy in QCD. We consider total and differential cross sections, at the parton level as well as by matching short distance events to parton showers, for both t-channel and s-channel production. We provide predictions relevant for the LHC at 13 TeV together with a thorough evaluation of the residual uncertainties coming from scale variation, parton distributions, strong coupling constant and heavy quark masses. In addition, for t-channel production, we compare results as obtained in the 4-flavour and 5-flavour schemes, pinning down the most relevant differences between them. Finally, we study the sensitivity to a non-standard-model relative phase between the Higgs couplings to the top quark and to the weak bosons
tWH associated production at the LHC
We study Higgs boson production in association with a top quark and a
boson at the LHC. At NLO in QCD, interferes with and a
procedure to meaningfully separate the two processes needs to be employed. In
order to define production for both total rates and differential
distributions, we consider the diagram removal and diagram subtraction
techniques that have been previously proposed for treating intermediate
resonances at NLO, in particular in the context of production. These
techniques feature approximations that need to be carefully taken into account
when theoretical predictions are compared to experimental measurements. To this
aim, we first critically revisit the process, for which an extensive
literature exists and where an analogous interference with
production takes place. We then provide robust results for total and
differential cross sections for and at 13 TeV, also matching
short-distance events to a parton shower. We formulate a reliable prescription
to estimate the theoretical uncertainties, including those associated to the
very definition of the process at NLO. Finally, we study the sensitivity to a
non-Standard-Model relative phase between the Higgs couplings to the top quark
and to the boson in production.Comment: v3: expanded some discussions in the text, improved some plots
(results unchanged
QED and QCD helicity amplitudes in parton-shower gauge
We introduce photon and gluon propagators in which the scalar polarization
component is subtracted systematically by making use of the BRST invariance of
the off-shell vector boson created from physical on-shell states. The
propagator has the light-cone gauge form, where the spacial component of the
gauge vector points along the negative of the off-shell vector boson momentum.
We call the gauge as parton-shower gauge, since in collinear configurations the
absolute value squared of each Feynman amplitude reproduces all the singular
behaviors of the corresponding parton shower in this gauge. We introduce new
HELAS codes that can be used to calculate the tree-level helicity amplitudes of
arbitrary QED and QCD processes by using MadGraph. The absence of subtle gauge
cancellation among Feynman amplitudes allows numerical codes to evaluate
singular behaviors accurately, and helps us gaining physical insights on
interference patterns.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; v2: references added; v3: some issues clarified,
a reference added, version to appear in EPJ
Characterising the 750 GeV diphoton excess
We study kinematic distributions that may help characterise the recently
observed excess in diphoton events at 750 GeV at the LHC Run 2. Several
scenarios are considered, including spin-0 and spin-2 750 GeV resonances that
decay directly into photon pairs as well as heavier parent resonances that
undergo three-body or cascade decays. We find that combinations of the
distributions of the diphoton system and the leading photon can distinguish the
topology and mass spectra of the different scenarios, while patterns of QCD
radiation can help differentiate the production mechanisms. Moreover, missing
energy is a powerful discriminator for the heavy parent scenarios if they
involve (effectively) invisible particles. While our study concentrates on the
current excess at 750 GeV, the analysis is general and can also be useful for
characterising other potential diphoton signals in the future.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 1 table; v2: references added, version to
appear in JHE
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