717 research outputs found
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that represents a serious global threat, with estimations suggesting that one third of the world’s population is infected. Treating TB today requires long treatment duration and medicines must be administered orally in large doses, which leads to non-compliant patients. CPZEN-45 is a novel anti-TB drug candidate in pre-clinical development, in which pulmonary drug delivery has been proposed. As a part of the ongoing characterisation of CPZEN-45, the drug was tested for its ability to reduce the inflammation marker release in vitro on two types of immune cell lines; human monocytic cells (THP-1) and human mast cells (HMC-1). THP-1 cells were differentiated to a macrophage-like phenotypes and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide, and treated with CPZEN-45. A sandwich ELISA was performed to measure the tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF- α) release from THP-1 cells. HMC-1 cells were stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin, to initiate degranulation, the release of the enzyme β-hexosaminidase in particular. The cells were then compared with controls treated with only CPZEN-45, regarding their β-hexosaminidase release. Main findings showed that CPZEN-45 had an inhibitory effect on the TNF-α expression levels. THP-1 cells incubated with CPZEN-45 for 3 and 6 hours showed a decreasing trend in the TNF-α release profile with increasing CPZEN-45 concentrations. Interestingly, the findings also suggest that CPZEN-45 had an improved inhibitory effect on the TNF-α release, as the TNF-α expression level increased in the THP-1 cells. The degranulation assay showed a little increase in the release of β- hexosaminidase in cells treated with only CPZEN-45, compared to cells stimulated with PMA/ionomycin. CPZEN-45 is a promising anti-TB drug candidate, which seems to inhibit the inflammation in THP-1, while initiating a modest degranulation in HMC-1 cells. However, more repetitions are needed to ascertain the findings. Furthermore, it would be interesting to test the drug’s potential in other pulmonary cell lines, i.e. lung epithelial cells and other inflammatory cytokines, i.e. histamin
Fenomena yang terjadi di desa Muara Batun adalah jika panen ikan berlimpah maka harga ikan turun drastis, kondisi tersebut terjadi setiap tahun tanpa ada upaya untuk mengatasinya. Ikan asap atau yang dikenal dengan ikan sale merupakan produk olahan ikan yang dapat disimpan lama. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat desa adalah belum tersedianya teknologi untuk memproduksi ikan sale sesuai dengan standar mutu yang sudah ditetapkan. Pengembangan peralatan pengasap ikan sederhana perlu mempertimbangkan bahan bakar lokal, seperti: sekam padi, serbuk gergaji, sabut, dan tempurung kelapa. Peralatan pengasap ikan sederhana dengan bahan bakar sabut dan tempurung kelapa sangat potensial dikembangkan di desa Muara Batun. Metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat dikelompokkan dalam beberapa tahapan, yaitu: survei awal meliputi Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan desa menggunakan analisis SWOT, sosialisasi peralatan pengasap ikan sederhana, demo peralatan dengan produk ikan sale. Hasil yang diperoleh dari sosialisasi dan demo peralatan pengasap ikan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat sangat antusias mengembangkan peralatan tersebut dalam skala besar. Kolaborasi Tim Universitas Sriwijaya dengan masyarakat desa sangat diperlukan dalam membentuk koperasi ikan sale mulai dari perancangan peralatan sampai pemasaran produk. Kadar air ikan sale yang dihasilkan mencapai 31,43 % masih di bawah standar mutu sebesar 60 %.
ABSTRACSome of the problems concerning the character of children that often arise in society include violence, fights, promiscuity, hedonistic and consumptive lifestyles, and so on. Character education is an alternative to solving children's character problems that are preventive and curative. The purpose of writing this article is to find out more about character education in the perspective of Islamic education philosophy. Literature study used in article writing. Based on the discussion in this article, it can be concluded that in the perspective of Islamic education, character education developed by the Ministry of Education is very relevant to character education taught in Islamic education. The values taught in character education (18) as developed by the Ministry of Education mostly contain morals or morals which are also taught in character education within the scope of Islamic education. Some of the character values taught in Islamic education include siddiq, amanah, tabligh and fathanah. Not only that, character education taught in Islamic education also includes attitudes or characters that are based on the noble qualities of Allah (Asmaul Husna) such as compassion, forgiveness, respect, glorifying others, weak, polite, likes, likes, wise, caring, fair, beneficial and patient. These characters are expected to be possessed by every student after they take Islamic education and can apply these characters in society
PENGARUH KEMASAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Survey pada Mahasiswa Konsumen Keripik Pedas di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Angkatan 2011)
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengaruh Kemasan terhadap Kerputusan Pembelian pada mahasiswa konsumen Maicih milik Reza, Maicih milik Bob, dan Keripik Karuhun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia angkatan 2011 dengan total responden sebanyak 120. Produk dari ketiga brand keripik pedas yang ditawarkan adalah sebuah produk yang memiliki tingkat selera kepedasan yang berbeda-beda atau berlevel, dengan inovasi dari keripik pedas yang disuguhkan dalam berbagai level inilah yang membuat keripik pedas saat itu menjadi bidang industri yang cukup ramai di Bandung. Agar volume penjualan meningkat, ketiga brand keripik pedas ini mengganti kemasannya dengan lebih modern dan mampu menarik perhatian masyarakat Bandung atau bahkan Indonesia.
Tingkat pengaruh Kemasan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian konsumen produk Maicih milik Reza, Maicih milik Bob, dan Keripik Karuhun Mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung angkatan 2011 berada pada kategori rendah yaitu sebesar 37%, sisanya sebesar 63% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. ----------
This research examines the influence of packaging to purchase decisions students of consumer products of Maicih Owned by Reza, Maicih Owned by Bob, and Keripik Karuhun Bandung Education University of indonesia Year 2011 in which total respondent is 120. The products from third brand of spicy chips offered is a product that has the different taste of spicy or there are some level on each every product. Because of that innovation from spicy chips that gives a variety of the level, this is what makes spicy chips became the field of industry which is quite favorited in Bandung. For maximalizing the volume of sales, third brand of these spicy chips changed its products package with more modern and capable of attracting the attention of the community in Bandung or even Indonesia.
The level of the influence of the packaging to purchase decisions of the consumer product of Maicih owned by Reza, Maicih owned by Bob, and Keripik Karuhun students of Education University of Indonesia Bandung year 2011 are in the category is low by 37%, the rest of 63% is affected by other factors that not investigated in this research
Awal abad ini industri kendaraan bermotor sedang menghadapi perubahan yang pesat
yaitu dengan munculnya teknologi baru, inovasi kolaboratif, dan pergeseran pertumbuhan
pasar yang merupakan hal utama yang akan membentuk wajah industri yang akan datang.
Untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan industri otomotif dunia diperlukan langkah-langkah
perbaikan dalam peningkatan kemampuan sumber daya manusia khususnya Indonesia
sehingga dengan kemampuannya dapat berpartisipasi aktif meningkatkan produktivitas
industri komponen atau pendukung otomotif. Produsen suku cadang di Indonesia harus dapat
melakukan pengendalian kualitas serta peningkatan produktivitas melalui usaha
pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Produsen lapis kedua harus melakukan kaizen
(perbaikan) 5 item berikut ini yang merupakan item yang paling kritis, yaitu (1) 5 S dan
safety, (2) garansi kualitas pengiriman, (3) melaksanakan proses yang standar, (4) memenuhi
tenggang waktu pengiriman dan melakukan manajemen produksi yang dapat mengendalikan
stok, dan (5) memperkuat sistem perawatan.
Kelima item ini merupakan poin dasar yang harus dilaksanakan sebagai produsen suku
cadang kendaraan bermotor. Dengan memperbaiki kelimanya, maka masalah yang
dikhawatirkan oleh produsen lapis satu yang merupakan pihak customer dalam transaksi
bisnis sehari-hari akan dapat teratasi dan produsen suku cadang pun akan mendapatkan
kepercayaan serta meningkatkan daya saing. Kondisi diatas mendorong dilakukannya
penelitian mengenai manajemen data sistem produksi yang terkomputerisasi. Dengan
memodelkan masalah melalui database, laju manajemen data dapat diatur melalui jaringan
LAN. Jaringan LAN memungkinkan untuk menghimpun seluruh data yang ada pada
perusahaan menjadi satu data besar yang dapat diakses orang tertentu. Dari hasil penelitian ini
diharapkan agar tercipta sistem manufaktur yang ramping (lean production system) sehingga
tentunya akan meningkatkan profit dari perusahaan tersebut. Hal ini diharpkan menjadi basis
saat menerapkan LPS dimasa mendatang.
Kata Kunci : Lean Manufacturing Sytem, Shop Floor Control, Industrial Revolution
PENGARUH KEMASAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (Survey pada Mahasiswa Konsumen Keripik Pedas di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Angkatan 2011)
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengaruh Kemasan terhadap Kerputusan Pembelian pada mahasiswa konsumen Maicih milik Reza, Maicih milik Bob, dan Keripik Karuhun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia angkatan 2011 dengan total responden sebanyak 120. Produk dari ketiga brand keripik pedas yang ditawarkan adalah sebuah produk yang memiliki tingkat selera kepedasan yang berbeda-beda atau berlevel, dengan inovasi dari keripik pedas yang disuguhkan dalam berbagai level inilah yang membuat keripik pedas saat itu menjadi bidang industri yang cukup ramai di Bandung. Agar volume penjualan meningkat, ketiga brand keripik pedas ini mengganti kemasannya dengan lebih modern dan mampu menarik perhatian masyarakat Bandung atau bahkan Indonesia.
Tingkat pengaruh Kemasan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian konsumen produk Maicih milik Reza, Maicih milik Bob, dan Keripik Karuhun Mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung angkatan 2011 berada pada kategori rendah yaitu sebesar 37%, sisanya sebesar 63% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. ----------
This research examines the influence of packaging to purchase decisions students of consumer products of Maicih Owned by Reza, Maicih Owned by Bob, and Keripik Karuhun Bandung Education University of indonesia Year 2011 in which total respondent is 120. The products from third brand of spicy chips offered is a product that has the different taste of spicy or there are some level on each every product. Because of that innovation from spicy chips that gives a variety of the level, this is what makes spicy chips became the field of industry which is quite favorited in Bandung. For maximalizing the volume of sales, third brand of these spicy chips changed its products package with more modern and capable of attracting the attention of the community in Bandung or even Indonesia.
The level of the influence of the packaging to purchase decisions of the consumer product of Maicih owned by Reza, Maicih owned by Bob, and Keripik Karuhun students of Education University of Indonesia Bandung year 2011 are in the category is low by 37%, the rest of 63% is affected by other factors that not investigated in this research
Listening is the most important skill in learning language, especially English as foreign language. This research was done to know the influence of podcast on undergraduate students’ listening comprehension. Related to the problem, this is a quantitative research. Where the sample is only chose one class as experimental subjects from all third semester of English Department students at STKIP PGRI Bangkalanin academic year 2018/2019 with random sampling technique. To examine hypothesis of the research, the researcher used t-test in which the researcher defined one class as one group pre-test post-test.The finding of the research, it can be concluded that there is an influence ofpodcast on undergraduate students’ listening comprehension. It is shown from the result of this research, that t-value is 23.18 which higher than t-table by the level of significant 0.05 which is 1.72. The suggestion of the researchfor the lecturersthat they can choose the most suitable technique used in listening comprehensiondealing with the level of the students
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen tes darinng dengan mendeskripsikan penggunaan model tes pilihan ganda piktorial berbasis WEB dalam mengukur dimensi pengetahuan peserta didik pada topik larutan penyangga. Hal – hal yang dideskripsikan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, kualitas penyajian butir soal dalam tes piktorial dan ketercapaian kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) pada topik larutan penyangga di salah satu SMAN kota Bandung dalam menggunakan tes berbasis WEB. Adapun dimensi pengetahuan yang diukur dalam penelitian ini, yaitu dimensi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif untuk penggunaan aplikasi WEB LMS MOODLE sebagai sistem pelaksanaan tes yang disajikan. Responden yang terlibat adalah 32 orang peserta didik kelas XI salah satu SMAN kota Bandung yang telah mempelajari materi larutan penyangga. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan : 1). Kualitas penyajian butir soal menggunakan apliasi WEB pada topik larutan penyangga tergolong sangat baik dalam menstimulus peserta didik, 2).Hasil pengujian instrumen yang dikemas dalam bentuk web, belum mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). 3) Respon peserta didik dalam menggunakan tes berbasis web tergolong baik.
This study aims to develop the online test instrumen with describing the use of WEB-based pictorial multiple choice test models in measuring the dimensions of students' knowledge on the topic of buffer solution. Things described in this study are, quality of the presentation of items in pictorial tests, achievement of minimum completeness critera (KKM) on the topic of buffer solutions in one of Bandung Senior High School when students using WEB-based tests. The knowledge dimension that can be measured was factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge, The research method used refers to descriptive research to describing the use of the WEB LMS MOODLE application as a test implementation system which is presented in the form of a closed statement response. The participant was 32 secondary students in one of Bandung senior high school that have been studied the buffer solution. The items used are 25 items that have been developed and declared valid and reliable packaged in the form of WEB. The results indicate : 1) Quality of the presentation of items using WEB-based test application on the topic of buffer solution is verry good for student stimulations. 2) Results of testing instruments are packaged in a WEB- test does not yet reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) in one of Bandung Senior High School. 3) The response of students using WEB-based test is good
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