12 research outputs found

    Factors That Influence the Working Behavior of Employees at PT Wijaya Karya in Dealing with ASEAN Economic Community

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    ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or ASEAN free market came into effect in 2015 with the AEC, the increased competitiveness of ASEAN countries, so that Indonesia must Compete with ASEAN countries. The passage of the AEC, Ultimately demanding for more and Increased investment, Including foreign investment, with the hope that our government is Able to boost employment and improve welfare. AEC was formed with the aim to Achieve perfection of economic integration in the ASEAN region that we believe can provide real benefits to all elements of society. The formation of a single market which is termed as MEA allows countries to sell goods and services easily to other countries across Southeast Asia, there will be competition.PT WIKA is a State-owned construction company open in the field of Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) and Investments. Until now WIKA Believes that improvements in all areas is a requirement for the management of the corporation as a professional, healthy, highly competitive and modern. This is based on the awareness that large companies have to prepare human resources to be Able to Compete better in order to face the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or face Increasingly stringent, Including the construction world.The purpose of this study is to analyze and identify the readiness the type of employee attitudes at PT Wijaya Karya caused by the changing ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. Analyzing the effects of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 to the organization like PT Wijaya Karya on its employee performance and commitment by processing the data is using SEM.Furthermore, employees of PT WIKA showed what is identified as having a positive attitude towards the changes that occur as a result of the ASEAN Economic Community and Affective Commitment has a positive and significant impact on the attitudes and performance of employees to deal with change as a result of the ASEAN Economic Community, it is due to the appreciation of its employees and their innovation, promotional activities and product diversityInnovation, promotional activities and the diversity of products do not directly (not Significantly) affect the company's competitive advantage in the face of AEC 2015. This condition Also shows that the MEA has not been too good socialization, and knowledge AEC is still minimal, so people assume not need to a make any special preparations in facing the AEC (assume something that is unusual), and do not know the opportunities and threats of the enactment of AEC Keywords: approach, commitment, competitiveness, construction company, changes, employee, performance, AE

    Morfologi, Fisiologi, Preservasi Sel Sperma Ikan Betok, Anabas Testudineus Bloch 1792 Dan Ketahanannya Terhadap Kejut Listrik [Morphology, Physiology, Preservation of Climbing Perch Anabas Testudineus Bloch 1792 Sperm and the Endurance to Electric Shock]

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    Kualitas sperma yang baik dan dalam keadaan tak aktif selama proses elektroporasi sangat menentukan keberhasilan transgenesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi karakter morfologis dan fisiologis sel sperma, serta menge-valuasi efek voltase dan jumlah kejut listrik berbeda terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas sperma ikan betok. Pengamatan karakter morfologi dilakukan pada mikroskop dengan pembesaran 400x, karakter fisiologi dengan berbagai parameter yakni tingkat osmolaritas, volume, pH, kepadatan dan total sperma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sperma ikan betok terdiri atas tiga bagian, yakni kepala yang berbentuk oval, bagian tengah, dan ekor sperma. Viabilitas sperma ikan betok dalam air adalah selama 116±34 detik. Induksi ovaprim dapat meningkatkan volume sperma, pH, kepadatan dan total sperma (p<0,05). Tingkat osmolaritas tubuh dan testis ikan betok (390-405 mOsmol kg-1). Penyimpanan sperma yang diencerkan dengan larutan NaCl 1,3% hanya dapat bertahan maksimum selama 60 menit pada suhu ruang (26°C) dan suhu dingin (4°C), sedangkan tanpa pengenceran dapat bertahan selama 360 menit. Derajat pembuahan dan kelangsungan hidup larva hingga 10 hari pascatetas menggunakan sperma dari testes cacah sama dengan pemijahan semi alami. Elektroporasi sperma ikan betok dengan pengencer larutan NaCl 1,3% berhasil dilakukan menggunakan lama kejut 0,5 milidetik, dan jeda antar kejut 0,1 detik. Peningkatan voltase dan jumlah kejut yang diberikan saling berinter-aksi menurunkan motilitas dan viabilitas sperma (p<0,05). Metode kejut listrik tersebut berpotensi digunakan untuk menghasilkan ikan betok transgenik dengan metode elektroporasi


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    Economic growth often occurs at the expense of the quality of natural resources and the environment because of the impact caused by economic activity. These impacts create external costs that the public and future generations must bear. Internalization of external costs must be enforced to prevent damage to natural resources and the environment (ex-ante strategy) or repair the damage that has occurred (ex-post strategy). Therefore, economic valuation is needed to provide important information regarding the value of ecosystems and the resulting economic benefits, especially for non-market environmental goods that have important policy implications and as an effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study aimed to analyze and estimate the economic value and identify the ecological, social and economic impacts at BeeJay Bakau Resort Probolinggo. Types of descriptive research with data collection methods include interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaires. The sampling method used 2 methods: the accidental sampling technique for tourists by determining the number of samples using the linear time function formula so that a total sample of 84 respondents was obtained and the purposive sampling technique for stakeholders with a sample of 40 respondents. The results of the analysis show that the economic value generated is Rp. 584,347,909,947/year. The output of identification of ecological, economic and social impacts which includes three dimensions, namely the ecological, economic and social dimensions, each of which has 4 defined attributes, then it can be concluded that the ecological dimension has a high category, this is because the manager of the BeeJay Bakau Resort mangrove forest tourism carry out various efforts in development that involve both stakeholders and the surrounding community, especially in maintaining and committing to environmental sustainability

    Students' Motivation to Speak in A Group Discussion

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    This research was done to know the factors' influencing students' motivation to speak in a group discussion. This research is qualitative survey, in which the subjects are the Third-Semester Students of English Education Study Program of Tanjungpura University in Academic Year 2018/2019. The subjects of this research were 25 students in class A. The data were collected through observation and survey. Based on the data the students are motivated enough in speaking class and the motivation are relatively high across the students but most of the students faced several speaking problems such as afraid of making mistakes, lack of confidence, and lack of motivation. In summary, the factors that influenced the students' motivation to speak in a group discussion are the students' interest to the materials of learning, the students' interest to the culture of the target language, and lastly the reinforced that the students receive inside/outside the teaching and learning process. All of the factors are related to types of motivation, such as, intrinsic, extrinsic, instrumental, and integrative motivation. The writer claimed that knowing and understand sorts of motivation is essential with the intention of making a better teaching and learning environmen

    Kontribusi Penerapan Aspek Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Mekanik

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang kontribusi penerapan aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) terhadap produktivitas kerja mekanik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya kontribusi penerapan aspek keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) terhadap produktivitas kerja mekanik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif korelasional. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mekanik bengkel PT. Astra Internasional Daihatsu Padang, Utama Service Station, Jeffri Motor, dan Gun Auto Service, yang berjumlah 30 orang. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam tiga teknik, yaitu tenik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, penyebaran angket instrumen, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik korelasi regresi. Analisis korelasi regresi dilakukan dengan bantuan program komputer. Hasil data penelitian untuk variabel Penerapan Aspek K3 diperoleh nilai rata-rata 95,53 standar deviasi 5,117. Sedangkan Produktivitas Kerja Mekanik didapat nilai rata-rata 58,80 dan standar deviasi 3,418. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh nilai r hitung > r tabel 0.361. Setelah dilakukan uji t, diketahui bahwa t hitung > ttabel 1.697. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara kedua variabel (jelas) dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Dari pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasl penelitian ini sesuai dan saling mendukung dengan kajian teori yang secara umum mengatakan bahwa penerapan aspek K3 berkontribusi positif terhadap produktivitas kerja mekanik. Artinya semakin tinggi penerapan aspek K3 mekanik semakin tinggi pula produktivitas kerja mekanik tersebut, begitupun sebaliknya. Kata Kunci Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Produktivitas Kerja Mekani

    Interpretasi Struktur Geologi Berdasarkan Fault Fracture Density (FFD) dan Implikasinya terhadap Potensi Likuefaksi di Daerah Kalibening, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah

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    Keberadaan struktur geologi sering dikaitkan dengan bencana tanah longsor dan gempa bumi. Daerah Kalibening merupakan lokasi yang cukup menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian terkait hal tersebut. Daerah ini tersusun atas satuan batuan berumur Pleistosen dan Resen. Berdasarkan stratigrafinya, batuan tersebut terpotong oleh struktur sesar. Hal ini berarti menjadikan sesar di daerah tersebut termasuk dalam kategori sesar aktif. Morfologi yang tinggi dengan suatu cekungan di tengahnya mengindikasikan bahwa daerah tersebut pembentukannya dipengaruhi oleh sesar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pola struktur geologi yang mengontrol daerah penelitian. Untuk menentukan pola struktur geologi, digunakan metode pemetaan struktur Fault Fracture Density (FFD) yang dikombinasikan dengan peta residual anomali Bouguer dan peta kelurusan hillshade. Secara umum, hal yang paling penting dalam mempelajari struktur geologi adalah geometri elemen struktur. Model konseptual struktur geologi selanjutnya digunakan untuk menganalisis potensi likuefaksi yang ada pada daerah penelitian. Interpretasi struktur menunjukkan adanya sesar mendatar dekstral yang diikuti sesar-sesar penyerta dan cekungan pull-apart yang diduga merupakan hasil pensesaran normal yang timbul dari mekanisme strike-slip. Sesar mendatar dekstral ini menghasilkan cekungan yang terisi oleh sedimen lepas yang rentan mengalami likuefaksi jika terjadi gempa bumi dan gerakan tanah. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa daerah Kalibening rentan terjadi likuefaksi karena adanya pergerakan sesar mendatar dekstral, sedimen lepas yang mendominasi daerah penelitian, dan muka air tanah yang dangkal