77 research outputs found

    Moir\'e Intralayer Excitons in a MoSe2_2/MoS2_2 Heterostructure

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    Spatially periodic structures with a long range period, referred to as moir\'e pattern, can be obtained in van der Waals bilayers in the presence of a small stacking angle or of lattice mismatch between the monolayers. Theoretical predictions suggest that the resulting spatially periodic variation of the band structure modifies the optical properties of both intra and interlayer excitons of transition metal dichalcogenides heterostructures. Here, we report on the impact of the moir\'e pattern formed in a MoSe2_2/MoS2_2 heterobilayer encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride. The periodic in-plane potential results in a splitting of the MoSe2_2 exciton and trion in both emission and absorption spectra. The observed energy difference between the split peaks is fully consistent with theoretical predictions.Comment: just accepted in Nano Letters (10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b03266

    Defect healing and charge transfer mediated valley polarization in MoS2_2/MoSe2_2/MoS2_2 trilayer van der Waals heterostructures

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    Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are plagued by a significantly lower optical quality compared to exfoliated TMDC. In this work we show that the optical quality of CVD-grown MoSe2_2 is completely recovered if the material is sandwiched in MoS2_2/MoSe2_2/MoS2_2 trilayer van der Waals heterostructures. We show by means of density-functional theory that this remarkable and unexpected result is due to defect healing: S atoms of the more reactive MoS2_2 layers are donated to heal Se vacancy defects in the middle MoSe2_2 layer. In addition, the trilayer structure exhibits a considerable charge-transfer mediated valley polarization of MoSe2_2 without the need for resonant excitation. Our fabrication approach, relying solely on simple flake transfer technique, paves the way for the scalable production of large-area TMDC materials with excellent optical quality.Comment: Just accepted for publication in Nano Letters (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b00904

    Unraveling the exciton binding energy and the dielectric constant in single crystal methylammonium lead tri-iodide perovskite

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    We have accurately determined the exciton binding energy and reduced mass of single crystals of methylammonium lead tri-iodide using magneto-reflectivity at very high magnetic fields. The single crystal has excellent optical properties with a narrow line width of 3\sim 3meV for the excitonic transitions and a 2s transition which is clearly visible even at zero magnetic field. The exciton binding energy of 16±216 \pm 2meV in the low temperature orthorhombic phase is almost identical to the value found in polycrystalline samples, crucially ruling out any possibility that the exciton binding energy depends on the grain size. In the room temperature tetragonal phase, an upper limit for the exciton binding energy of 12±412 \pm 4 meV is estimated from the evolution of 1s-2s splitting at high magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Brightening of dark excitons in 2D perovskites

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    Optically inactive dark exciton states play an important role in light emission processes in semiconductors because they provide an efficient nonradiative recombination channel. Understanding the exciton fine structure in materials with potential applications in light-emitting devices is therefore critical. Here, we investigate the exciton fine structure in the family of two-dimensional (2D) perovskites (PEA)(2)SnI(4), (PEA)(2)PbI(4), and (PEA)(2)PbBr(4). In-plane magnetic field mixes the bright and dark exciton states, brightening the otherwise optically inactive dark exciton. The bright-dark splitting increases with increasing exciton binding energy. Hot photoluminescence is observed, indicative of a non-Boltzmann distribution of the bright-dark exciton populations. We attribute this to the phonon bottleneck, which results from the weak exciton–acoustic phonon coupling in soft 2D perovskites. Hot photoluminescence is responsible for the strong emission observed in these materials, despite the substantial bright-dark exciton splitting

    Approaching the Dirac point in high mobility multi-layer epitaxial graphene

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    Multi-layer epitaxial graphene (MEG) is investigated using far infrared (FIR) transmission experiments in the different limits of low magnetic fields and high temperatures. The cyclotron-resonance like absorption is observed at low temperature in magnetic fields below 50 mT, allowing thus to probe the nearest vicinity of the Dirac point and to estimate the conductivity in nearly undoped graphene. The carrier mobility is found to exceed 250,000 cm2^2/(V.s). In the limit of high temperatures, the well-defined Landau level (LL) quantization is observed up to room temperature at magnetic fields below 1 T, a phenomenon unique in solid state systems. A negligible increase in the width of the cyclotron resonance lines with increasing temperature indicates that no important scattering mechanism is thermally activated, supporting recent expectations of high room-temperature mobilities in graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Nonradiative Energy Transfer and Selective Charge Transfer in a WS<sub>2</sub>/(PEA)<sub>2</sub>PbI<sub>4</sub>Heterostructure

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    van der Waals heterostructures are currently the focus of intense investigation; this is essentially due to the unprecedented flexibility offered by the total relaxation of lattice matching requirements and their new and exotic properties compared to the individual layers. Here, we investigate the hybrid transition-metal dichalcogenide/2D perovskite heterostructure WS2/(PEA)2PbI4 (where PEA stands for phenylethylammonium). We present the first density functional theory (DFT) calculations of a heterostructure ensemble, which reveal a novel band alignment, where direct electron transfer is blocked by the organic spacer of the 2D perovskite. In contrast, the valence band forms a cascade from WS2 through the PEA to the PbI4 layer allowing hole transfer. These predictions are supported by optical spectroscopy studies, which provide compelling evidence for both charge transfer and nonradiative transfer of the excitation (energy transfer) between the layers. Our results show that TMD/2D perovskite (where TMD stands for transition-metal dichalcogenides) heterostructures provide a flexible and convenient way to engineer the band alignment

    Circular polarization in a non-magnetic resonant tunneling device

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    We have investigated the polarization-resolved photoluminescence (PL) in an asymmetric n-type GaAs/AlAs/GaAlAs resonant tunneling diode under magnetic field parallel to the tunnel current. The quantum well (QW) PL presents strong circular polarization (values up to -70% at 19 T). The optical emission from GaAs contact layers shows evidence of highly spin-polarized two-dimensional electron and hole gases which affects the spin polarization of carriers in the QW. However, the circular polarization degree in the QW also depends on various other parameters, including the g-factors of the different layers, the density of carriers along the structure, and the Zeeman and Rashba effects

    Unveiling the double-peak structure of quantum oscillations in the specific heat

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    Quantum oscillation phenomenon is an essential tool to understand the electronic structure of quantum matter. Here we report the first systematic study of quantum oscillations in the electronic specific heat CelC_{el} in natural graphite. We show that the crossing of a single spin Landau level and the Fermi energy give rise to a double-peak structure, in striking contrast to the single peak expected from Lifshitz-Kosevich theory. Intriguingly, the double-peak structure is predicted by the kernel term for Cel/TC_{el}/T in the free electron theory. The Cel/TC_{el}/T represents a spectroscopic tuning fork of width 4.8 kBTk_B T which can be tuned at will to resonance. Using a coincidence method, the double-peak structure can be used to accurately determine the Lande gg-factor of quantum materials. More generally, the tuning fork can be used to reveal any peak in fermionic density of states tuned by magnetic field, such as Lifshitz transition in heavy-fermion compounds.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure