1,465 research outputs found

    Modelling Probabilistic Wireless Networks

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    We propose a process calculus to model high level wireless systems, where the topology of a network is described by a digraph. The calculus enjoys features which are proper of wireless networks, namely broadcast communication and probabilistic behaviour. We first focus on the problem of composing wireless networks, then we present a compositional theory based on a probabilistic generalisation of the well known may-testing and must-testing pre- orders. Also, we define an extensional semantics for our calculus, which will be used to define both simulation and deadlock simulation preorders for wireless networks. We prove that our simulation preorder is sound with respect to the may-testing preorder; similarly, the deadlock simulation pre- order is sound with respect to the must-testing preorder, for a large class of networks. We also provide a counterexample showing that completeness of the simulation preorder, with respect to the may testing one, does not hold. We conclude the paper with an application of our theory to probabilistic routing protocols

    Using higher-order contracts to model session types

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    Session types are used to describe and structure interactions between independent processes in distributed systems. Higher-order types are needed in order to properly structure delegation of responsibility between processes. In this paper we show that higher-order web-service contracts can be used to provide a fully-abstract model of recursive higher-order session types. The model is set-theoretic, in the sense that the meaning of a contract is given in terms of the set of contracts with which it complies. The proof of full-abstraction depends on a novel notion of the complement of a contract. This in turn gives rise to an alternative to the type duality commonly used in systems for type-checking session types. We believe that the notion of complement captures more faithfully the behavioural intuition underlying type duality.Comment: Added definitions of m-closed terms, of 'dual', and a discussion to show the problems of the complement functio

    Compositional Reasoning for Explicit Resource Management in Channel-Based Concurrency

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    We define a pi-calculus variant with a costed semantics where channels are treated as resources that must explicitly be allocated before they are used and can be deallocated when no longer required. We use a substructural type system tracking permission transfer to construct coinductive proof techniques for comparing behaviour and resource usage efficiency of concurrent processes. We establish full abstraction results between our coinductive definitions and a contextual behavioural preorder describing a notion of process efficiency w.r.t. its management of resources. We also justify these definitions and respective proof techniques through numerous examples and a case study comparing two concurrent implementations of an extensible buffer.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure

    Modelling MAC-Layer Communications in Wireless Systems

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    We present a timed process calculus for modelling wireless networks in which individual stations broadcast and receive messages; moreover the broadcasts are subject to collisions. Based on a reduction semantics for the calculus we define a contextual equivalence to compare the external behaviour of such wireless networks. Further, we construct an extensional LTS (labelled transition system) which models the activities of stations that can be directly observed by the external environment. Standard bisimulations in this LTS provide a sound proof method for proving systems contextually equivalence. We illustrate the usefulness of the proof methodology by a series of examples. Finally we show that this proof method is also complete, for a large class of systems

    Optimal loading of hydrogel-based drug-delivery systems

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    Drug-loaded hydrogels provide a means to deliver pharmaceutical agents to specific sites within the body at a controlled rate. The aim of this paper is to understand how controlled drug release can be achieved by tuning the initial distribution of drug molecules in a hydrogel. A mathematical model is presented for a spherical drug-loaded hydrogel. The model captures the nonlinear elasticity of the polymer network and thermodynamics of swelling. By assuming that the drug molecules are dilute, the equations for hydrogel swelling and drug transport partially decouple. A fast optimisation method is developed to accurately compute the optimal initial drug concentration by minimising the error between the numerical drug-release profile and a target profile. By taking the target drug efflux to be piecewise constant, the optimal initial configuration consists of a central drug-loaded core with isolated drug packets near the free boundary of the hydrogel. The optimal initial drug concentration is highly effective at mitigating the burst effect, where a large amount of drug is rapidly released into the environment. The hydrogel stiffness can be used to further tune the rate of drug release. Although stiffer gels lead to less swelling and hence reduce the drug diffusivity, the drug-release kinetics are faster than for soft gels due to the decreased distance that drug molecules must travel to reach the free surface

    Investigating the Effects of Header Display Formats on Reading Webpages

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    This thesis investigated the influence of format (static vs. dynamic) and relevance (relevant vs. not relevant) on the creation of effective Web site header displays. Through evaluation of current trends in header display design, the aim of this research was to offer plausible explanatory mechanisms within the perceptual and visual systems, along with practical recommendations for both users and designers alike. While presenting 100 undergraduate students with simplified Web page interfaces containing only a header and paragraph text, looking time was measured followed by score on a set of text-comprehension questions. Score was then considered as a function of header characteristics such as format and relevance. Results revealed a negative relationship between scores in the relevant and not relevant conditions, suggesting an influence of header relevance on subsequent text-comprehension

    The Stefan problem with variable thermophysical properties and phase change temperature

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    In this paper we formulate a Stefan problem appropriate when the thermophysical properties are distinct in each phase and the phase-change temperature is size or velocity dependent. Thermophysical properties invariably take different values in different material phases but this is often ignored for mathematical simplicity. Size and velocity dependent phase change temperatures are often found at very short length scales, such as nanoparticle melting or dendrite formation; velocity dependence occurs in the solidification of supercooled melts. To illustrate the method we show how the governing equations may be applied to a standard one-dimensional problem and also the melting of a spherically symmetric nanoparticle. Errors which have propagated through the literature are highlighted. By writing the system in non-dimensional form we are able to study the large Stefan number formulation and an energy-conserving one-phase reduction. The results from the various simplifications and assumptions are compared with those from a finite difference numerical scheme. Finally, we briefly discuss the failure of Fourier's law at very small length and time-scales and provide an alternative formulation which takes into account the finite time of travel of heat carriers (phonons) and the mean free distance between collisions.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figure

    The one-dimensional Stefan problem with non-Fourier heat conduction

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    We investigate the one-dimensional growth of a solid into a liquid bath, starting from a small crystal, using the Guyer-Krumhansl and Maxwell-Cattaneo models of heat conduction. By breaking the solidification process into the relevant time regimes we are able to reduce the problem to a system of two coupled ordinary differential equations describing the evolution of the solid-liquid interface and the heat flux. The reduced formulation is in good agreement with numerical simulations. In the case of silicon, differences between classical and non-classical solidification kinetics are relatively small, but larger deviations can be observed in the evolution in time of the heat flux through the growing solid. From this study we conclude that the heat flux provides more information about the presence of non-classical modes of heat transport during phase-change processes.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables + Supplementary Materia

    A theory for observational fault tolerance

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    In general, faults cannot be prevented; instead, they need to be tolerated to guarantee certain degrees of software dependability. We develop a theory for fault tolerance for a distributed pi-calculus, whereby locations act as units of failure and redundancy is distributed across independently failing locations. We give formal definitions for fault tolerant programs in our calculus, based on the well studied notion of contextual equivalence. We then develop bisimulation proof techniques to verify fault tolerance properties of distributed programs and show they are sound with respect to our definitions for fault tolerance.peer-reviewe