23 research outputs found
Comparison between groups of the log<sub>10</sub> transformed number of MenC-specific memory B-cells detected in the peripheral blood at each visit.
<p>1-dose CRM: 1 dose MenC-CRM<sub>197</sub> at 3 months of age; 2-dose CRM: 2 doses of MenC-CRM<sub>197</sub> at 3 and 4 months of age; Control: No MenC primary vaccine doses; 1-dose TT: 1 dose MenC-TT at 3 months of age.</p><p>*Results of the analysis of pairs of groups are provided in Table S1 in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0101672#pone.0101672.s003" target="_blank">file S1</a>.</p
Proportion of MenC-specific memory B-cells out of the total pool of IgG positive memory B-cells detected in the peripheral blood at each time-point.
<p>IQR: Interquartile range.</p
Number of MenC-specific memory B-cells (log<sub>10</sub> scale) detected in the peripheral blood of individual participants after immunisation with different schedules of MenC conjugate vaccines, at each time-point following infant primary and booster vaccines.
<p>Number of MenC-specific memory B-cells (log<sub>10</sub> scale) detected in the peripheral blood of individual participants after immunisation with different schedules of MenC conjugate vaccines, at each time-point following infant primary and booster vaccines.</p
Kinetics of the number of antigen-specific memory B-cells detected in the peripheral blood of infants after immunisation with different schedules of MenC conjugate vaccines, at each time-point following primary and booster vaccines, based on geometric mean concentrations for each study group at each visit.
<p>Kinetics of the number of antigen-specific memory B-cells detected in the peripheral blood of infants after immunisation with different schedules of MenC conjugate vaccines, at each time-point following primary and booster vaccines, based on geometric mean concentrations for each study group at each visit.</p
Schedule of study visits and procedures, including vaccines administered and timing of blood draws used to measure MenC-specific memory B-cells.
<p>Schedule of study visits and procedures, including vaccines administered and timing of blood draws used to measure MenC-specific memory B-cells.</p
Number of MenC-specific memory B-cells detected in the peripheral blood of infants 6 days after a Hib-MenC-TT booster at 12 months of age, according to different primary immunisation schedules (magnified from <b>Figure 3</b>).
<p>Number of MenC-specific memory B-cells detected in the peripheral blood of infants 6 days after a Hib-MenC-TT booster at 12 months of age, according to different primary immunisation schedules (magnified from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0101672#pone-0101672-g003" target="_blank"><b>Figure 3</b></a>).</p
Number of children enrolled and included in the final analysis for MenC-specific memory B-cells.
<p>Number of children enrolled and included in the final analysis for MenC-specific memory B-cells.</p
Proportion of participants with serotype-specific IgG concentrations ≥0.35 µg/ml.
<p>*Binomial exact confidence interval;</p><p>**P Value from chi-square test of proportions at 40 months, no comparisons were made at 41 months as almost all proportions were 1;</p>†<p>Serotypes only present in PCV-13.</p
Serotype-specific geometric mean OPA titers before and after the booster at 40 and 41 months of age with t-tests.
<p>**P value from independent samples t-test using Satterthwaites method for unequal variances where appropriate.</p>†<p>Serotypes only present in PCV-13 vaccine.</p
Standardized number of serotypes above thresholds.
<p>Box plots of standardized number of serotypes above thresholds (IgG ≥0.35 µg/ml and OPA titers ≥8) at 3.5 years in each of the groups [standardized to 13 serotypes]. The median is shown as a line across the box with the box representing the lower and upper quartiles. Whiskers extend to the maximum or minimum values within 1.5 times the IQR above and below the 3<sup>rd</sup> and 1<sup>st</sup> quartile, respectively. Points outside this range are represented as dots.</p