68 research outputs found

    Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Multi-task GPS-free Autonomous Navigation in Vineyards

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    Autonomous navigation is the foundation of agricultural robots. This paper focuses on developing an advanced autonomous navigation system for a rover operating within row-based crops. A position-agnostic system is proposed to address the challenging situation when standard localization methods, like GPS, fail due to unfavorable weather or obstructed signals. This breakthrough is especially vital in densely vegetated regions, including areas covered by thick tree canopies or pergola vineyards. This work proposed a novel system that leverages a single RGB-D camera and a Non-linear Model Predictive Control strategy to navigate through entire rows, adapting to various crop spacing. The presented solution demonstrates versatility in handling diverse crop densities, environmental factors, and multiple navigation tasks to support agricultural activities at an extremely cost-effective implementation. Experimental validation in simulated and real vineyards underscores the system's robustness and competitiveness in both standard row traversal and target objects approach

    Potential use of human adipose mesenchymal stromal cells for intervertebral disc regeneration: a preliminary study on biglycan-deficient murine model of chronic disc degeneration

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    INTRODUCTION: Biglycan is an important proteoglycan of the extracellular matrix of intervertebral disc (IVD), and its decrease with aging has been correlated with IVD degeneration. Biglycan deficient (Bgn(−/0)) mice lack this protein and undergo spontaneous IVD degeneration with aging, thus representing a valuable in vivo model for preliminary studies on therapies for human progressive IVD degeneration. The purpose of the present study was to assess the possible beneficial effects of adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) implants in the Bgn(−/0) mouse model. METHODS: To evaluate ADSC implant efficacy, Bgn(−/0) mice were intradiscally (L1-L2) injected with 8x10(4) ADSCs at 16 months old, when mice exhibit severe and complete IVD degeneration, evident on both 7Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (7TMRI) and histology. Placebo and ADSCs treated Bgn(−/0) mice were assessed by 7TMRI analysis up to 12 weeks post-transplantation. Mice were then sacrificed and implanted discs were analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry for the presence of human cells and for the expression of biglycan and aggrecan in the IVD area. RESULTS: After in vivo treatment, 7TMRI revealed evident increase in signal intensity within the discs of mice that received ADSCs, while placebo treatment did not show any variation. Ultrastructural analyses demonstrated that human ADSC survival occurred in the injected discs up to 12 weeks after implant. These cells acquired a positive expression for biglycan, and this proteoglycan was specifically localized in human cells. Moreover, ADSC treatment resulted in a significant increase of aggrecan tissue levels. CONCLUSION: Overall, this work demonstrates that ADSC implant into degenerated disc of Bgn(−/0) mice ameliorates disc damage, promotes new expression of biglycan and increased levels of aggrecan. This suggests a potential benefit of ADSC implant in the treatment of chronic degenerative disc disease and prompts further studies in this field

    Preservation of modern and MIS 5.5 erosional landforms and biological structures as sea level markers : a matter of luck?

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    The Mediterranean Basin is characterized by a significant variability in tectonic behaviour, ranging from subsidence to uplifting. However, those coastal areas considered to be tectonically stable show coastal landforms at elevations consistent with eustatic and isostatic sea level change models. In particular, geomorphological indicators—such as tidal notches or shore platforms—are often used to define the tectonic stability of the Mediterranean coasts. We present the results of swim surveys in nine rocky coastal sectors in the central Mediterranean Sea using the Geoswim approach. The entire route was covered in 22 days for a total distance of 158.5 km. All surveyed sites are considered to have been tectonically stable since the last interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5.5 [MIS 5.5]), because related sea level markers fit well with sea level rise models. The analysis of visual observations and punctual measurements highlighted that, with respect to the total length of surveyed coast, the occurrence of tidal notches, shore platforms, and other indicators accounts for 85% of the modern coastline, and only 1% of the MIS 5.5 equivalent. Therefore, only 1% of the surveyed coast showed the presence of fossil markers of paleo sea levels above the datum. This significant difference is mainly attributable to erosion processes that did not allow the preservation of the geomorphic evidence of past sea level stands. In the end, our research method showed that the feasibility of applying such markers to define long-term tectonic behaviour is much higher in areas where pre-modern indicators have not been erased, such as at sites with hard bedrock previously covered by post-MIS 5.5 continental deposits, e.g., Sardinia, the Egadi Islands, Ansedonia, Gaeta, and Circeo. In general, the chances of finding such preserved indicators are very low.peer-reviewe

    Sulla canzone "Liete piagge beate" di Torquato Tasso

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    L'articolo prende in esame la canzone "Liete piagge beate", che fa parte delle rime sacre di Torquato Tasso ("Rime", 1674), indagandone sia la tradizione a stampa, sia le fonti e i modelli biblici e profani

    Camillo Sbarbaro, "Lettere a Alceste Angelini (1962-1967)", a cura di M. Navone

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    Edizione commentata del carteggio tra Camillo Sbarbaro e il grecista Alceste Angelini (1962-1967

    Genova 1575-1612. La poesia dialettale ligure nelle Rime diverse in lengua zeneise

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    La letteratura dialettale ligure conobbe un solido sviluppo artistico solo a partire dalla metĂ  del Cinquecento. Prima di questa data infatti, al netto di alcune attestazioni letterarie risalenti alla ïŹne del secolo XII (il Contrast bilingue Domna, tant vos ai preiada e il Descort plurilingue Eras quan vey verdeyar del trovatore provenzale Raimbaut de Vaqueiras) e alla seconda metĂ  del XIII (i versi del cosiddetto Anonimo Genovese), il volgare ligure subĂŹ la dura concorrenza del latino e del ..
