711 research outputs found
Hopf Term, Loop Algebras and Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equation
The dynamics of the 3 dimensional perfect fluid is equivalent to the motion
of vortex filaments or "strings". We study the action principle and find that
it is described by the Hopf term of the nonlinear sigma model. The Poisson
bracket structure is described by the loop algebra, for example, the Virasoro
algebra or the analogue of O(3) current algebra. As a string theory, it is
quite different from the standard Nambu-Goto string in its coupling to the
extrinsic geometry. We also analyze briefly the two dimsensional case and give
some emphasis on the structure.Comment: 11 pages, LateX file, Some of crucial references are adde
BPS Condition of String Junction from M theory
We give a simple derivation of BPS condition of string junction from M theoryComment: 6 pages, Latex, 2 figure
Matrix Theory, Hilbert Scheme and Integrable System
We give a reinterpretation of the matrix theory discussed by Moore, Nekrasov
and Shatashivili (MNS) in terms of the second quantized operators which
describes the homology class of the Hilbert scheme of points on surfaces. It
naturally relate the contribution from each pole to the inner product of
orthogonal basis of free boson Fock space. These basis can be related to the
eigenfunctions of Calogero-Sutherland (CS) equation and the deformation
parameter of MNS is identified with coupling of CS system. We discuss the
structure of Virasoro symmetry in this model.Comment: 13 pages 1 figur
Plane Partition Realization of (Web of) W-algebra Minimal Models
Recently, Gaiotto and Rapcak (GR) proposed a new family of the vertex
operator algebra (VOA) as the symmetry appearing at an intersection of
five-branes to which they refer as Y algebra. Prochazka and Rapcak, then
proposed to interpret Y algebra as a truncation of affine Yangian whose module
is directly connected to plane partitions (PP). They also developed GR's idea
to generate a new VOA by connecting plane partitions through an infinite leg
shared by them and referred it as the web of W-algebra (WoW). In this paper, we
demonstrate that double truncation of PP gives the minimal models of such VOAs.
For a single PP, it generates all the minimal model irreducible representations
of W-algebra. We find that the rule connecting two PPs is more involved than
those in the literature when the U(1) charge connecting two PPs is negative.
For the simplest nontrivial WoW, N=2 superconformal algebra, we demonstrate
that the improved rule precisely reproduces the known character of the minimal
models.Comment: 37pages; references and minor comments added in 2nd versio
M5 from M2
Recently an action based on Lie 3-algebras was proposed to describe
M2-branes. We study the case of infinite dimensional Lie 3-algebras based on
the Nambu-Poisson structure of three dimensional manifolds. We show that the
model contains self-dual 2-form gauge fields in 6 dimensions, and the result
may be interpreted as the M5-brane world-volume action.Comment: 15 pages, minor modificatio
Aspects of Effective Theory for Multiple M5-Branes Compactified On Circle
A supersymmetric non-Abelian self-dual gauge theory with the explicit
introduction of Kaluza-Klein modes is proposed to give a classical description
of multiple M5-branes on . The gauge symmetry is parametrized
by Lie-algebra valued 1-forms with the redundancy of a 0-form, and the
supersymmetry transformations without gauge-fixing are given. We study BPS
configurations involving KK modes, including M-waves and M2-branes with
non-trivial distributions around the circle. Finally, this supersymmetric gauge
theory of two-forms can be equipped with more general non-Abelian gerbes in
five dimensions.Comment: 34 pages, minor modificatio
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