26,592 research outputs found
Cuntz-Pimsner C*-algebras associated with subshifts
By using C*-correspondences and Cuntz-Pimsner algebras, we associate to every
subshift (also called a shift space) a C*-algebra , which is a
generalization of the Cuntz-Krieger algebras. We show that is the
universal C*-algebra generated by partial isometries satisfying relations given
by . We also show that is a one-sided conjugacy invariant of .Comment: 28 pages. This is a slightly updated version of a preprint from 2004.
Submitted for publication. In version 2 the Introduction has been changed,
two remarks (Remark 7.6 and 7.7) have been added and the list of references
has been update
X-Ray Evidence of an AGN in M82
An X-ray spectrum of the famous starburst galaxy M82 consists of three
components: soft, medium, and hard components (Tsuru et al. 1997). The spectrum
of the hard component, which is spatially unresolved, is well represented by an
absorbed thermal bremsstrahlung, or an absorbed power-law model. However the
origin of the hard component was unclear. Thus, we made a monitoring
observation with ASCA in 1996. Although the X-ray flux of the soft and medium
components remained constant, a significant time variability of the hard
component was found between erg/s and erg/s
at various time scales from 10 ks to a month. The temperature or photon index
of the hard component also changed. We proved that the spatial position of the
hard component is the center of M82. The spectrum of the variable source
obtained by subtracting the spectrum of the lowest state from the highest state
suggests the strong absorption of cm, which means
the variable source is embedded in the center of M82. All these suggest that a
low-luminosity AGN exists in M82.Comment: 15pages for text and tables. 13pages for figure
Complex-space singularities of 2D Euler flow in Lagrangian coordinates
We show that, for two-dimensional space-periodic incompressible flow, the
solution can be evaluated numerically in Lagrangian coordinates with the same
accuracy achieved in standard Eulerian spectral methods. This allows the
determination of complex-space Lagrangian singularities. Lagrangian
singularities are found to be closer to the real domain than Eulerian
singularities and seem to correspond to fluid particles which escape to
(complex) infinity by the current time. Various mathematical conjectures
regarding Eulerian/Lagrangian singularities are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physica
Singularities of Euler flow? Not out of the blue!
Does three-dimensional incompressible Euler flow with smooth initial
conditions develop a singularity with infinite vorticity after a finite time?
This blowup problem is still open. After briefly reviewing what is known and
pointing out some of the difficulties, we propose to tackle this issue for the
class of flows having analytic initial data for which hypothetical real
singularities are preceded by singularities at complex locations. We present
some results concerning the nature of complex space singularities in two
dimensions and propose a new strategy for the numerical investigation of
blowup.(A version of the paper with higher-quality figures is available at
http://www.obs-nice.fr/etc7/complex.pdf)Comment: RevTeX4, 10 pages, 9 figures. J.Stat.Phys. in press (updated version
Modeling with structure of resins in electonic compornents
In recent years, interfacial fracture becomes one of the most important
problems in the assessment of reliability of electronics packaging. Especially,
underfill resin is used with solder joints in flip chip packaging for
preventing the thermal fatigue fracture in solder joints. In general, the
interfacial strength has been evaluated on the basis of interfacial fracture
mechanics concept. However, as the size of devices decrease, it is difficult to
evaluate the interfacial strength quantitatively. Most of researches in the
interfacial fracture were conducted on the basis of the assumption of the
perfectly bonding condition though the interface has the micro-scale structure
and the bonding is often imperfect. In this study, the mechanical model of the
interfacial structure of resin in electronic components was proposed.
Bimaterial model with the imperfect bonding condition was examined by using a
finite element analysis (FEA). Stress field in the vicinity of interface
depends on the interfacial structure with the imperfect bonding. In the front
of interfacial crack tip, the behavior of process zone is affected by
interfacial structure. However, the instability of fracture for macroscopic
crack which means the fracture toughness is governed by the stress intensity
factor based on the fracture mechanics concept.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions
Description of Four-Body Breakup Reaction with the Method of Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels
We present a method for smoothing discrete breakup -matrix elements
calculated by the method of continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC). This
smoothing method makes it possible to apply CDCC to four-body breakup
reactions. The reliability of the smoothing method is confirmed for two cases,
Ni(, ) at 80 MeV and the transition of He. We apply
CDCC with the smoothing method to He breakup reaction at 22.5 MeV.
Multi-step breakup processes are found to be important.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, published in Progress of Theoretical Physic
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