240 research outputs found
Gauge Symmetry and Neural Networks
We propose a new model of neural network. It consists of spin variables to
describe the state of neurons as in the Hopfield model and new gauge variables
to describe the state of synapses. The model possesses local gauge symmetry and
resembles lattice gauge theory of high-energy physics. Time dependence of
synapses describes the process of learning. The mean field theory predicts a
new phase corresponding to confinement phase, in which brain loses ablility of
learning and memory.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
Algebraic aspects of the correlation functions of the integrable higher-spin XXZ spin chains with arbitrary entries
We discuss some fundamental properties of the XXZ spin chain, which are
important in the algebraic Bethe-ansatz derivation for the multiple-integral
representations of the spin-s XXZ correlation function with an arbitrary
product of elementary matrices. For instance, we construct Hermitian conjugate
vectors in the massless regime and introduce the spin-s Hermitian elementary
matrices.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in the proceedings of "Infinite Analysis 09 - New
Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems -", July 27-31, 2009, Kyoto University,
Quantum Gauged Neural Network: U(1) Gauge Theory
A quantum model of neural network is introduced and its phase structure is
examined. The model is an extension of the classical Z(2) gauged neural network
of learning and recalling to a quantum model by replacing the Z(2) variables,
of neurons and of synaptic connections, to the U(1)
phase variables, and .
These U(1) variables describe the phase parts of the wave functions (local
order parameters) of neurons and synaptic connections. The model takes the form
similar to the U(1) Higgs lattice gauge theory, the continuum limit of which is
the well known Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity. Its current may
describe the flow of electric voltage along axons and chemical materials
transfered via synaptic connections. The phase structure of the model at finite
temperatures is examined by the mean-field theory, and Coulomb, Higgs and
confinement phases are obtained. By comparing with the result of the Z(2)
model, the quantum effects is shown to weaken the ability of learning and
recalling.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures: Revised with a new referenc
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