45 research outputs found

    “They are men, they will be looking even if you put on pants or a sweatshirt”: Girl athletes' and coaches' experiences of body image in Mexico City sport settings

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    Body image concerns are a barrier for girls’ participation in sports. Scarce evidence from Mexico suggests adolescents experience high levels of body dissatisfaction, and national statistics report low levels of physical activity among girls. This study aimed to explore girls’ body image concerns and coaches’ perceptions of girls’ body image experiences in sport. We used reflexive thematic analysis on secondary data from semi-structured focus groups conducted in Mexico City with 12 girls aged 11–17 years and six coaches from two sports organizations. Girls expressed feelings of self-consciousness about their performance, body-related teasing, the male gaze, and harassment within and outside sports contexts. Lack of support from coaches resulted in making excuses for withdrawing or supporting one another. Coaches’ accounts demonstrate gender stereotypes about girls in sport. They acknowledge that girls abandon sport because of appearance-related teasing and body image concerns. In addition, colorism and discomfort with speaking directly about bodily functions are fundamental sociocultural influences affecting their communication. This is the first qualitative study exploring girls’ body image concerns and coaches’ perceptions of such concerns in Mexico City. Further research in lower- and middle-income countries is key in developing effective intervention programs to help girls benefit from sport

    Game on! A randomised controlled trial evaluation of playable technology in improving body satisfaction and negative affect among adolescents

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    Playables are mini-games used in digital advertising and may offer a novel and engaging avenue to improve young people’s well-being at scale. This randomised controlled trial evaluated the immediate impact and protective properties of a psychoeducational playable on adolescents’ body satisfaction and negative affect, and engagement in prosocial behaviours, relative to two active control conditions. Girls and boys aged 13–14 years (N = 6575) were randomised into one of three conditions: body image playable, body image social networking posts (i.e. static images of the body image playable messages; control 1) or an ocean conservation playable (control 2). Both body image micro-interventions significantly improved state body satisfaction and negative affect, relative to the oceanic playable. No condition buffered against the negative effects associated with viewing idealised media images. Developing playables to counteract the potentially harmful effects associated with surrounding digital environments is a promising avenue for mental health

    A six-country study of coaches’ perspectives of girls’ body image concerns in sport and intervention preferences: Template analysis of survey and focus group data

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    Coaches are a key influence of athletes’ body image, but often feel ill-equipped to address body image concerns and can perpetuate harmful body ideals. Limited research has investigated coaches’ attitudes and opinions and few effective resources are available. The current study explored coaches’ perspectives of body image among girls in sport, as well as their preferences for body image interventions. Thirty-four coaches (41% women; Mage=31.6 yrs; SD=10.5) from France, India, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States took part in semi-structured focus groups and completed an online survey. Template analysis of survey and focus group data resulted in eight first-order themes grouped under three categories: (1) perspectives of body image among girls in sport (objectification and surveillance, impact of puberty, the role of the coach); (2) preferences for intervention design (content of the intervention, accessibility of the intervention, incentives for taking part); and (3) cross-cultural considerations (acknowledging your privilege, cultural and societal norms). Two integrative themes were defined: (1) girls’ disengagement from sport and (2) the role of community. Coaches perceived body image to be a significant barrier for girls in sport and a need to address this in a formal and accessible intervention

    How can we help you? A global investigation into girls’ body image experiences in sport and intervention preferences

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    Existing interventions that target the intersection of girls’ body image and sports participation are marginally effective, which is, in part, due to methodological limitations pertaining to intervention development (i.e., not theoretically or stakeholder informed). In this research, girls were consulted on their positive and negative body image experiences in sport and their preferences for fostering and remedying these experiences, respectively, in a new intervention. One-hundred and two girls (11–17-years; n=91) and youth advisory board members (18–35-years; n=15) from 13 countries participated in semi-structured focus groups and/or surveys. Template analysis of focus group and survey data resulted in 10 first-level themes and three integrative themes, which highlighted factors that both hinder and help girls’ body image while playing sport, as well as girls’ intervention preferences and cross-national considerations that will eventually impact the adaptation, localisation, and scaling of the intervention. Overall, girls favoured a girl and woman-only, multimodal intervention that upskilled them in appreciating their bodies, while challenging others’ harmful behaviours. Stakeholder insights are crucial in creating acceptable, effective, and scalable interventions. Insights from this consultation phase will inform the development of a new evidence- and stakeholder-informed intervention that aims to foster girls’ positive body image and sports enjoyment

    Acceptability and preliminary efficacy testing of a web-based coach development program addressing gender essentialism among coaches of adolescent girls

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    Gender essentialism in coaching discourses often goes unnoticed by coaches yet promotes gender stereotypes. Currently, no coach development program addresses gender essentialism. This study tested the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a novel web-based coaching intervention comprising seven self-led modules, aimed at reducing gender essentialism among coaches. A pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted with 102 coaches of adolescent girls across multiple sports. Coaches were randomized into the intervention condition (n = 54) or a waitlist control condition (n = 48). Both intervention and control group participants completed a baseline self-assessment prior. Intervention group participants undertook Coaching HER Foundation modules over 2 weeks and completed a postintervention self-assessment. Control group coaches completed the postintervention assessment without completing the Coaching HER Foundation modules. Based on the data, coaches found the intervention easy to follow, relevant, applicable, and enjoyable. Efficacy analyses illustrated the intervention group reported lower levels of gender essentialism at postintervention compared with the control group. Study results must be considered in relation to the small sample size and high attrition rate (72%). Study findings will inform intervention optimizations based on participant feedback, after which Coaching HER Foundation will be made freely available within a wider coach education and training framework

    The co-creation, initial piloting, and protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a coach-led positive body image intervention for girls in sport

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    BackgroundGlobally, girls disengage from sports at an earlier age and higher rate than boys. This is, in part, due to the unique body image challenges that girls face, relative to their male peers. Existing intervention efforts that aim to reduce girls’ negative body image and movement experiences have proven marginally effective, if not ineffective. This paper outlines the co-creation, initial piloting and protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of Body Confident Athletes (BCA); an in-person, coach-led intervention that aims to foster positive body image and sports enjoyment among girls.MethodsFollowing co-creation and an initial pilot, a two-armed cluster randomised controlled trial will assess the immediate (post-intervention) and short-term (1-month and 3-month follow-up) impact of BCA on girls’ (N = 1,036; 11–17 years old) body image, sports enjoyment, and affect. Sport organisations will be randomly allocated (1:1) into either an intervention or waitlist control condition. Girls and coaches in the intervention condition will complete three 60-minute sessions over three consecutive weeks. The primary outcome will be the immediate change in girls’ body esteem, with secondary outcomes assessing the immediate and short-term changes in girls’ body appreciation, self-objectification, attuned self-care, sports enjoyment, and affect.DiscussionThis research is the first to utilise an international multi-stakeholder partnership to co-create and evaluate an intervention that addresses the intersection of girls’ body image and sport experiences. The theoretical and methodological considerations of this research have led to a feasible intervention and trial protocol, and if proven effective, BCA may assist in reducing the global gender disparity in sports participation

    Berkeley Supernova Ia Program I: Observations, Data Reduction, and Spectroscopic Sample of 582 Low-Redshift Type Ia Supernovae

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    In this first paper in a series we present 1298 low-redshift (z\leq0.2) optical spectra of 582 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) observed from 1989 through 2008 as part of the Berkeley SN Ia Program (BSNIP). 584 spectra of 199 SNe Ia have well-calibrated light curves with measured distance moduli, and many of the spectra have been corrected for host-galaxy contamination. Most of the data were obtained using the Kast double spectrograph mounted on the Shane 3 m telescope at Lick Observatory and have a typical wavelength range of 3300-10,400 Ang., roughly twice as wide as spectra from most previously published datasets. We present our observing and reduction procedures, and we describe the resulting SN Database (SNDB), which will be an online, public, searchable database containing all of our fully reduced spectra and companion photometry. In addition, we discuss our spectral classification scheme (using the SuperNova IDentification code, SNID; Blondin & Tonry 2007), utilising our newly constructed set of SNID spectral templates. These templates allow us to accurately classify our entire dataset, and by doing so we are able to reclassify a handful of objects as bona fide SNe Ia and a few other objects as members of some of the peculiar SN Ia subtypes. In fact, our dataset includes spectra of nearly 90 spectroscopically peculiar SNe Ia. We also present spectroscopic host-galaxy redshifts of some SNe Ia where these values were previously unknown. [Abridged]Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, 11 tables, revised version, re-submitted to MNRAS. Spectra will be released in January 2013. The SN Database homepage (http://hercules.berkeley.edu/database/index_public.html) contains the full tables, plots of all spectra, and our new SNID template

    Using chatbot technology to improve Brazilian adolescents' body image and mental health at scale: Randomized controlled trial

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    Accessible, cost-effective, and scalable mental health interventions are limited, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where disparities between mental health needs and services are greatest. Microinterventions (ie, brief, stand-alone, or digital approaches) aim to provide immediate reprieve and enhancements in mental health states and offer a novel and scalable framework for embedding evidence-based mental health promotion techniques into digital environments. Body image is a global public health issue that increases young peoples' risk of developing more severe mental and physical health issues. Embedding body image microinterventions into digital environments is one avenue for providing young people with immediate and short-term reprieve and protection from the negative exposure effects associated with social media. This 2-armed, fully remote, and preregistered randomized controlled trial assessed the impact of a body image chatbot containing microinterventions on Brazilian adolescents' state and trait body image and associated well-being outcomes. Geographically diverse Brazilian adolescents aged 13-18 years (901/1715, 52.54% girls) were randomized into the chatbot or an assessment-only control condition and completed web-based self-assessments at baseline, immediately after the intervention time frame, and at 1-week and 1-month follow-ups. The primary outcomes were mean change in state (at chatbot entry and at the completion of a microintervention technique) and trait body image (before and after the intervention), with the secondary outcomes being mean change in affect (state and trait) and body image self-efficacy between the assessment time points. Most participants who entered the chatbot (258/327, 78.9%) completed ≥1 microintervention technique, with participants completing an average of 5 techniques over the 72-hour intervention period. Chatbot users experienced small significant improvements in primary (state: P<.001, Cohen d=0.30, 95% CI 0.25-0.34; and trait body image: P=.02, Cohen d range=0.10, 95% CI 0.01-0.18, to 0.26, 95% CI 0.13-0.32) and secondary outcomes across various time points (state: P<.001, Cohen d=0.28, 95% CI 0.22-0.33; trait positive affect: P=.02, Cohen d range=0.15, 95% CI 0.03-0.27, to 0.23, 95% CI 0.08-0.37; negative affect: P=.03, Cohen d range=-0.16, 95% CI -0.30 to -0.02, to -0.18, 95% CI -0.33 to -0.03; and self-efficacy: P=.02, Cohen d range=0.14, 95% CI 0.03-0.25, to 0.19, 95% CI 0.08-0.32) relative to the control condition. Intervention benefits were moderated by baseline levels of concerns but not by gender. This is the first large-scale randomized controlled trial assessing a body image chatbot among Brazilian adolescents. Intervention attrition was high (531/858, 61.9%) and reflected the broader digital intervention literature; barriers to engagement were discussed. Meanwhile, the findings support the emerging literature that indicates microinterventions and chatbot technology are acceptable and effective web-based service provisions. This study also offers a blueprint for accessible, cost-effective, and scalable digital approaches that address disparities between health care needs and provisions in low- and middle-income countries. Clinicaltrials.gov NCT04825184; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04825184. RR2-10.1186/s12889-021-12129-1. [Abstract copyright: ©Emily L Matheson, Harriet G Smith, Ana C S Amaral, Juliana F F Meireles, Mireille C Almeida, Jake Linardon, Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Phillippa C Diedrichs. Originally published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (https://mhealth.jmir.org), 19.06.2023.

    Body confident coaching: A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the acceptability of a web-based body image intervention for coaches of adolescent girls

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    Coaches influence athletes’ body image, but often feel ill-equipped to address body image concerns and inadvertently perpetuate harmful body ideals. No evidence-based, empirically-tested body image intervention for coaches exists. This study evaluated the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a novel web-based intervention (body confident coaching [BCC]), comprising five self-led 20-min modules. A pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted with 97 coaches of adolescent girls (Mage = 36.6yrs, SD = 10.4; 70% women). Coaches were randomized into the intervention (n = 52) or waitlist control condition (n = 45). Intervention condition participants completed baseline self-assessments (demographics, target outcomes), took part in BCC over two weeks, and completed post-intervention self-assessments (target outcomes, acceptability, adherence). Waitlist control participants completed baseline (demographics, target outcomes) and post-intervention self-assessments (target outcomes), after which they received unmonitored access to the intervention. Intervention condition participants who completed post-intervention assessments (n = 16) finished all five modules and 75% reported engaging with the additional resources. Coaches found the intervention easy to follow, appropriate, useful, and enjoyable. Preliminary efficacy analyses indicated that the intervention condition reported higher levels of self-efficacy toward body image (ηp2 = .19), and lower levels of fat phobia (ηp2 = .39) and gender essentialist beliefs (ηp2 = .20) at post-intervention, compared to the waitlist condition. A limitation of this study is the small sample size and high attrition rate (51%), which may bias results. Following modifications to the intervention and trial protocol, BCC will be evaluated in a large-scale randomized controlled effectiveness trial

    Multi-Messenger Astronomy with Extremely Large Telescopes

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    The field of time-domain astrophysics has entered the era of Multi-messenger Astronomy (MMA). One key science goal for the next decade (and beyond) will be to characterize gravitational wave (GW) and neutrino sources using the next generation of Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). These studies will have a broad impact across astrophysics, informing our knowledge of the production and enrichment history of the heaviest chemical elements, constrain the dense matter equation of state, provide independent constraints on cosmology, increase our understanding of particle acceleration in shocks and jets, and study the lives of black holes in the universe. Future GW detectors will greatly improve their sensitivity during the coming decade, as will near-infrared telescopes capable of independently finding kilonovae from neutron star mergers. However, the electromagnetic counterparts to high-frequency (LIGO/Virgo band) GW sources will be distant and faint and thus demand ELT capabilities for characterization. ELTs will be important and necessary contributors to an advanced and complete multi-messenger network.Comment: White paper submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Surve