17 research outputs found


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    This research is about the direct and indirect directive and commissive illocution in The Adventure of Tintin movie. The aims of this research are to analyze direct and indirect directive and commissive illocution; to describe the application of teaching speaking by using direct and indirect directive and commissive illocution in the movie. Data collection techniques using observational studies. The result shows 42 utterances in the movie are categorized into the direct and indirect directive and commissive illocution in the movie. 35 utterances of direct-directive (83,7%) contains ask (19,35%), command (14,2%), request (19,35%), challenge (7%) and insist (23,8%), 2 utterances of indirect-directive (4,7%) contains command, 4 utterances of direct-commissive (9,3%) contains guarantee (2,3%) and promise (7%), and 1 utterance of  indirect-commissive (2,3%) contains  promise

    E-Learning Usage Analysis in English Language in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

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    This research belongs to qualitative research. The objectives of this research are to explain E-learning usage and to determine of the students’ responses E-learning Usage in English Language Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo. The unit of analysis of this research is E-learning usage at the students of English Language Education. The subject of this research were the English education students of batch 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo. There are 43 students which are volunteering in answering the questionnaire. The result of the analysis shows that E-learning is easy to use (51,1%), E-learning perceives usefulness (37,2%), E-learning makes their communication and interaction easier and comfortable (48%), and students feel satisfy with E-learning (37,4%). That mean the result of the questionnaire most of them feeling easy and comfortable using E-learning method and the result of this research shows that E-learning is useful and helpful for the students and they felt satisfied with E-learning

    Data and Its Increasing Importance among Organizations and Businesses

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    Data is a driving factor in our current society, its presence is in each simple and complex system holding important insights and clues that can lead to a better performance; although its importance people usually tend to ignore its potential of discovering and organizing unusual and interesting patterns and connections within. The “Big data” era provides us with a stable and huge ground to support modern business and analytics models, which may impact directly the way how we perceive present actions and spotting possible future tendencies, improving and enhancing current decision models. This paper tries to highlight some of the various uses and strategies that several organizations are given to their databases and their data structures, and describing some of the most salient and widespread achievements made by the correct use and manipulation of a data warehouse; moreover, a revision to some syllabus of major universities and colleges were analyzed to detect tendencies on the way how professional are being formed regarding to managing data and its corresponding analysi

    Teacher’s Strategies of English Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in SMA N 8 Purworejo

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    This research aimed to describe the teaching strategies in online English class and to know the extent of the strategies help the students in learning English during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMA Negeri 8 Purworejo in the academic year of 2020/2021. This type of research was field research with descriptive qualitative research because it described the strategies used by the teachers in SMA Negeri 8 Purworejo when teaching English. Data collection techniques in this study were interview, observation, and documentation. The results of the study shows that the two teachers used five strategies for teaching English during the COVID-19 pandemic  namely using methods, approach, using media of online learning, grouping students, and measuring of competence. Both teachers used the same media through WhatsApp group. Secondly, some of the teachers’ strategies in teaching English of online classes could help students, especially practicing speaking and reading by recording videos

    Students’ Perception toward EFL College Teacher Pedagogical Competence in Teaching Writing

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    The research aims at knowing the pedagogic competence in teaching writing to the second-semester English students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo and analyzing the students’ perspectives of the college teacher pedagogic competence in teaching writing. Besides, this research is also to find out and to solve students’ problems in teaching and learning activities. This research used descriptive qualitative in acquiring the result of questionnaires which was used to find out the college teacher pedagogic competence. The instruments of this research used close-response questionnaires and open-response questionnaires to describe the college teacher pedagogic competence in teaching writing in class and to describe the students’ perspectives of the college teacher pedagogic competence. The research subject was 35 English students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo. The thematic analysis was to analyze the research data. The result of this research showed that the students gave their positive perspective to the college teacher pedagogic competence in teaching writing. The students answered that the colege teacher had good ability in teaching writing in the class. The college teacher has a good score from the students. The college teacher get 94% Agree and 6% disagree for the college teacher pedagogical competence in teaching writing. The college teacher also get positive perspectives from the student’s answers about their open-response participants.  This research also revealed that the college teacher pedagogic competence in teaching writing of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo was a very good category. The college teacher also used good methods to teach their material in the class. The students felt comfortable and interested in learning in the class. In addition, become more active and responsible

    The Correlation between Students' Habit in Watching Western-Movie and Listening Skill

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    This research attempts to analyze whether or not there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ habit in watching Western-movie and listening skill. The population of this research is the sixth semester students of English Language Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, with the total number of sample 31 students. This research uses quantitative correlation design. The instruments used are questionnaire and listening test. Based on the computation manually and using SPSS 25.0, the coefficient correlation score is 0.845, and after being compared with r table with degree of significance 5% (0.355), it can be inferred that   is higher than () that is 0.845 > 0.355. Based on the interpretation table proposed by Sugiyono, that score belongs to the very high correlation.   &nbsp

    The Grammatical Error Analysis Found in Students’ Composition

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    Grammar is an important language component to enhance students’ language proficiency. However, many students still make grammatical errors in writing their essays. This research aims at analyzing types of grammatical errors found in students’ essays. The type of this research is a descriptive case study. The subjects of the study were 20 third-semester students of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia. The researchers used a test to collect the data. The results of tests were analyzed descriptively by using Keshavarz’s theory. The analysis result shows that the percentage for each error type is 34.06% (omission), 7.25% (addition), 57.97% (substitution), and 0.72% (permutation). Based on the research result, the researchers conclude that the most dominant error is substitution. The percentage of error can prove it, that is, 57.97%. There are some implications of error analysis in English language teaching in universities in Indonesia. The lecturer can give enrichment, understand students’ grammar competence, give corrective feedback to students’ errors, modify target language learning items in classrooms and textbooks, understand the way students apply the target language rules, and use the effective teaching method or learning media

    Model of School Management Based on Islamic Education

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    This research is revieweing the school management based on islamic education. It aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of Islamic boarding school education and a model for the development of education management at the Darul Hikmah Kutoarjo Islamic boarding school. This research problem will focus on how to plan, organize, coordinate, and control Islamic boarding schools. To answer the research problem, this type of qualitative research is used with a descriptive-analysis approach. The results of this study indicate that: a) The Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Education Model is a pesantren education under the auspices of the Darul Hikmah Kutoarjo Foundation. The education pattern of Darul Hikmah Islamic boarding school isa boarding-based modern Islamic boarding school education pattern. In developing the management of the Darul Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, it uses the Target Based Management (MBS) or Management by Objective (MBO) model. The target to be achieved is to focus on education; c) To achieve this education, the management steps taken are: a) Planning. The planning model developed by the Darul Hikmah IslamicBoarding School is a strategic planning model consisting of planning, programming, and budgeting systems; b) Organizing. Organizing is carried out under a decentralized system in the division of powers and tasks and their development; 3) Coordination. Coordination is carried out in an effort to unify a series of activities in the organization of pesantren in order to increase cooperation and togetherness among organizational officials as much as possible; 4) Supervision. Supervision includes monitoring, supervision, evaluation, reporting, and follow-up of assessment results

    First-year-students' perceptions of asynchronous media platform (AMP) for learning English

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    This study investigates the attitudes of first-year university students toward the use of asynchronous applications in learning reading comprehension. The primary objectives were to determine students' perceptions of using smartphone-based asynchronous media platforms (AMP) for reading comprehension, assess how these applications enhance student engagement, and understand the rationale behind their use. Data were collected via a questionnaire administered to twenty-seven first-year university students. A case study approach was employed, and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The findings indicate that students have a positive attitude toward the use of asynchronous applications for reading comprehension, with high average scores on the questionnaire demonstrating favorable assessments of these tools. The positive student attitudes toward asynchronous applications suggest that integrating these tools into the EFL curriculum could significantly enhance reading comprehension and engagement. The use of asynchronous media platforms provides flexibility and accessibility, enabling students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. In conclusion, the findings of this study highlight the potential benefits of asynchronous applications in EFL learning environments. By adopting these tools, educators can create more dynamic and interactive learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs of students


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    This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. The aim of this research to find out the types of cohesive devices in job advertisements and to describe the application the analysis of cohesive devices in job advertisements for teaching writing. The researcher took three job advertisements in hiverhq.com accessed on 16 December 2021. The researcher analyzed the grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion in sentence based on theory from M.A.K Haliday and Ruqaiya Hasan. The result of this research showed that there were 6 references and 34 conjunctions for grammatical cohesions and 20 repetitions and 3 superordinates for lexical cohesion. However, in grammatical cohesions there was no substitution and ellipsis, whereas in lexical cohesion there is no synonymy or near-synonymy, general word and collocation