86 research outputs found
Optimalisasi Interval Inspeksi Untuk MeminimasiQuality Loss Berdasarkan Metode Genichi Taguchi
This research was conducted to find the optimal inspection interval of shuttle loom machines by using Taguchi method in order to minimise the quality loss that will affect in increasing the company\u27s profit. Five shuttle loom machines were assessed. Recently, the machines\u27 inspection is done ones a day. Historical data shows that the frequency of break down is still high. It is hypothesized that the interval inspection is not optimal. The experimental results show that the optimal inspection intervals for shuttle loom I G11, Fe L4, .119 are 12, 15, 11, 16, 6 respectively and resulted the daily savings of Rp 146.766,- , Rp 94.509,-, Rp 195.904,-, Rp 104.683,- and Rp 154.654,-respectively.
Keywords: inspection, Taguchi method, shuttle loom machine
Development of the Sea Fishery Supply Chain Performance Measurement System: A Case Study
Good performance measurement system is required to assess the success of supply chain. However, choosing the most appropriate indicator is not easy as it depends on the systems characteristics. Sea fishery industry characterized as perishable products, seasonal in production, and highly dependence on nature (uncontrollable). Motivated by the uniqueness of the sea fishery industry, this work proposed a performance measurement system for the sea fishery supply chain. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated using Indonesian sea fishery supply chain case, mostly consists of small and medium enterprises (SME). This instrument has six dimensions; efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness, product quality, process quality, facilities, and government involvement. Beside having specific indicators of sea fishery industry, the proposed instrument also considers the involvement of government. Further, this instrument can be used not only for monitoring but also suggesting directions for improvement
Penggunaan nama operations research inimemang tidak dapat lepas dari sejarah awalperkembangan ilmu ini. Berawal dari zamanperang dunia kedua, ketika pemerintahanInggris dan Amerika menghadapi permasalahanterbatasnya ketersediaan logistikperang yang harus dialokasikan ke beberapaoperasi militer dan aktivitas lain yangmendukung operasi militer ini sehinggamemerlukan sebuah strategi distribusilogistik yang efektif dan efisien. Gunamerumuskan strategi ini, maka dibentuklahtim yang terdiri dari sejumlah ilmuwanuntuk mengaplikasikan pendekatan ilmiahuntuk memecahkan permasalahan ini. Timini diberi tugas untuk melakukan research on(military) operations. Tim ilmuwan inilah yangselanjutnya dikenal sebagai tim operationsresearch (OR) yang pertama kali. Salah satuhasil dari tim ini adalah hasil risetnya tentangstrategi pengaturan operasi kapal selam yangmenghasilkan kemenangan dalam perang diAtlantik utara
Hubungan Kejadian Dismenore Dengan Asupan Fe (Zat Besi) Pada Remaja Putri
Latar belakang: Dismenore merupakan nyeri selama menstruasi yang disebabkan oleh adanya kejang pada otot
rahim. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya dismenore, diantaranya yaitu asupan nutrisi
yang terdiri dari Fe (zat Besi). Tujuan:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kejadian
dismenorea dengan asupan Fe (zat Besi) pada remaja putri. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik
observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 112 yang diambil menggunakan
teknik propostionate stratified random sampling. Data kejadian dismenore diperoleh dari kuesioner numeric
rating scale dan data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dari form semi quantitative food frequency questionaire. Hasil:
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian remaja putri memiliki asupan Fe (zat Besi) kurang (50%).
Sedangkan kejadian dismenorea yang dialami hampir setengahnya termasuk dalam kategori nyeri ringan
(45,5%). Hasil analisis menggunakan uji rank sprearman menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan kejadian
dismenorea dengan asupan Fe (zat Besi) dengan nilai p-value = 0,014. Simpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi asupan Fe (zat Besi), maka semakin rendah kejadian
dismenorea yang dirasakan. Diharapkan remaja putri dapat mencegah dan mengurangi nyeri dengan
mengkonsumsi makanan sumber Fe (zat Besi)
Hubungan Asupan Zat Besi dan Vitamin E Dengan Kejadian Disminore Pada Remaja Putri
Dismenore adalah nyeri selama menstruasi yang disebabkan oleh kejang otot rahim. Terdapat
beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi dismenore, salah satunya yaitu asupan nutrisi yang terdiri
dari zat besi dan vitamin E. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan zat
besi dan vitamin E dengan kejadian dismenorea pada remaja putri . Jenis penelitian ini adalah
analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 112 yang
diambil menggunakan teknik propostionate stratified random sampling. Data kejadian
dismenore diperoleh dari kuesioner numeric rating scale dan data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dari
form semi quantitative food frequency questionaire. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
sebagian remaja putri memiliki asupan zat besi kurang (50%) dan sebagian besar memiliki
asupan vitamin E kurang (65,2%). Sedangkan kejadian dismenorea yang dialami hampir
setengahnya termasuk dalam kategori nyeri ringan (45,5%). Hasil analisis menggunakan uji
rank sprearman menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan asupan zat besi dengan kejadian
dismenorea dengan nilai p-value = 0,014. Terdapat pula hubungan asupan vitamin E dengan
kejadian dismenorea dengan nilai p-value = 0,001. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat
disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi asupan zat besi dan vitamin E, maka semakin rendah
kejadian dismenorea yang dirasakan. Diharapkan remaja putri dapat mencegah dan mengurangi
nyeri dengan mengkonsumsi makanan sumber zat besi dan vitamin E
Recycling is part of the green supply chain management which is developed base on the concept of environmentally friendly industry to respond the various issues regarding the environmental problems of the world. Distribution of recycled products starts from consumers and ends to manufacturing. The objective is to limit the waste in order to save energy and prevent the dumping of hazardous materials into the environment. However there are complexities in the supply chain because of some uncertainties such as the return of recycled product and the environmental impact resulting from the operation of supply chain. In this research, linear programming optimization method is proposed to overcome that problem with maximizing profit is set as the objective function. Emissions resulting from the recycling process are considered in the model. These results indicate that the mathematical model provides profit of Rp. 37.909.659, with 1.137.760 grams of CO2 emissions from the production process, 38.473,4 grams of CO and 5.884,9 grams HC + NOX of transport. While the proposed strategy is use the right vehicles and select the most efficient route according to the paper collected from consumers and sold to manufacturing. For the production process, it is required to add 3 pressing machines and 1 chopped machine, so the capacity of the working hours of 384 hours per month can be increased to 960 hours per month
The industrial development in Indonesia encourages companies to have high sensitivity in competing to meet consumer demands promptly by considering minimum distribution costs. One of the factors that can affect distribution costs is route determination. Determining the distribution route is the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). The purpose of VRP is to arrange the order of distribution routes to produce a minimum total distance. This study aims to determine the fuel distribution route at TBBM Rewulu in one delivery period to obtain the optimal distribution route and minimize the vehicle mileage. Delivery is carried out using three types of tanker trucks with heterogeneous capacities. This study uses a mathematical model of Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) by considering split delivery, multi trips, multi-products, and compartments.The branch and bound method in the LINGO solver has been used to solve this problem. This model was tested on a simple case using data of 8 customers with different distances and demand shipped by truck. The results obtained indicate that no boundaries are violated, and all consumers are served. The mathematical model built is still general, so it can solve similar cases. A model can be developed for further research by adding VRP variants such as time windows and adding the product types to represent the entire existing system
Good Criteria for Supply Chain Performance Measurement
This paper discusses good criteria for a supply chain performance measurement model and their level of importance. The criteria were obtained from results of previous research findings and recommendations from several researchers. The criteria are divided into two categories, namely efficient and effective. To examine which criteria can be used to assess a supply chain performance measurement model, a survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to supply chain actors from different industry fields (both manufacturing and services) in Indonesia using random sampling techniques. Data analysis using pairwise comparisons with an analytical Hierarchy Process model showed that efficient criteria were more important than effective criteria. Efficient criteria consisted of three sub-criteria: the amount of data is not too much and low cost and output is presented in a simple form. Effective criteria consisted of the criteria in the order of importance as follows: clarity, validity, comprehensiveness, responsiveness and dynamics. Further research is needed for developing a model that meets these criteria
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