3,975 research outputs found
The Art of Friluftsliv, a New Philosophy for Climate Change
2015 essay contest winner Sarah Mason\u27s The Art of Friluftsliv, a New Philosophy for Climate Chang
Row-strict quasisymmetric Schur functions
Haglund, Luoto, Mason, and van Willigenburg introduced a basis for
quasisymmetric functions called the quasisymmetric Schur function basis,
generated combinatorially through fillings of composition diagrams in much the
same way as Schur functions are generated through reverse column-strict
tableaux. We introduce a new basis for quasisymmetric functions called the
row-strict quasisymmetric Schur function basis, generated combinatorially
through fillings of composition diagrams in much the same way as Schur
functions are generated through row-strict tableaux. We describe the
relationship between this new basis and other known bases for quasisymmetric
functions, as well as its relationship to Schur polynomials. We obtain a
refinement of the omega transform operator as a result of these relationships.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure
QSym over Sym has a stable basis
We prove that the subset of quasisymmetric polynomials conjectured by
Bergeron and Reutenauer to be a basis for the coinvariant space of
quasisymmetric polynomials is indeed a basis. This provides the first
constructive proof of the Garsia-Wallach result stating that quasisymmetric
polynomials form a free module over symmetric polynomials and that the
dimension of this module is n!.Comment: 12 page
The Impetus is Forward Motion
THE IMPETUS IS FORWARD MOTION is a book of personal essays about the author’s childhood, teenage years, and beginning of adult life. The essays explore the themes of relocation, family, pets, art, and education with a focus on revealing what it means to be female in the modern world. The essays serve as an emotional description of a coming-of-age period of a member of the boomerang generation.
The collection is more or less in reverse chronological order and begins with a recent account of a very long drive and ends with a familial truth that had remained a secret for a long time. The events and people in the essays are those who impacted the author’s life a great deal, in negative and positive ways.
Half of the essays are written as lyric essays, after John D’Agata and Anne Carson. The style of writing and subject matter for the other half of the essays was partially inspired by the straightforward, conversational tone of contemporary essay collections Bad Feminist, by Roxane Gay and Not that Kind of Girl, by Lena Dunham. In her essays, the author strives to not be like Sloane Crosley
Embedding Evaluations into Your Grant Proposals – Working with CERE on Evaluation
Sarah Mason, Director of the Center for Research Evaluationhttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/research_presentations/1018/thumbnail.jp
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