15 research outputs found
Source Localization for P1.
<p>Coronal (top row) and sagittal (bottom row) views of an average brain showing regions of significant cortical activation. A t-test comparing the voxels activated in the source localization analysis (sLoreta) of the P1 component during lateral and radial biological motion was performed. Significant voxels are shown in orange [T(15) = 1.66, p<.05], (Talairach coordinates; MRI template—Colin27 T1). Top row: activation can be seen in the left and right middle and superior frontal gyri (A), the right temporal areas (middle and superior temporal gyri) (B), temporal and limbic areas (left middle and superior temporal gyri, cingulate gyri) (C), as well as occipital regions (cuneus, fusiform gyri, lingual gyri, middle occipital gyri) (D). Bottom row: significant activation is observed in the left middle and superior temporal gyri (A); right superior and middle frontal gyri, cingulate and lingual gyri, cuneus (B); right middle and superior frontal gyri, superior temporal gyrus (C); right middle and temporal gyri and precentral gyrus (D).</p
Topographic segmentation.
<p>The global field power (GFPs) of the grand average ERPs are shown for radial and parallel motion in the scrambled motion (respectively rSM and lSM) and biological motion conditions (respectively rBM and lBM) over the first 500ms. The topographic segmentation procedure performed on rSM, lSM, rBM and lBM together identified 5 segment maps that best explained the map series of the 4 conditions. These 5 segment maps, numbered Map1 to Map5 are represented on the column on the right and are outlined with different colors. Their times of appearance are indicated by the corresponding color in the area below the GFP in each of the 4 conditions.</p
Source Localization for ESN.
<p>Coronal (top row) and sagittal (bottom row) views of an average brain showing regions of significant cortical activation. A t-test comparing the voxels activated in the source localization analysis (sLoreta) of the ESN component during biological and scrambled motion was performed. Significant voxels are shown in orange [T(15) = 2.1, p<.01], (Talairach coordinates; MRI template—Colin27 T1). Top row: significant activation is found in left and right temporal and limbic areas (superior temporal gyri, cingulate gyri, parahippocampal gyri, insula) (A); left and right occipital and parietal areas (lingual gyrus and precuneus) regions (B). Bottom row: brain activation is observed in the left superior and transverse temporal gyri and insula (A); right superior temporal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, precentral and postcentral gyrus, inferior parietal lobe, angular gyrus and insula.</p
Experimental procedure.
<p>Moving stimuli were presented for 1000 ms, followed by a fixation cross at the center of the screen with a variable duration (between 1000 ms and 1400 ms) before the presentation of the next stimulus. Subjects were instructed to press a key according to the direction of the cyclist alone. Only the walker and the cyclist are shown here.</p
Biological motion individual ERP files
These are the ERP files of every subject in each condition, used in the paper entitled "Direction of biological motion affects early brain ativation: a link with social cognition", by Pegna, Gehring, Meyer & Del Zotto, and published in PLoS-One. Data for each of the 4 experimental conditions (radial iological motion -rBM- ; lateral biological motion -lBM-; radial scrambled motion -rSM-; and lateral scrmbled motion -lSM-) are placed in separate folders named for the condition. Within each folder, the ERP of each subject is given under the subject number; i.e., 1s for the first subject, 2s for the second subjects and so forth, followed by the abberviation of the experimental condition. Thus for example, the ERP of the 1st subject in the lateral scrambled motion condition is given the name "1s_lSM.txt". The data within the each file is given in ASCII format with each column corresponding to a given electrode and each row to a time frame. There are 64 columns corresponding to the following electrodes (in order) from left to right: Fp1, AF7; AF3; F1; F3; F5; F7; FT7; FC5; FC3; FC1; C1; C3; C5; T7; TP7; CP5; CP3; CP1; P1; P3; P5; P7; P9; PO7; PO3; O1; Iz; Oz; POz; Pz; CPz; Fpz; Fp2; AF8; AF4; Afz; Fz; F2; F4; F6; F8; FT8; FC6; FC4; FC2; FCz; Cz; C2; C4; C6; T8; TP8; CP6; CP4; CP2; P2; P4; P6; P8; P10; PO8; PO4; O2. There are 1126 rows corresponding to the successive time frames over time beginning 100ms before the appearance of the stimulus at the top row. As the sampling rate was of 1024 Hz, each time frame corresponds to 0.976ms. The total duration of the epochs is consequently of 1098.632 ms (1126 time frames). A separate file named Biosemi_64.els is included containing the names of the electrodes as well as their cartesian coordinates
Source localization for P1.
<p>Brain regions (lobes and corresponding Brodmann areas) that showed a significantly greater activation for radial BM than parallel BM for the P1 component.</p><p>Source localization for P1.</p
Source localisation for ESN.
<p>Source Localization for ESN. Brain regions (lobes and corresponding Brodmann areas) that showed a significantly greater activation for BM than SM in the ESN time window.</p><p>Source localisation for ESN.</p
ERPs and scalp current density maps of the four different conditions.
<p>Radial (rBM in black) and lateral (lBM in red) biological motion, as well as radial (rSM in green) and lateral (lSM in blue) scrambled motion are represented over 6 electrodes (4 posterior and 2 anterior). Below: scalp current density maps of P1 (right) and N1 (left) components, representing the four conditions, are computed on the mean between 170 ms and 200 ms, and between 80 ms and 150 ms respectively.</p
Average ERP for dressed and naked bodies in the supraliminal and subliminal conditions.
<p>Average ERP (in µV) for opposite-sex stimuli (A, B) and same-sex stimuli (D, E) for supraliminal and subliminal conditions. Naked bodies are indicated in red and dressed bodies in black. Arrow indicates the N1 component. Mean N1 values for opposite-sex stimuli in the different conditions are illustrated in the histogram below (C). N1 values for same sex stimuli are shown in (D). **p<.01, error bars indicate the standard error.</p
Inverse solution for the N1 component.
<p>Inverse solution on the basis of the N1 component estimated using the smooth prior inverse solution implemented in the statistical parametric mapping (SPM8) for the N1 component (146 ms–154 ms). Results show paired t-test for naked compared to dressed opposite/same-sex stimuli in the supraliminal and subliminal condition displayed on a glass brain (xjviewer). Statistical threshold p<0.5, cluster voxel size >15.</p