86 research outputs found
Pelatihan Peduli Dukun Bayi Sebagai Agen Promotor Air Susu Ibu Eksklusif pada Ibu Hamil
Background: Promotions of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of a child’s life have been made throughout the world, including Indonesia. Exclusive breastfeeding movement in Indonesia specifically supported through Government Regulation Number 33 of 2012. Unfortunately, the report shows that the proportion of exclusive breastfeeding EBF) is low. Government regulation is not the only way to reach successful EBF practice, while other people supports are also needed. Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA) are the people closest to the mothers especially in rural areas. The role and potency of traditional birth attendants can be used to promote exclusive breastfeeding on the mother. Method: Therefore training program was held involving 55 TBAs as participants at Ciampea District, Bogor Regency to support and improve exclusive breastfeeding practices in this area. Furthermore, to determine the effectiveness of the provision of material for the training is done using the method of cross-sectional studies. Training activities and the measurement were conducted in May and October 2013. Result: The result showed that the training was able to provide new knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding at TBAs. Conclusion: Furthermore, after all the training, there was increase in knowledge, attitude and practice of Exclusive breastfeeding promotion by TBAs. Knowledge increased two times, attitude 1.5 times, and practice two times
Tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit menular dan disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bakteri tersebut dapat menyerang organ tubuh manusia namun seringkali bakteri TB menyerang paru-paru manusia. Kota Depok menjadi salah satu kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang mengalami kenaikan angka kasus TB dalam empat tahun terakhir. Jumlah kasus TB Paru terbanyak yang dilaporkan berasal dari Puskesmas Pancoran Mas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggali informasi lebih dalam mengenai perilaku minum obat pada pasien TB Paru saat Pandemi COVID-19. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah pasien TB, pihak keluarga pasien TB, kader TB, satgas COVID-19, dan penanggung jawab program TB. Pemilihan informan penelitian secara purposive sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang telah ditentukan oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor predisposisi, faktor pemungkin, dan faktor penguat berperan dalam perilaku minum obat pada pasien TB. Pada faktor predisposisi, terdapat pengetahuan yang rendah dan sikap positif. Sedangkan pada faktor pemungkin, efek samping minum obat tidak membuat perubahan dalam perilaku minum obat, akses pelayanan perlu diperhatikan. Kemudian pada faktor pendorong, dukungan keluarga dan peran petugas kesehatan menjadi penguat dalam perilaku minum obat. Oleh sebab itu, disarankan kepada Puskesmas Pancoran Mas untuk melakukan penyuluhan tentang TB kepada seluruh masyarakat serta mengoptimalkan peran kader selama masa pengobatan TB
Pengaruh Perilaku Ibu Selama Kehamilan terhadap Status Kehamilan yang Tidak Diinginkan di Indonesia
Unwanted pregnancy status occurs because the mother have not ready to get pregnant and will theimpact on maternal behavior during pregnancy made mother tend to less doing the antenatal care visits, orprenatal care visits. This study aims to know the effect of maternal behavior during pregnancy towards unwantedpregnancy status. This study is a quantitative with using cross-sectional study design. The population is allpregnant women from 2017 IDHS survey in Indonesia of 1990 women, analyzed with univariate, bivariate andmultivariate. The results of the research showed women who having unwanted pregnancy of 12.8% and there arerelationship between maternal behavior during pregnancy (p=0.0001;OR=39,640) with unwanted pregnancy,after controlled age at pregnancy and parity. The probability of mothers who not doing ANC visit, parity >3and age at pregnancy <20 or >35 years having unwanted pregnancy status by 55%. Conclusion of this studyis that there are effect maternal behavior during pregnancy (ANC visits) towards unwanted pregnancy status
The proportion of sedentary behavior is increasing in all age groups, both in adults and children, from year to year. Various adverse health effects in children and adolescents can occur due to sedentary behavior carried out continuously over a long period of time. Several factors are associated with the practice of sedentary behavior in children and adolescents. This study aims to determine factors associated with sedentary behavior in junior high school students in Cibinong sub-district, Bogor regency, West Java province. The research used cross sectional study design with 312 junior high school students of 7th and 8th grade. Data were collected using questionnaires that had been pre-tested for validity and reliability and were analyzed using chi-square test and multiple logistic regression in SPSS. The results showed 50.6% of respondents performed sedentary behavior more than 6 hours. Age (OR= 1.9), peer support (OR=1.8) and school facilities (OR=0.2) were associated with sedentary behavior. Students who are older, do not have peer support, and attend school with insufficient facilities are more likely to conduct sedentary behavior. For that reason, in order to prevent sedentary behavior among students, it is important to consider the age of the student, the fulfillment of adequate school facilities and the presence of peer support among students.
Keywords: Sedentary behavior, student, parenting patterns, school regulations and facilities
Proporsi perilaku sedentari semakin meningkat pada semua kelompok umur, baik pada orang dewasa dan anak-anak, dari tahun ke tahun. Pada anak-anak dan remaja, berbagai dampak kesehatan merugikan dapat terjadi akibat perilaku sedentari yang dilakukan secara terus menerus dalam jangka waktu lama. Beberapa faktor berhubungan dengan terjadinya perilaku sedentari pada anak-anak dan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku sedentari pada siswa SMP di Kecamatan Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 312 siswa SMP kelas 7 dan kelas 8. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya serta dianalisis menggunakan regresi logistik ganda. Sebanyak 50,6% responden melakukan perilaku sedentari lebih dari 6 jam. Hasil analisis membuktikan faktor umur (OR=1,9), dukungan teman sebaya (OR=1,8), dan fasilitas sekolah (OR= 0,2) berhubungan dengan perilaku sedentari. Ini artinya bahwa siswa dengan usia lebih tua, yang tidak memiliki dukungan teman sebaya, dan yang bersekolah di sekolah dengan fasilitas kurang memadai kemungkinan lebih besar untuk berperilaku sedentari. Untuk itu, dalam upaya pencegahan perilaku sedentari pada siswa, perlu diperhatikan umur siswa, pemenuhan fasilitas sekolah yang memadai serta adanya dukungan teman sebaya dalam pergaulan siswa.
Kata kunci: Perilaku sedentari, siswa, pola asuh, fasilitas sekolah, peraturan sekola
Indonesia adalah negara dengan populasi Muslim yang sangat besar, dan masyarakat Indonesia yang tahu tentang syariah telah mengubah perilaku mereka untuk mencari pertimbangan klinis berbasis syariah. Meningkatnya permintaan dan peluang harus diikuti dengan kualitas pelayanan yang baik, dan salah satu indikator kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yaitu kepuasan pasien. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Kesehatan per tanggal 25 Desember 2022 jumlah rumah sakit teregisterasi di Indonesia sebanyak 3121 dari jumlah tersebut rumah sakit yang sudah terakreditasi sebanyak 2559 atau sekitar 82%, dan dari jumlah yang sudah terakreditasi ini baru ada 3 % rumah sakit yang sudah bersertifikasi syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan systematic review dengan mencari database Research Gate, Science Direct dan Google Scholar terbitan tahun 2019 – 2022 didapatkan 127 artikel dengan rincian 2 artikel dari Research Gate, 3 artikel dari Science Direct dan 122 artikel dari Google Scholar. Selanjutnya, artikel diseleksi dan didapatkan 9 (Sembilan) artikel menunjukkan bahwa pasien puas dengan pelayanan syariah. Berdasarkan studi literatur, diketahui pelayanan berbasis syariah dipengaruhi pendekatan karakteristik Penjagaan agama (hifz ad-diin), Penjagaan jiwa (hifz an-nafs), Penjagaan akal (hifz al-‘aql), Penjagaan keturunan (hifz an-nasl), Penjagaan harta (hifz al-mal) serta penggunaan empat prinsip seperti Rabbaniyah (keyakinan dan penyerahan segala sesuatunya hanya kepada Allah SWT), Akhlaqiyah (mengedepankan nilai-nilai moral dan etika), Waqi’iyah (kebenaran atas fakta yang ada) dan Insaniyyah (sejalan dengan iman manusia)
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Stres Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 pada Mahasiswa Program Ekstensi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia
ABSTRAKLatar Belakang. Pembelajaran daring merupakan solusi agar aktivitas akademik dapat terus berjalan. Namun sistem ini mengakibatkan stres bagi mahasiswa. Selain faktor yang berhubungan dengan proses perkuliahan, ada juga permasalahan dari kehidupan sehari-hari yang mengakibatkan munculnya stres khususnya pada mahasiswa program alih jenjang Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat (ekstensi). Mahasiswa program ini memiliki latar belakang pendidikan Diploma 3 umumnya  sudah bekerja dan berumah tangga. Hal ini menambah beban dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari dan berdampingan memaksimalkan tugasnya sebagai mahasiswa.Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat stres mahasiswa selama masa pandemi COVID-19 pada mahasiswa Program Ekstensi FKM UI.Metode. Merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan studi cross-sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Ekstensi angkatan 2019 - 2021 berjumlah 176 orang. Data primer yang digunakan diperoleh dari kuesioner yang diberikan kepada responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat.Hasil. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 5,7% responden mengalami stres berat. Dari analisis bivariat diperoleh dua faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat stres yaitu jadwal perkuliahan (p-value 0,005) dan metode pembelajaran (p-value 0,01). Berdasarkan faktor penyebab distress, disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa sering mengalami stres karena banyaknya tugas perkuliahan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi data dasar untuk mengambil tindakan dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian stres pada mahasiswa. ABSTRACTBackground. Online learning is a solution so that academic activities can continue. However, this system causes stress for students. In addition to factors related to the lecture process, there are also problems from daily life that cause stress, especially for Extension students who are already working and have a household. This adds to the burden of carrying out daily life and side by side in maximizing their duties as a student.Aim. This study aims to determine the factors associated with student stress levels during the COVID-19 pandemic among FKM UI Extension Program students.Method. This is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study. The sample in this study was 176 extension students for the 2019-2021 class. The criteria for inclusion were students with active academic status and exclusion of students who were not willing to be respondents. The primary data used was obtained from a questionnaire given to respondents. Using univariate and bivariate data analysis.Result. The results showed that 5.7% of respondents experienced severe stress. From the bivariate analysis, two factors related to stress levels were obtained, namely class schedules (p-value 0.005) and learning methods (p-value 0.01). Based on the factors that cause distress, it can be concluded that most students often experience stress due to the large number of lecture assignments. This research is expected to become basic data for taking action in preventing and controlling stress in college students
Toddlers’ Eating Behavior in Slum Urban and Semi Urban Communities: Study in Kampung Melayu and Bantul, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Toddlers’ eating behavior is influenced by many factors. This study aimed to determine food consumption behavior of toddlers in the urban slum (Kampung Melayu) and semi urban slum (Bantul). The study used the Rapid Assessment Procedure qualitative approach. The informants were mothers or toddler sitters, health workers, and local community leaders. The results showed that in slum urban areas, there was a tendency for parents to give children options to decide for themselves how much and what foods they wanted. In addition, this condition was supported by habits of mothers who did not cook because of the narrow space at their home, therefore buying ready-to-eat food was practice, easier and relatively cheaper. In semi urban areas, mothers still cooked at home and occasionally bought food outside. However, the main reasons for cooking were efficiency, to reduce the use of flavorings and preservatives, as well as to control food hygiene. Milk was a complementary and given to children aged under three years. Eating in the dining room and at the dinner table was not a necessity due to space limitation in the slum urban area
Half of the women (48%) had hypertension at the age of menopause and the majority of hypertension was uncontrolled. For hipertensive patients, behavioral factors (knowledge, attitude and practice) and environment related to the prevention and control of blood pressure. This study explored further from the research data " The Dynamics of Change in Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure in Postmenopausal Women in Bogor on 2011-2014, focus on knowledge, attitude and practice of preventing and controlling hypertension in Bogor City. Data collection was carried out with indepth interviews on key informants responsible for health program and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for 4 groups of hypertensive and normotensive informants, respectively. The qualitiative data analyzed using theme analysis, triangulation was carried out for data validation. Analysis of drinking water quality data was done by independent t test. The majority of postmenopausal women were 55 years old and senior high school education. Most of them already have good knowledge and attitudes in the prevention and control of blood pressure, but are still lacking in practice. Aluminum and lead (Pb) contamination in drinking water has exceeded the standard value and has the potential to increase blood pressure. For hypertensive patient, health workers should have a strategy to increase the motivation to practice the prevention and control of blood pressure with various counseling methods that are more innovative and applicative to specific local potential and routine monitoring of drinking water sources to maintain good drinking water quality.
Keywords: Hypertension, menopause, behavioral factors, control of blood pressure
Separuh wanita (48%) mengalami hipertensi saat memasuki usia menopause dan mayoritas hipertensi tidak terkontrol. Bagi penderita hipertensi, faktor perilaku dan lingkungan berhubungan dengan pencegahan dan pengontrolan tekanan darah. Penelitian ini adalah eskplorasi lebih lanjut dari data penelitian “Dinamika Perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Tekanan Darah pada Wanita Pasca Menopause di Kota Bogor, tahun 2011-2014 tentang Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku (PSP) dan lingkungan wanita pasca menopause dalam mencegah dan mengendalikan hipertensi. Pengumpulan data PSP dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap informan kunci penanggung jawab program kesehatan, dan Diskusi Kelompok Terpadu (DKT) pada 4 kelompok informan hipertensi dan 4 kelompok normotensi. Pengumpulan data lingkungan fisik dilakukan dengan observasi dan mengukur kualitas air dengan pemeriksaan parameter kimiawi air minum. Analisis data kualitatif menggunakan analisis tematik, sedangkan analisis data kualitas air minum dengan uji beda mean (independent t test). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas wanita pasca menopause yang normotensi dan hipertensi berumur 55 tahun dan pendidikan SMA, sebagian besar sudah memiliki pengetahuan dan sikap yang baik dalam pencegahan dan pengontrolan tekanan darah, tetapi masih kurang dalam prakteknya. Cemaran aluminium dan timbal (Pb) dalam air minum sudah melebihi nilai baku mutu dan berpotensi meningkatkan tekanan darah. Disarankan bagi petugas kesehatan sebaiknya mempunyai strategi peningkatan motivasi praktek pencegahan dan pengontrolan tekanan darah dengan berbagai metode konseling yang lebih inovatif dan aplikatif berbasis potensi lokal spesifik dan monitoring rutin sumber air minum untuk menjaga kualitas air minum tetap baik.
Kata kunci: Hipertensi, menopause, faktor perilaku, pengontrolan tekanan dara
The Role of Career Development and Commitment to Mediate the Effect of Competence on the Employees Performance in Dinas Kependudukan & Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Sidoarjo
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of the effect (1) competence on employee performance, (2) competence mediate career development on employee performance, and (3) competence mediate commitment on employee performance at Dinas Kependudukan & Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Sidoarjo. This is quantitative research of the associative variety. All civil servants at the Dinas Kependudukan & Pencatatan Sipil in Kabupaten Sidoarjo were included in the sample with saturation sampling approach. Forty-four civil servants were surveyed using questionnaires to collect the data. The quantitative data analysis technique uses PLS (Partial Least Square) with smartPLS 3.0 software. This research at the Dinas Kependudukan & Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Sidoarjo as a government agency in the field of public services in improving the performance of its employees by providing competency, career development and commitment to civil servants of Dinas Kependudukan & Pencatatan Sipil in Kabupaten Sidoarjo. The results indicated that competence has a significant positive effect on employee performance, career development has a non-significant effect in mediating competence's effect on employee performance, and commitment has a significant positive effect in mediating competence's effect on employee performance
Psychosocial Determinants of Risky Sexual Behavior Among Senior High School Students in Merauke District
Adolescents aged 10-24 years old are susceptible group to premarital sex, drugs abuse, and HIV/AIDS infection. Papua is the largest contributor to AIDS/HIV number in Indonesia. To overcome such problem, Rutgers WPF formed Dunia Remajaku Seru!(DAKU!), an intervention program towards adolescent reproductive health at senior high school level. This study aimed to determine psychosocial determinants of risky sexual behavior among senior high school students in Merauke District through cross-sectional approach. Samples were 1,364 second grade students that got DAKU!Program and matching process was conducted on schools that did not get DAKU!Program. Data analysis included univariate analysis, bivariate (chi square test) and multivariate (logistic regression test). Results showed that variables significantly related to adolescent risky sexual behavior were peer group with negative behavior, self-efficacy, parents'control, exposure to DAKU!Program and sex. Meanwhile, based on multivariate analysis, peer group with negative behavior (RP = 4.7 CI = 2.8 - 7.7) was the most dominant factor influencing risky sexual behavior
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