2,212 research outputs found

    1,6-Diazabicyclo[4.4.4]tetradecane and its lnside-protonated lon: Changes in Space Groups

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    The crystal structures of 1,6-diazabicyclo[4.4.4]tetradecane (1) and of its inside-protonated ion (2), which were originally described in space group C2/c, should be described instead in trigonal space groups, (1) in R3c and (2) in P31c; both moieties have crystallographically imposed point symmetry D_3 rather than C_2

    As the World Shrinks

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    I Told My Son

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    Three-dimensional coronal slow modes: toward three-dimensional seismology

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    On 2008 January 10, the twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) A and B spacecraft conducted a high time cadence study of the solar corona with the Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI) instruments with the aim of investigating coronal dynamics. Observations of the three-dimensional propagation of waves within active region coronal loops and a measurement of the true coronal slow mode speed are obtained. Intensity oscillations with a period of approximately 12 minutes are observed to propagate outwards from the base of a loop system, consistent with the slow magnetoacoustic mode. A novel analysis technique is applied to measure the wave phase velocity in the observations of the A and B spacecraft. These stereoscopic observations are used to infer the three-dimensional velocity vector of the wave propagation, with an inclination of 37 +- 6 deg to the local normal and a magnitude of 132 +- 9 and 132 +- 11 km s-1, giving the first measurement of the true coronal longitudinal slow mode speed, and an inferred temperature of 0.84 +- 12 MK and 0.84 +- 15 MK

    Butter on Rice

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    Use Your Imagination

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    Some People: Part I

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