794 research outputs found
A Young Planetary-Mass Object in the ρ Oph Cloud Core
We report the discovery of a young planetary-mass brown dwarf in the ρ Oph cloud core. The object was identified as such with the aid of a 1.5-2.4 μm low-resolution spectrum obtained using the NIRC instrument on the Keck I telescope. Based on the COND model, the observed spectrum is consistent with a reddened (A_V ~ 15-16) brown dwarf whose effective temperature is in the range 1200-1800 K. For an assumed age of 1 Myr, comparison with isochrones further constrains the temperature to ~1400 K and suggests a mass of ~2-3 Jupiter masses. The inferred temperature is suggestive of an early T spectral type, which is supported by spectral morphology consistent with weak methane absorption. Based on its inferred distance (~100 pc) and the presence of overlying visual absorption, it is very likely to be a ρ Oph cluster member. In addition, given the estimated spectral type, it may be the youngest and least massive T dwarf found so far. Its existence suggests that the initial mass function for the ρ Oph star-forming region extends well into the planetary-mass regime
Optimal Multiwavelength Source Detection: Experience Gained from the WISE Mission
We discuss the optimal detection of point sources from multiwavelength
imaging data using an approach, referred to as MDET, which requires no prior
knowledge of the source spectrum. MDET may be regarded as a somewhat more
general version of the so-called "chi squared" technique. We describe the
theoretical basis of the technique, and show examples of its performance with
four-channel infrared broad-band imaging data from the WISE mission. We also
discuss the potential benefits of applying it to the multifrequency data cubes
of the ASKAP surveys, and suggest that it could increase the detection
sensitivity of searches for neutral hydrogen emission at moderately high
redshifts.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in PASA. Formatting
problem in Table 1 correcte
Two-dimensional maps of the infrared-to-radio ratio in spiral galaxies
We have produced two-dimensional maps of the intensity ratio Q(sub 60) of 60 micron infrared to 20 cm radio continuum emission, for a set of 25 nearby galaxies, mostly spirals. The ratio maps were obtained from infrared images made using Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) data with the Maximum Correlation Method, and radio images made using VLA data. Before taking the ratio, the radio images were processed so as to have the same resolution properties as the infrared images; the final spatial resolution in all cases is approximately 1 min, corresponding to 1-2 kpc for most galaxies. These images allow us to study the variations for the Q(sub 60) ratio with unprecedented spatial resolution, and thus represents a major improvement over earlier work. Our new high-resolution maps confirm the slow decrease of Q(sub 60) with increasing radial distance from the nucleus, but show additional structure which is probably associated with separate sites of active star formation in the spiral arms. The maps show Q(sub 60) to be more closely related to infrared surface brightness than to the radial distance in the galaxy disk. We expect that the results will provide improved constraints on the evolution (diffusion, decay and escape) of cosmic-ray electrons in the magnetic field of the disks
Point Process Algorithm: A New Bayesian Approach for Planet Signal Extraction with the Terrestrial Planet Finder
The capability of the Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer (TPF-I) for
planetary signal extraction, including both detection and spectral
characterization, can be optimized by taking proper account of instrumental
characteristics and astrophysical prior information. We have developed the
Point Process Algorithm (PPA), a Bayesian technique for extracting planetary
signals using the sine-chopped outputs of a dual nulling interferometer. It is
so-called because it represents the system being observed as a set of points in
a suitably-defined state space, thus providing a natural way of incorporating
our prior knowledge of the compact nature of the targets of interest. It can
also incorporate the spatial covariance of the exozodi as prior information
which could help mitigate against false detections. Data at multiple
wavelengths are used simultaneously, taking into account possible spectral
variations of the planetary signals. Input parameters include the RMS
measurement noise and the a priori probability of the presence of a planet. The
output can be represented as an image of the intensity distribution on the sky,
optimized for the detection of point sources. Previous approaches by others to
the problem of planet detection for TPF-I have relied on the potentially
non-robust identification of peaks in a "dirty" image, usually a correlation
map. Tests with synthetic data suggest that the PPA provides greater
sensitivity to faint sources than does the standard approach (correlation map +
CLEAN), and will be a useful tool for optimizing the design of TPF-I.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. AJ in press (scheduled for Nov 2006
Highly Collimated Jets and Wide-Angle Outflows in HH46/47: New Evidence from Spitzer IR Images
We present new details of the structure and morphology of the jets and
outflows in HH46/47 as seen in Spitzer infrared images from IRAC and MIPS,
reprocessed using the ``HiRes'' deconvolution technique. HiRes improves the
visualization of spatial morphology by enhancing resolution (to sub-arcsec
levels in IRAC bands) and removing the contaminating side lobes from bright
sources. In addition to sharper views of previously reported bow shocks, we
have detected: (i) the sharply-delineated cavity walls of the wide-angle
biconical outflow, seen in scattered light on both sides of the protostar, (ii)
several very narrow jet features at distances 400 AU to 0.1 pc from the star,
and, (iii) compact emissions at MIPS 24 micron coincident with the jet heads,
tracing the hottest atomic/ionic gas in the bow shocks.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ(Letters
A Mid-Infrared Imaging Survey of Embedded Young Stellar Objects in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Core
Results of a comprehensive, new, ground-based mid-infrared imaging survey of
the young stellar population of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud are presented. Data were
acquired at the Palomar 5-m and at the Keck 10-m telescopes with the MIRLIN and
LWS instruments, at 0.25 arcsec and 0.25 arcsec resolutions, respectively. Of
172 survey objects, 85 were detected. Among the 22 multiple systems observed,
15 were resolved and their individual component fluxes determined. A plot of
the frequency distribution of the detected objects with SED spectral slope
shows that YSOs spend ~400,000 yr in the Flat Spectrum phase, clearing out
their remnant infall envelopes. Mid-infrared variability is found among a
significant fraction of the surveyed objects, and is found to occur for all SED
classes with optically thick disks. Large-amplitude near-infrared variability,
also found for all SED classes with optically thick disks, seems to occur with
somewhat higher frequency at the earlier evolutionary stages. Although a
general trend of mid-infrared excess and NIR veiling exists proceeding through
SED classes, with Class I objects generally exhibiting K-veilings > 1, Flat
Spectrum objects with K-veilings > 0.58, and Class III objects with K-veilings
=0, Class II objects exhibit the widest range of K-band veiling values, 0-4.5.
However, the highly variable value of veiling that a single source can exhibit
in any of the SED classes in which active disk accretion can take place is
striking, and is direct observational evidence for highly time-variable
accretion activity in disks. Finally, by comparing mid-infrared vs.
near-infrared excesses in a subsample with well-determined effective
temperatures and extinction values, disk clearing mechanisms are explored. The
results are consistent with disk clearing proceeding from the inside-out.Comment: 18 pages + 5 tables + 7 figure
A Significant Population of Candidate New Members of the ρ Ophiuchi Cluster
We present a general method for identifying the pre-main-sequence population of any star-forming region, unbiased with respect to the presence or absence of disks, in contrast to samples selected primarily via their mid-infrared emission from Spitzer surveys. We have applied this technique to a new, deep, wide-field, near-infrared imaging survey of the ρ Ophiuchi cloud core to search for candidate low-mass members. In conjunction with published Spitzer IRAC photometry and least-squares fits of model spectra (COND, DUSTY, NextGen, and blackbody) to the observed spectral energy distributions, we have identified 948 candidate cloud members within our 90% completeness limits of J = 20.0, H = 20.0, and Ks = 18.50. This population represents a factor of ~3 increase in the number of known young stellar objects in the ρ Ophiuchi cloud. A large fraction of the candidate cluster members (81% ± 3%) exhibit infrared excess emission consistent with the presence of disks, thus strengthening the possibility of their being bona fide cloud members. Spectroscopic follow-up will confirm the nature of individual objects, better constrain their parameters, and allow an initial mass function to be derived
A Conformation Change in the Extracellular Domain that Accompanies Desensitization of Acid-sensing Ion Channel (ASIC) 3
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are thought to trigger some forms of acid-induced pain and taste, and to contribute to stroke-induced neural damage. After activation by low extracellular pH, different ASICs undergo desensitization on time scales from 0.1 to 10 s. Consistent with a substantial conformation change, desensitization slows dramatically when temperature drops (Askwith, C.C., C.J. Benson, M.J. Welsh, and P.M. Snyder. 2001. PNAS. 98:6459–6463). The nature of this conformation change is unknown, but two studies showed that desensitization rate is altered by mutations on or near the first transmembrane domain (TM1) (Coric, T., P. Zhang, N. Todorovic, and C.M. Canessa. 2003. J. Biol. Chem. 278:45240–45247; Pfister, Y., I. Gautschi, A.-N. Takeda, M. van Bemmelen, S. Kellenberger, and L. Schild. 2006. J. Biol. Chem. 281:11787–11791). Here we show evidence of a specific conformation change associated with desensitization. When mutated from glutamate to cysteine, residue 79, which is some 20 amino acids extracellular to TM1, can be altered by cysteine-modifying reagents when the channel is closed, but not when it is desensitized; thus, desensitization appears to conceal the residue from the extracellular medium. D78 and E79 are a pair of adjacent acidic amino acids that are highly conserved in ASICs yet absent from epithelial Na+ channels, their acid-insensitive relatives. Despite large effects on desensitization by mutations at positions 78 and 79—including a shift to 10-fold lower proton concentration with the E79A mutant—there are not significant effects on activation
WISE Brown Dwarf Binaries: The Discovery of a T5+T5 and a T8.5+T9 System
The multiplicity properties of brown dwarfs are critical empirical constraints for formation theories, while multiples themselves provide unique opportunities to test evolutionary and atmospheric models and examine empirical trends. Studies using high-resolution imaging cannot only uncover faint companions, but they can also be used to determine dynamical masses through long-term monitoring of binary systems. We have begun a search for the coolest brown dwarfs using preliminary processing of data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer and have confirmed many of the candidates as late-type T dwarfs. In order to search for companions to these objects, we are conducting observations using the Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics system on Keck II. Here we present the first results of that search, including a T5 binary with nearly equal mass components and a faint companion to a T8.5 dwarf with an estimated spectral type of T9
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