466 research outputs found
Advanced SBAS-DInSAR technique for controlling large civil infrastructures: an application to the Genzano di Lucania dam
Monitoring surface deformation on dams is commonly carried out by in situ geodetic surveying, which is time consuming and characterized by some limitations in space coverage and frequency. More recently microwave satellite-based technologies, such as advanced-DInSAR (Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry), have allowed the integration and improvement of the observation capabilities of ground-based methods thanks to their effectiveness in collecting displacement measurements on many non-destructive control points, corresponding to radar reflecting targets. The availability of such a large number of points of measurement, which are distributed along the whole structure and are characterized by millimetric accuracy on displacement rates, can be profitably adopted for the calibration of numerical models. These models are implemented to simulate the structural behaviour of a dam under conditions of stress thus improving the ability to maintain safety standards. In this work, after having analysed how advanced DInSAR can effectively enhance the results from traditional monitoring systems that provide comparable accuracy measurements on a limited number of points, an FEM model of the Genzano di Lucania earth dam is developed and calibrated. This work is concentrated on the advanced DInSAR technique referred to as Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) approach, benefiting from its capability to generate deformation time series at full spatial resolution and from multi-sensor SAR data, to measure the vertical consolidation displacement of the Genzano di Lucania earth dam
Sensors for deformation monitoring of large civil infrastructures
In the maintenance of large infrastructures such as dams, bridges, railways, underground structures (tunnels, mines) and others, monitoring of deformations plays a key role in maintaining the safety serviceability conditions and for mitigating any consequences due to ageing factors and possible structural failures. [...]
DInSAR deformation time series for monitoring urban areas: The impact of the second generation SAR systems
We investigate the capability improvement of the DInSAR techniques to map deformation phenomena affecting urban areas, by performing a comparative analysis of the deformation time series retrieved by applying the full resolution Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) DInSAR technique to selected sequences of SAR data acquired by the ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1 and COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) SAR data. The presented study, focused on the city of Napoli (Italy), allows us to quantify the dramatic increase of the DInSAR coherent pixel density achieved by exploiting the high resolution X-Band CSK SAR images with respect to the RADARSAT-1 and ENVISAT products, respectively; this permits us to analyze nearly all the structures located within the investigated urbanized area and, in many cases, also portions of a same building. © 2012 IEEE
A case of Poland Syndrome associated with dextroposition
Classical Poland Syndrome (PS) is characterized by unilateral, partial or complete absence of the sternocostal head of the major pectoral muscle and brachysyndactyly of fingers on the same side
An integrated approach for monitoring soil settlements at the VIrgo site
The Virgo detector, currently in its 2nd generation configuration Advanced Virgo (AdV), is a Michelson interferometer aimed at the gravitational waves research and at opening a new window on the study of the Universe. It is made of two orthogonal arms being each 3 kilometers long and is located at the site of the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), in the countryside near Pisa, Italy. After the construction of the Virgo facilities completed in 2002, over the years a steady subsidence process has been observed as a consequence of the building and embankment overloads. In consideration of the subsoil characteristics, whose surface portion is mainly formed by a 25÷60 m thickness layer of clay with limited thin layers
of sands, the evolution of settlements was expected and properly considered for the design of the civil engineering infrastructures, so that the vacuum tubes can be readjusted to keep the original alignment. However, along 15 years of time life, the initial estimates of the expected displacements were continuously compared with the observed effects. The measured settlements have been regularly monitored and adopted for implementing the necessary realignment activities. This paper reports the monitoring activities conducted over the years, mainly consisting of regular high accuracy levelling surveys, periodically integrated by GPS and classical theodolite measurements. These sets of measurement were adopted to perform the Virgo realignment procedure needed to keep the interferometer rigidly tied in a 3x3km plane. In order to improve the knowledge on the trend of the settlements affecting the Virgo infrastructures, an analysis based on differential interferometry using satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data has been performed and compared with the outcome from in-situ data
Strategies of vocabulary learning employed by low-frequency-word level students in international class
The application and development of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) lead to acquiring a more extensive vocabulary size and better performance in language acquisition. Students with different proficiencies might employ various VLS in their language learning process. This study aims to describe and analyze the vocabulary learning strategy used by low-frequency-word level students identified by vocabulary size test they took previously. This study adopted mix-method research by using questionnaires and interviews. The participants were university students of international programs majoring in industrial engineering, civil engineering, and business and economics. The students were identified in low-frequency-word level who were considered able to understand wide reading and specialized study. The findings showed that low-frequency-word level students primarily used dictionary, guessing, and activation strategies. The social strategy was identified as another alternative strategy to learn vocabulary. Google Translate was the most popular translating tool due to its practicality. Guessing meaning strategy was done when failing to find the desired words using an online translation machine. Moreover, the students used social media as the platform to implement the activation strategy. Meanwhile, note-taking, rehearsal, metacognitive strategies belong to the least used VLS as the students are not into intentional vocabulary learning
Aspek Hierarki Kebutuhan Tokoh Nirbita dalam Novel Sekotak Senja untuk Nirbita Karya Yupitawdr: Kajian Psikologi Sastra
This research discusses the hierarchy of needs of the character Nirbita in the novel Sekotak Senja untuk Nirbita by Yupitawdr, a study of Abraham Maslow's humanistic psychology. The hierarchy of needs states that humans fulfill low level needs to the highest needs to achieve satisfaction. These five needs, including: physiological, safety, social and love needs, are valued up to self-actualization. This research aims to describe the hierarchy of needs experienced by the character Nirbita in the novel Sekotak Senja untuk Nirbita by Yupitawdr. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using library study techniques and note-reading techniques. The data in this research are in the form of quotations in the novel that show the hierarchy of needs of the character Nirbita in the novel Sekotak Senja untuk Nirbita by Yupitawdr. The data analysis technique in this research is a descriptive analysis technique which consists of grouping data related to the character Nirbita in the novel Sekotak Senja untuk Nirbita by Yupitawdr which is the main target in this research, describing and analyzing the data according to the research objectives, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the research, the character Nirbita in the novel Sekotak Senja untuk Nirbita by Yupitawdr has been fulfilled well. This research article can add insight and references for readers in understanding Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs in humanistic psychology
Enhancing Surface Soil Moisture Estimation through Integration of Artificial Neural Networks Machine Learning and Fusion of Meteorological, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A Satellite Data
For many environmental and agricultural applications, an accurate estimation of surface soil moisture is essential. This study sought to determine whether combining Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-2A, and meteorological data with artificial neural networks (ANN) could improve soil moisture estimation in various land cover types. To train and evaluate the model’s performance, we used field data (provided by La Tuscia University) on the study area collected during time periods between October 2022, and December 2022. Surface soil moisture was measured at 29 locations. The performance of the model was trained, validated, and tested using input features in a 60:10:30 ratio, using the feed-forward ANN model. It was found that the ANN model exhibited high precision in predicting soil moisture. The model achieved a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.71 and correlation coefficient (R) of 0.84. Furthermore, the incorporation of Random Forest (RF) algorithms for soil moisture prediction resulted in an improved R2 of 0.89. The unique combination of active microwave, meteorological data and multispectral data provides an opportunity to exploit the complementary nature of the datasets. Through preprocessing, fusion, and ANN modeling, this research contributes to advancing soil moisture estimation techniques and providing valuable insights for water resource management and agricultural planning in the study area
Prenatal exposure to serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a case report
Two premature twins (33 weeks gestation) were born to a woman who had used paroxetine during pregnancy for an anxiety-depression disorder. They were admitted to the NICU, where they showed prolonged RDS, cardiovascular malformations, and facial dysmorphisms. Soon after birth, they also presented abnormal neurobehavioral and motor signs, which partially disappeared during the following weeks, although alterations of tone persisted even at discharge
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