8 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Effect of Population and Average Net Wage/Salary on the Number of Poverty in Medan Using Linear Regression Method

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    In this study, the total population along with the average net salary was selected for poverty.  The data information used in this study is data derived from agencies. In obtaining the results of the analysis on the influence of variables, multiple linear regression was used. The interpretation of this study shows that there is a significant influence between population and average net salary on poverty. The larger the population and the smaller the average net wage/salary, the higher the poverty rate. It is hoped that this research will be able to show a framework of what factors influence poverty so that it can be used as a reference to overcome the problem of poverty in Indonesia, especially the city of Medan. This study does not use manual calculations, and aims to analyze the relationship between population (M1) and average wage / net salary (M2) with the amount of poverty (D). The equation D is 221105.0 - 0.0147 M1 + 0.0147 M2, with the value of the influence of M1 and M2 on D amounting to 0.341

    Socialization and Production of Ecoenzyme Fluid in Tanjung Kasau Plantation Village, Batubara District

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    Ecoenzyme is a solution of complex organic substances produced by the fermentation process of organic waste, water, and molasses. So that organic waste that has been disposed of and is no longer used can be utilized as an environmentally friendly product. This eco-enzyme solution is dark brown in color and has a strong sour aroma. This socialization and demonstration focuses on making Ecoenzyme solutions from organic waste grapefruit, pumpkin, kale, chicory and papaya from household waste which aims to educate the public, especially housewives in Tanjung Kasau Plantation Village to know the procedure for making Ecoenzyme and using waste organic. Using an experimental method, an Ecoenzyme solution was made with 1 part molasses, 3 parts fruits and vegetables, and 10 parts clean water and then fermented for 3 months to make an Ecoenzyme solution. For the first 1 month the test was carried out Periodically, samples are taken every 2 days and evaluated for find out the evaluation parameters including organoleptic, pH and appropriate viscosity established test procedures. The results of this study showed that a good Ecoenzyme had a dark brown color, a fresh sour aroma typical of spicy and get a stable pH with a pH of 4.0 showing a high eco-enzyme produced is acidic which has benefits such as radiation protection, clearing drains, floor cleaners, organic disinfectants etc

    Optimization of Literacy Development for Children in Tanjung Kasau Plantation Village

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    Reading is the most basic ability as a provision to learn everything. In literacy, reading is a very interesting and important form of learning for teachers and students so that learning is easy to understand or understand when doing reading activities. Literacy is a person's ability to process and understand information when carrying out the process of reading and writing. School is an institution that is responsible for creating a reading culture which is an important part of learning activities. Schools must be able to facilitate various means that can increase students' interest in reading, namely by utilizing the school library. Through reading students can broaden horizons, sharpen ideas, and increase knowledge. The method used in this activity is to teach students to read in groups by utilizing the books in the library of SDN 10 Tanjung Kasau plantation village. The results obtained from this program are being able to develop children's interest in reading and elementary school children's knowledge in reading, especially grades 1-4 who cannot read, so that the purpose of holding this interest in reading (literacy) program can be implemented