965 research outputs found

    "Los ángeles mudos": la renovación poética al servicio de la temática albertiana

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    La lectura de "Los ángeles mudos", uno de los poemas menos estudiados de “Sobre los ángeles” de Alberti, nos puede proporcionar claves capaces de explicar el empleo por parte del poeta de un lenguaje que difiere radicalmente del de su obra anterior. Más que reflejar una crisis estética, este lenguaje tiene una doble función: expresar y unir los dos temas centrales del poema, es decir, la imposibilidad de la comunicación y la consecuente división del yo lírico.The reading of "Los ángeles mudos", one of the less studied poems in Alberti’s “Sobre los ángeles”, can provide us with clues that account for the poet's use of a language radically different from his previous works. More than reflecting an aesthetic crisis, this language has a double function: expressing and uniting the poem's two central themes, namely, the impossibility of communication and the consequent division of the lyrical self

    The mechanisms and mediators of tooth eruption--models for developmental biologists

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    Tooth eruption is a localized process in the jaws which exhibits precise timing and bilateral symmetry. It involves resorption and formation of bone on opposite sides of the erupting tooth and these activities depend on the dental follicle, a thin connective tissue investment of the developing and erupting tooth. Biochemical studies have shown that during eruption cells, proteins and enzymes change in the dental follicle and several growth factors and proteins known to accelerate or retard eruption have been identified. This review discusses these aspects of tooth eruption and proposes testable hypotheses and strategies that can make studies of tooth eruption new experimental opportunities for developmental biologists

    High throughput detection of M6P/IGF2R intronic hypermethylation and LOH in ovarian cancer

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    Cell surface mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptors (M6P/IGF2R) bind and target exogenous insulin-like growth factor II (IGF2) to the prelysosomes where it is degraded. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) for M6P/IGF2R is found in cancers, with mutational inactivation of the remaining allele. We exploited the normal allele-specific differential methylation of the M6P/IGF2R intron 2 CpG island to rapidly evaluate potential LOH in ovarian cancers, since every normal individual is informative. To this end, we developed a method for bisulfite modification of genomic DNA in 96-well format that allows for rapid methylation profiling. We identified ovarian cancers with M6P/IGF2R LOH, but unexpectedly also found frequent abnormal acquisition of methylation on the paternally inherited allele at intron 2. These results demonstrate the utility of our high-throughput method of bisulfite modification for analysis of large sample numbers. They further show that the methylation status of the intron 2 CpG island may be a useful indicator of LOH and biomarker of disease

    Endoscopic and Angiographic Diagnosis and Management of a Gastric Arteriovenous Malformation

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    AbstractIntroductionGastric arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an uncommon cause of upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding.Methods and resultsWe describe a case of gastric AVM which was diagnosed endoscopically and successfully managed by endoclip application and percutaneous transarterial coil embolization.ConclusionsWe propose that these two minimally invasive technologies can be used to manage AVM in the gut: endoscopic therapy to control luminal bleeding and interventional radiology to define the full extent of the malformation and to decrease arterial pressure and flow to the point that hemostasis can occur, without creating symptomatic ischemia

    Evaluating Nuclear Forensic Signatures for Advanced Reactor Deployment: A Research Priority Assessment

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    The development and deployment of a new generation of nuclear reactors necessitates a thorough evaluation of techniques used to characterize nuclear materials for nuclear forensic applications. Advanced fuels proposed for use in these reactors present both challenges and opportunities for the nuclear forensic field. Many efforts in pre-detonation nuclear forensics are currently focused on the analysis of uranium oxides, uranium ore concentrates, and fuel pellets since these materials have historically been found outside of regulatory control. The increasing use of TRISO particles, metal fuels, molten fuel salts, and novel ceramic fuels will require an expansion of the current nuclear forensic suite of signatures to accommodate the different physical dimensions, chemical compositions, and material properties of these advanced fuel forms. In this work, a semi-quantitative priority scoring system is introduced to identify the order in which the nuclear forensics community should pursue research and development on material signatures for advanced reactor designs. This scoring system was applied to propose the following priority ranking of six major advanced reactor categories: (1) molten salt reactor (MSR), (2) liquid metal-cooled reactor (LMR), (3) very-high-temperature reactor (VHTR), (4) fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR), (5) gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR), and (6) supercritical water-cooled reactor (SWCR)

    The Borders and Frontiers of Salman Rushdie's 'Literary Project': Perspectives of Identity, Culture and Celebrity Drawn from 'Fury' and 'Step Across This Line'

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    Salman Rushdie claims borders and frontiers are "at the heart of [his] literary project" . Given the diverse tone, thematic range and structural diversity of his literature, how are borders and frontiers manifest throughout his project? Compounding this question, how are we to intellectually engage borders and frontiers both within and beyond the context of Rushdie's writing? The term border may infer limits, restrictions, clarity and delineation, yet borders can also be records of transition, transgression, conflict and challenge. Similarly, what are we to make of the spaces in-between, those ambiguous regions of the frontier that amorphously envelop and recede away from borders? This thesis seeks to qualify Rushdie's premise through a concerted examination of five vital facets of borders and frontiers. Firstly, conceptual accounts of borders and frontiers are engaged in a manner designed to delineate real and imagined, literal and figurative understandings of the terms. Secondly, in view of the over-arching literary focus of this thesis, representations of borders and frontiers within postmodern literature are discussed. Thirdly, the disciplinary field of politics and literature and, subsequently, the political novel are examined. Then, mindful of the thematic tack of Rushdie's 2001 novel 'Fury', the real and imagined borders and frontiers governing processes of identity are explored primarily within the context of Rushdie's representation, within 'Fury', of the individual and the conflicting socioeconomic ethos of Western liberal democracies. Finally, the borders and frontiers of contemporary culture and celebrity are tested via perspectives which, in the first instance, are drawn from Rushdie's texts 'Fury' and 'Step Across This Line'. This thesis finds that Rushdie's description of his literary project, at least in terms of the two above-cited texts, is accurate. His writing is deeply characterised by a consciousness of borders and frontiers; however, rather than seeking to offer a clearly delineated, static or consistent account of them, his project is executed in a complex and sophisticated manner that presents a meaningful and distinctly human challenge to traditional notions of the nature and permeability of real and imagined borders and frontiers

    Academics perception towards various water reuse options: University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - UTAD Campus (Portugal) as a case study

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    Any strategy of water reuse has to achieve social acceptance to be successful. This paper presents the results of a multiple choice survey that attempted to establish the general attitude toward water reuse by asking academics in UTAD (Portugal) a wide range of questions. The survey included 20 reuse options, which were clustered into three reuse categories, specifically: low, medium and high contact levels. Correlation analysis between the level of support of low, medium and high contact options and demographic characteristics, personal and environmental beliefs was performed. Results show that a high proportion of the participants supported low and medium contact reuse options. Correlation was found to exist between the income classes and to the level of support of medium and high reuse options and between education level and the support for high contact reuse options. The responses to the survey suggested that some beliefs influence the level of support

    Domain-based perceptions of risk:a case study of lay and technical community attitudes towards managed aquifer recharge

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    Despite growing water scarcity, communities in many parts of the developed world often reject technically and economically sound options for water augmentation. This paper reports findings from a study investigating risk perceptions associated with a proposed Managed Aquifer Recharge scheme in Australia. Q-Methodology was used to compare decision-making frameworks of lay community and „technical expert‟ participants. Technical expert participants were also asked to approximate the decision-making framework of a „typical‟ community member. The emerging contrasts between lay community frameworks and those approximated by technical experts suggest that there are prevailing yet errant assumptions about lay community attitudes towards new technologies. The findings challenge the characterisation of the lay community and technical experts as being in entrenched opposition with one another