26 research outputs found

    Effects of classical stochastic webs on the quantum dynamics of cold atomic gases in a moving optical lattice

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    We introduce and investigate a system that uses temporal resonance-induced phase-space pathways to create strong coupling between an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate and a traveling optical lattice potential. We show that these pathways thread both the classical and quantum phase space of the atom cloud, even when the optical lattice potential is arbitrarily weak. The topology of the pathways, which form weblike patterns, can by controlled by changing the amplitude and period of the optical lattice. In turn, this control can be used to increase and limit the BEC’s center-of-mass kinetic energy to prespecified values. Surprisingly, the strength of the atom-lattice interaction and resulting BEC heating of the center-of-mass motion is enhanced by the repulsive interatomic interactions

    Using acoustic waves to induce high-frequency current oscillations in superlattices

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    We show that gigahertz acoustic waves in semiconductor superlattices can induce terahertz (THz) electron dynamics that depend critically on the wave amplitude. Below the threshold amplitude, the acoustic wave drags electrons through the superlattice with a peak drift velocity overshooting that produced by a static electric field. In this regime, single electrons perform drifting orbits with THz frequency components. When the wave amplitude exceeds the critical threshold, an abrupt onset of Bloch-type oscillations causes negative differential velocity. The acoustic wave also affects the collective behavior of the electrons by causing the formation of localized electron accumulation and depletion regions, which propagate through the superlattice, thereby producing self-sustained current oscillations even for very small wave amplitudes. We show that the underlying single-electron dynamics, in particular, the transition between the acoustic wave dragging and Bloch oscillation regimes, strongly influence the spatial distribution of the electrons and the form of the current oscillations. In particular, the amplitude of the current oscillations depends nonmonotonically on the strength of the acoustic wave, reflecting the variation in the single-electron drift velocity

    An enriched RWG basis for enforcing global current conservation in EM modelling of capacitance extraction

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    The RWG basis widely used in the discretisation of the EFIE is traditionally defined over interior edges of the structure's mesh when modelling charge-neutral scattering problems. In this paper, a careful extension to the RWG function space that allows for ow of current in and out of a structure via its boundary edges while maintaining current conservation is constructed. This space is appropriate for the computation of capacitance, where (i) a constant voltage difference is maintained between two components making up the device, and (ii) the total current is conserved. Using this basis implicitly enforces a constant potential difference between the metal plates (cf. natural boundary conditions), and explicitly places a restriction on the current (cf. essential boundary conditions). It improves upon the classic delta gap excitation of capacitive structures in that it is asymptotically independent of the triangulation used to describe the device's geometry

    Semiconductor charge transport driven by a picosecond strain pulse

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    We demonstrate that a picosecond strain pulse can be used to drive an electric current through both thin-film epilayer and heterostructure semiconductor crystals in the absence of an external electric field. By measuring the transient current pulses, we are able to clearly distinguish the effects of the coherent and incoherent components of the acoustic packet. The properties of the strain induced signal suggest a technique for exciting picosecond current pulses, which may be used to probe semiconductor devices

    Lyapunov stability of charge transport in miniband semiconductor superlattices

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    We discuss a numerical method for the calculation of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents for spatially extended systems described by coupled Poisson and continuity equations. This approach was applied to the model of collective charge transport in semiconductor superlattices operating in the miniband transport regime. The method is in very good agreement with analytical results obtained for the steady state. As an illustrative example, we consider the collective electron dynamics in the superlattice subjected to an ac voltage and a tilted magnetic field, and conclusively show that, depending on the field parameters, the dynamics can exhibit periodic, quasiperiodic, or chaotic behavior


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    В работе теоретически изучeнo влияние ширины запрещенной зоны между первой и второй энергетическими минизонами на транспорт заряда в полупроводниковой сверхрешетке, к которой приложены электрическое и наклонное магнитные поля. Были рассчитаны временные зависимости тока, протекающего через сверхрешетку, и построены зависимости амплитуды и частоты колебаний электрического тока от приложенного напряжения. Обнаружено, что межминизонное туннелирование электронов способствует уменьшению амплитуды колебаний тока, но в тоже время увеличивает их частоту

    Effect of temperature on resonant electron transport through stochastic conduction channels in superlattices

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    We show that resonant electron transport in semiconductor superlattices with an applied electric and tilted magnetic field can, surprisingly, become more pronounced as the lattice and conduction electron temperature increases from 4.2 K to room temperature and beyond. It has previously been demonstrated that at certain critical field parameters, the semiclassical trajectories of electrons in the lowest miniband of the superlattice change abruptly from fully localized to completely unbounded. The unbounded electron orbits propagate through intricate web patterns, known as stochastic webs, in phase space, which act as conduction channels for the electrons and produce a series of resonant peaks in the electron drift velocity versus electric-field curves. Here, we show that increasing the lattice temperature strengthens these resonant peaks due to a subtle interplay between the thermal population of the conduction channels and transport along them. This enhances both the electron drift velocity and the influence of the stochastic webs on the current-voltage characteristics, which we calculate by making self-consistent solutions of the coupled electron transport and Poisson equations throughout the superlattice. These solutions reveal that increasing the temperature also transforms the collective electron dynamics by changing both the threshold voltage required for the onset of self-sustained current oscillations, produced by propagating charge domains, and the oscillation frequency

    Non-KAM classical chaos topology for electrons in superlattice minibands determines the inter-well quantum transition rates

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    We investigate the quantum-classical correspondence for a particle tunnelling through a periodic superlattice structure with an applied bias voltage and an additional tilted harmonic oscillator potential. We show that the quantum mechanical tunnelling rate between neighbouring quantum wells of the superlattice is determined by the topology of the phase trajectories of the analogous classical system. This result also enables us to estimate, with high accuracy, the tunnelling rate between two spatially displaced simple harmonic oscillator states using a classical model, and thus gain new insight into this generic quantum phenomenon. This finding opens new directions for exploring and understanding the quantum-classical correspondence principle and quantum jumps between displaced harmonic oscillators, which are important in many branches of natural science.</p

    Non-KAM classical chaos topology for electrons in superlattice minibands determines the inter-well quantum transition rates

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    We investigate the quantum-classical correspondence for a particle tunnelling through a periodic superlattice structure with an applied bias voltage and an additional tilted harmonic oscillator potential. We show that the quantum mechanical tunnelling rate between neighbouring quantum wells of the superlattice is determined by the topology of the phase trajectories of the analogous classical system. This result also enables us to estimate, with high accuracy, the tunnelling rate between two spatially displaced simple harmonic oscillator states using a classical model, and thus gain new insight into this generic quantum phenomenon. This finding opens new directions for exploring and understanding the quantum-classical correspondence principle and quantum jumps between displaced harmonic oscillators, which are important in many branches of natural science.</p

    Supplementary information files for Non-KAM classical chaos topology for electrons in superlattice minibands determines the inter-well quantum transition rates

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    (c) the Authors, CC-BY 4.0Supplementary files for article Non-KAM classical chaos topology for electrons in superlattice minibands determines the inter-well quantum transition ratesWe investigate the quantum-classical correspondence for a particle tunnelling through a periodic superlattice structure with an applied bias voltage and an additional tilted harmonic oscillator potential. We show that the quantum mechanical tunnelling rate between neighbouring quantum wells of the superlattice is determined by the topology of the phase trajectories of the analogous classical system. This result also enables us to estimate, with high accuracy, the tunnelling rate between two spatially displaced simple harmonic oscillator states using a classical model, and thus gain new insight into this generic quantum phenomenon. This finding opens new directions for exploring and understanding the quantum-classical correspondence principle and quantum jumps between displaced harmonic oscillators, which are important in many branches of natural science.</p