24 research outputs found

    Concordance matrices (κ) of participants’ diagnoses and diagnoses calculated by the DST using clinical signs recorded during the study.

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    <p>κ-values for each DST diagnosis in columns are indicated for each participant diagnosis in rows. Main diagonal (mostly boldface numbers) indicating agreement between like diagnoses, other cells indicating possible cross-agreement between differing diagnoses. Boldface numbers indicate at least ‘fair’ agreement (κ ≥0.2); non-bold, positive numbers indicate slight agreement (0.2> κ >0); negative numbers indicate no cross-agreement, i.e. less than that expected by chance.</p><p><sup>1</sup>Other: any participant’s diagnosis other than the eight conditions listed on the DST; a DST diagnosis of ‘other’ resulted when none of its 16 signs was recorded for a case.</p>2<p>SCH: schistosomosis. [Further abbreviations as <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0040687#pone-0040687-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>.].</p

    The percentages of bovine cases in which clinical signs were observed by Ugandan farmers and study participants (veterinary and animal health officers) during the two phases of the study.

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    <p>The percentages of clinical cases in which each sign was observed in cattle examined by farmers and study participants during the two phases of the study, ordered by decreasing differences between the two types of observation during Phase-1. (Phase-1, n = 713 cases; Phase-2, n = 747 cases.).</p

    Frequency distribution of numbers of clinical signs recorded for bovine cases by Ugandan veterinary and animal health officers during the two phases of the study.

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    <p>Histogram showing the frequency distribution of number of clinical signs per case observed during each of the two phases of the study, prior to and after the introduction of the diagnostic decision support tool.</p

    Map of Uganda showing the five districts in which the study was carried out.

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    <p>The study was carried out in Iganga (I), Kayunga (K), Sironko (Si), Soroti and Tororo (T) Districts in the eastern region of Uganda between January and May of 2005. Solid symbol is the Capital city, Kampala.</p

    Template casebook used by participating Ugandan veterinary and animal health officers to record data in Phase-2 of the study.

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    <p>The template casebook was provided in the form of a printed notebook with the decision support tool appearing on each left hand page in landscape orientation so that clinical signs observed could be marked directly on it.</p

    Concordance (κ) of outcomes for each of the eight diagnoses suggested by the DST with those made by participating veterinary and animal health officers.

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    <p>NB the DST was available to participants during Phase-2 but not Phase-1.</p><p><sup>1</sup>As <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0040687#pone-0040687-t003" target="_blank">table 3</a>.</p

    Approximate proportional morbidity in cattle in the eastern region of Uganda based on participating veterinary and animal health officers’ diagnoses and those suggested by the DST.

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    <p>Numbers of individual diagnoses made in each of the two phases of the study are expressed as a proportion of all diagnoses made in that phase. Phase-1 (n = 713 cases) was prior to, and Phase-2 (n = 747 cases) after, the introduction of the diagnostic decision support tool.</p

    Misclassification matrices, (a) M<i><sub>v</sub></i> and (b) M<i><sub>c</sub></i>, of participants’ diagnoses and diagnoses calculated by the DST using clinical signs recorded during the study.

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    <p>In (a), <b>M</b><b><i><sub>v </sub></i></b>, proportions of each participant diagnosis are shown for each DST diagnosis in columns summating to 1. In (b), <b>M</b><b><i><sub>c </sub></i></b>, proportions of each DST diagnosis are shown for each participant diagnosis in columns summating to 1.</p><p>Leading diagonal indicating agreement, other cells indicating disagreement.</p><p><sup>1</sup>NA: not applicable. [Other abbreviations as <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0040687#pone-0040687-t004" target="_blank">Table 4</a>.].</p

    Breakdown of all cases (n = 1464) by key variables over the two phases of the study, pre and post-introduction of the DST.

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    <p>Breakdown of all cases (n = 1464) by key variables over the two phases of the study, pre and post-introduction of the DST.</p