160 research outputs found
Validation of Occupational Well-being Scale using RASCH Analysis
The blessing of a job in the field of education will be felt by an educator when happiness and enjoyment are present in the teaching process, which can be illustrated through the variable of occupational well-being. Therefore, a valid and reliable scale to measure the occupational well-being variable in teachers is needed. This study aims to validate the Tripartite Occupational Well-being scale in its Indonesian version using the RASCH analysis model. The study used a sample of early childhood education teachers, with a total of 120 teachers selected through accidental sampling. The results indicate that the measurement tool is valid and reliable for use in research, with a Cronbach's alpha value of α=0.89, person reliability of 0.84, and item reliability of 0.90. Furthermore, results show that the measurement tool is capable of measuring construct of occupational well-being with a raw variance by measures value of 44.1%, which categorized as excellent category. However, it is recommended to revise item no.1 on subjective vitality because its infit MNSQ value exceeds the average infit MNSQ value of 1.61. This study implies that Tripartite Occupational Well-being Scale which adapted into Bahasa Indonesia is valid and reliable for measuring occupational well-being among early childhood teachers
Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Spiritual dengan Perilaku Prososial pada Santri di Sidoarjo
Perilaku prososial sangat dibutuhkan oleh remaja akan kehidupan bermasyarakatpada masa sekarang dan masa depan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui hubungan kecerdasan spiritual dengan perilaku prososial pada santri diSidoarjo. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah hubungan positif antara kecerdasanspiritual dengan perilaku prososial pada santri di Sidoarjo. Sampel dalam penelitianini berjumlah 139 santri dengan jumlah populalsi 230 santri. Pengambilan sampeldilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik kuantitatif korelasional dan alat ukur yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu skala Kecerdasan Spiritual (r=0,089) dan SkalaPerilaku Prososial (r=0,865). Analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi ProductMoment dari Pearson dengan bantuan program SPSS 20.0. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,168 dengan signifikansi 0,047<0,05 yangberarti ada hubungan positif antara kecerdasan spiritual dengan perilaku prososialpada santri. Semakin tinggi kecerdasan spiritual maka semakin tinggi perilakuprososial, begitu sebaliknya semakin rendah kecerdasan spiritual maka semakinrendah pula perilaku prososial. Tingkat kecerdasan spiritual dan perilaku prososialdalam penelitian ini tergolong sedang. Sedangkan Efektifitas (SE) dari kecerdasanspiritual bernilai 2,8% dan terdapat 97,2% dari faktor lain yang mempengaruhiperilaku prososial.Kata kunci: Kecerdasan Spiritual, Perilaku Prososial, Santr
Pelatihan manajemen diri dengan pendekatan choice theory untuk menurunkan kecenderungan merokok pada remaja
More often the early adolescents do maladaptive behaviour, one of them is smoking. The purpose of this research was to know there were the influence of self management with choice theory approach to the smoking preference. This research was used experimental quantitative approach with randomized pretest-posttest group design. Sampling technique was used simple random for 26 students and random assignment for 13 students for experiment group and 13 students for control group. Data was analyzed by covarians analysis. The result of analyzed showed that (F=6,287; ; ρ = 0,02; ρ < 0,05; η = 0,215), and anacova test for the follow up data (F = 7,223; ρ = 0,013; ρ < 0,05; η = 0,239). It was showed there were differences smoking preference behaviourwho got self management training with choice theory approach with who didn’t get self management training with choice theory approach with controlled to the smoking preference behaviour before the treatment
Artikel Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Quantum Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Cognitive Apprenticeship Mahasiswa
Artikel Gambaran Perilaku Sehat Guru Smp Sebagai Inisiator Sekolah Adiwiyata Dengan Model Teori Planned Behavior
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