7 research outputs found
Localization of WmCSV and TYLCV in excised midguts of <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 and 95.
<p>Viruses were localized after a 5 d acquisition access period and 2 d discharge using fluorescent <i>in situ</i> hybridization. Left column: virus localization using specific probes (red); right column: transmitted light images. WmCSV in <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 (A, B) and in <i>B. tabaci</i> 95 (C, D); TYLCV in <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 (E, F) and <i>B. tabaci</i> 95 (G, H); WmCSV in <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 after fluorescent <i>in situ</i> hybridization and nuclei staining with DAPI (I, J). CA, caeca; FC, filter chamber; DM, descending midgut; AM, ascending midgut; HG, hindgut. Arrowheads: virus accumulations.</p
WmCSV and TYLCV concentrations in host plants and insects of <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 and 95.
<p>Viruses were quantified in watermelon (Wm), tomato (To) and insects (<i>B.t</i>.) after an acquisition access period of 5 d by qPCR following 2 d feeding on cotton for discharge of the intestine (n = 18, with two technical replicates each). Virus concentrations were calculated assuming 100 ng DNA as an average DNA content of an individual whitefly. Solid horizontal lines within boxes represent the median; dashed horizontal lines represent mean values; boxes contain values between the 25th and 75th quartiles; the antennae represent 95 percent of all data; dots represent outliers. Asterisks with the same number indicate significant differences between the samples (Student's <i>t</i>-test, <i>p</i><0.05).</p
Uptake of WmCSV by the efficient transmitter <i>Bemisia tabaci</i> 63 and the poor transmitter <i>B. tabaci</i> 95.
<p>Virus concentrations were analyzed by qPCR in composite samples of 100 whiteflies of <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 (<i>B.t.</i> 63) and <i>B. tabaci</i> 95 (<i>B.t.</i> 95) after a six hour starvation over an acquisition access period of five days (two technical replicates). Median values of virus concentrations were calculated assuming 100 ng DNA as an average DNA content of an individual whitefly. Three independent experiments were performed.</p
Abundance of secondary bacterial endosymbionts in the efficiently transmitting <i>Bemisia tabaci</i> 63 and the poor transmitter <i>B. tabaci</i> 95.
<p>Adult male and female individuals were examined for the presence of bacterial endosymbionts by PCR (n = 20). Data represent the percentage of whitefly individuals harboring the respective endosymbiont.</p><p>Abundance of secondary bacterial endosymbionts in the efficiently transmitting <i>Bemisia tabaci</i> 63 and the poor transmitter <i>B. tabaci</i> 95.</p
WmCSV and TYLCV concentrations in single whiteflies and excised organs of the poorly transmitting <i>B. tabaci</i> 95 and the non-transmitter <i>B. tabaci</i> 95-.
<p>WmCSV (A) and TYLCV (B) were quantified in individual whiteflies, individual midguts and primary salivary glands (10 primary salivary glands represent one biological sample) after 5 d acquisition access period and 2 d discharge by qPCR (<i>B. tabaci</i> 95: n = 4, with two technical replicates each; <i>B. tabaci</i> 95-: n = 18 individual whiteflies, n = 36 individual midguts, n = 20 primary salivary glands, with two technical replicates each). Specification of box plots is given in the legend to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0111968#pone-0111968-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>. Asterisks indicate significant differences between the parental population <i>B. tabaci</i> 95 and <i>B. tabaci</i> 95- (Student's <i>t</i>-test, <i>p</i><0.05).</p
Localization of WmCSV and TYLCV in excised primary salivary glands of <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 and 95.
<p>Viruses were localized after a 5 d acquisition access period and 2 d discharge by fluorescent <i>in situ</i> hybridization. Left column: virus localization using specific probes (red); right column: transmitted light images. WmCSV in <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 (A, B) and in <i>B. tabaci</i> 95 (C–F); TYLCV in <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 (G, H) and <i>B. tabaci</i> 95 (I, J). DS, ducal section of the central region; EC, endcap; SS, secretory section of the central region.</p
WmCSV and TYLCV concentrations in insects of <i>B. tabaci</i> 63 and 95 after artificial feeding.
<p>Whiteflies were fed on artificial medium adjusted to similar concentrations of purified WmCSV and TYLCV. Feeding experiments were kept for 48 h under greenhouse conditions followed by two days incubation on cotton for discharge (n = 12, with two technical replicates each). Mean values of virus concentrations were calculated assuming 100 ng DNA as an average DNA content of an individual whitefly. Asterisks indicate significant differences between both whitefly populations having taken up the same virus (Student's <i>t</i>-test, <i>p</i><0.05).</p