71 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Faktor Intern Dan Faktor Ekstern Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi

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    Students’ achievement is one of success indicator in learning process. One of parameters used to measure succes level is minimal limit over learning target. But, there were a lot of 11th grade social class students in SMA N 1 Pegandon had low score below the minimal limit over learning target. The statements of problems are to know the condition of external and internal factors, to know the influence of external and internal factors toward learning achievement. The number of population was 126 students. The variables were internal factor, external factor and student learning achievement. Data was taken by using observation method, documentation and multiple regressions. The result study showed that internal factors was in good level (54.8%), external factor was in good level (80.16%). It can be concluded that internal factor and external factor gave influences toward student achievement. Thus; it is suggested that students should adapt in daily life with assessement exercise to improve students’ understanding toward subject material

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan dan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi pada siswa kelas XI IPS SMA N 1 Sragi kabupaten Pekalongan tahun pelajaran 2005/2006. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS SMA N 1 Sragi Kabupaten Pekalongan sebanyak 147 siswa yang terbagi dalam 3 kelas. Sampel penelitian diambil berdasarkan teknik Proporsional Random Sampling. Penentuan jumlah sampel berdasarkan rumus Slovin diperoleh banyaknya sampel 60 siswa. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru sebagai variabel bebas dan motivasi belajar siswa sebagai variabel terikat. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskrpitif persentase dan regresi berganda. Hasil analisis deskriptif persentase menunjukkan bahwa variabel kepemimpinan termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan bobot persentase skor 70,00%, kemampuan berkomunikasi guru termasuk kategori baik dengan bobot persentase skor sebesar 61,67% dan motivasi belajar siswa termasuk kategori tinggi dengan bobot persentase 58,33%. Besarnya pengaruh masing-masing variabel yaitu kepemimpinan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa sebesar 14,62%, dan pengaruh kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa sebesar 17,52%

    Sistem Pakar Penentuan Kesesuaian Lahan Berdasarkan Faktor Penghambat Terbesar (Maximum Limitation Factor) Untuk Tanaman Pangan

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    Knowledge about suitability of the land and the plants can minimalize harvest plant problem. The spread of information technology and digital era also change the ways to explain and distribute information and knowledge used for recognize land suitability, with the creation of expert system. Process to recognize land suitability in this system using 19 parameter included physical and chemistry characteristics, and also nature factors such as temperature and rain fall. For all of these parameters, there are 2 complementary parameters to replace data about tekstur, drainase, and slope. Object in this research are 14 kinds of food plants. This system using Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) method for processing data. User can choose trapesium or Gauss function for fuzzificy the data. Based on actual values of the land, this system will determine the suitability of the land for food plants and for specific kinds of food plants. This system also determines about limitation factors for the land and gives some managerial suggestion for handling those factors. The results of this system also included about plants grow requirement and suitability location on 2 districts at East Java Province

    Pengaruh Persepsi Siswa Mengenai Keterampilan Mengajar, Kompetensi Kepribadian, Dan Kompetensi Sosial Guru, Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Program Studi Administrasi Perkantoran Di Smk Negeri 1 Purwodadi

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    The purpose of this study is to determine either simultaneously or partially teaching skills teacher, personal competence, and sosial competence of techer on student achievement at tenth grade of SMK N 1 Purwodadi. The Population in this research is tenth grade AP as many as 117 students. The Variables were examined in this study are teaching skills teacher, personal competence, and sosial competence of teacher. Data collection is used by the writer are questionnaires, tests, observation and documentation. Data analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results of this research multiple regression analysis is Y =56,484 + 0,138X1 + 0,118X2 + 0,154X3. There is a simultaneous effect of 58,2%, while the partial effect of teaching skills teacher by 22,09%, personal competence by 17,05%, and amounted to 7,23% of sosial competence

    Sistem Pakar Penentuan Kesesuaian Lahan Berdasarkan Faktor Penghambat Terbesar (Maximum Limitation Factor) Untuk Tanaman Pangan

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    Knowledge about suitability of the land and the plants can minimalize harvest plant problem. The spread of information technology and digital era also change the ways to explain and distribute information and knowledge used for recognize land suitability, with the creation of expert system. Process to recognize land suitability in this system using 19 parameter included physical and chemistry characteristics, and also nature factors such as temperature and rain fall. For all of these parameters, there are 2 complementary parameters to replace data about tekstur, drainase, and slope. Object in this research are 14 kinds of food plants. This system using Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) method for processing data. User can choose trapesium or Gauss function for fuzzificy the data. Based on actual values of the land, this system will determine the suitability of the land for food plants and for specific kinds of food plants. This system also determines about limitation factors for the land and gives some managerial suggestion for handling those factors. The results of this system also included about plants grow requirement and suitability location on 2 districts at East Java Province

    Model Kaji Tindak Program Pembangunan Partisipatif Pengentasan Kemiskinan Dan Rawan Pangan

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    The objective of the article was to explain essential and urgency of the model of participative development program as an effort to maximize real potencies: economy, social, poli- tic and local culture, so that they can meet living need themselves independently and sustainability. The subjects of the study are all local poor people in Bringin rural area. Result of the research indicated that people awareness can maximize their potency that determined by the creativity and not due to the facility as government gave. The research explained that the incapable people problem was not merely due to absence of capital. However, it was due to awareness and working ethos that awakening in order to resolve the poverty problem. Therefore, in the evaluative action at least it was required four pillars, namely: job opportunity, social protection, capability improvement and people-empowering pillars. Then, evaluative action implementation of widening empowerment program based on local resource and creative economy was an essential, urgent strategy model to develop as effort of resolving poverty

    Model Sistem Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Cerdas Manajemen Rantai Pasok Hijau Obat Herbal

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    Penggunaan tanaman tradisional sebagai obat-obatan tidak kalah dibanding bahan obat kimiawi karena penggunaan bahan alami justru tidak menimbulkan efek samping yang berlebihan. Masih terbatasnya penelitian terkait rantai pasokan obat herbal melatarbelakangi penelitian ini sebagai salah satu alternatif solusi dari permasalahan yang terjadi pada proses rantai pasokan obat herbal. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan sebuah model Sistem Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Cerdas berbasis website dengan menggunakan metode Green Supply Chain Operation Reference, Fuzzy Analytic Network Process dan Algoritme Genetika dengan objek penelitian pada industri obat herbal. Sistem yang diusulkan merupakan sebuah sistem penunjang keputusan yang ditingkatkan kinerjanya dengan menambahkan elemen kecerdasan buatan ke dalamnya yang terdiri atas empat bagian utama, yaitu: sistem manajemen dialog, sistem manajemen basis data, sistem manajemen basis model, dan elemen kecerdasan buatan. Pada simulasi sistem diperoleh hasil untuk karbon footprint sebanyak 602 kg sementara total environment footprint sebesar 4.181 kg, recycle waste material menjadi pilihan pertama pakar pada alternatif pengembangan rantai pasok hijau sementara jarak terpendek untuk jalur distribusi sejauh 1014 km. Berdasarkan pengujian load test, aplikasi berjalan baik dengan waktu rata-rata selama 9.28 detik. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebuah aplikasi online yang dapat diakses pada situs www.herbal.biz.id dengan melakukan registrasi user terlebih dahulu

    Perbaikan Kinerja Penanganan Kargo Ikan Tuna; di Terminal Kargo Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno Hatta

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    The objectives of this study were 1) to identify the tuna cargo handling conducted in the export warehouse of PT. XYZ, 2) to determine the main variables that affect the performance of tuna cargo handling in the export warehouse of PT. XYZ, and 3) to determine what policies can be used to improve the performance of tuna cargo handling in the export warehouse of PT. XYZ. This research was conducted by using the descriptive methodology i.e. a discrete simulation model of the process of tuna cargo handling in the export warehouse of PT. XYZ by utilizing ARENA software. In the policy making of tuna cargo handling improvements, the Analytical Network Process, Benefit, Opportunity, Cost, and Risk (ANP BOCR) were also used. The simulation results point out that the existing conditions contribute to the delay level of tuna cargo delivery by 12% with the quality level of 22,934%. Delays in tuna cargo delivery have led to an increase in operational costs by 1,5%. ANP BOCR results highlight that opening a special lane for perishable cargo handling will improve the performance of tuna cargo handling in the export warehouse of PT. XYZ. Furthermore, the results of discrete model simulations on the improvement scenario of tuna cargo handling performance show that by opening a special lane for perishable cargo handling, it can ensure delivery schedule to be accurate indicated by the level of on time delivery reaching up to 100%, with an average quality rate of 86.013%. By speeding up the processing period (with an average of 81.519 minutes), the delay of cargo delivery up to 100% will be reduced; therefore, the quality of tuna is maintained in a good condition with the histamine level of 6,7 ppm

    Penerapan Fuzzy TOPSIS dalam Penentuan Lokasi Kawasan Pengembangan Rantai Pasok Bioenergi Kelapa Sawit

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    .This study aims to obtain the best location of the target area of agro-industrial development of bioenergy in the supply chain. Through a systems approach, using fuzzy TOPSIS, an analysis of various key criteria was conducted, including availability of raw materials, land conditions and prices, the ease of access to transportation, the distance to the city center, the availability of labor at the target location, availability of infrastructure – such as water and electricity, the use of the location and orientation of multiplier effect. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, from the five areas being targeted for locations of bioenergy agro-industry development in the province of Riau, including Industrial Area Kuala Enok; Palm Oil Region in Rokan Hulu; Pelintung Dumai Industrial Area; Palm Oil Region in Bagan Batu Rokan Hilir and Teknopolitan Region in Pelalawan, the one that has been voted the best location is Pelintung Dumai Industrial Area. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh lokasi terbaik yang menjadi target kawasan pengembangan agroindustri bioenergi dalam satu mata rantai pasokan. Melalui pendekatan sistem, dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy TOPSIS, dilakukan analisis terhadap berbagai kriteria penting diantaranya ketersediaan bahan baku, kondisi lahan dan harga, kemudahan akses transportasi, jarak lokasi dengan pusat kota, ketersediaan tenaga kerja pada lokasi sasaran, ketersediaan infrastruktur seperti air dan listrik, orientasi pemanfaatan lokasi serta multiflier effect.  Berdasarakan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, dari lima target kawasan yang menjadi sasaran lokasi pengembangan agroindustri bioenergi di Provinsi Riau, diantaranya Kawasan Industri Kuala Enok, Kawasan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Rokan Hulu, Kawasan Industri Pelintung Dumai, Kawasan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Bagan Batu Rokan Hilir dan Kawasan Teknopolitan di Kabupaten Pelalawan, telah terpilih lokasi terbaik, yakni di Kawasan Industri Pelintung Duma
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