10 research outputs found


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    The paper entitled “Inflectional Morphemes in English Compared with Bahasa Indonesia and Basa Sunda” is intended to discuss the use of inflectional morphemes to form words in English compared with Bahasa Indonesia, and Basa Sunda. The aims of the study is to describe the forms/positions and the functions of English inflectional morphemes and to find out the similarities and the differences among the three languages. Inflectional morphemes are kinds of morphemes which do not change lexical meaning or part of speech. In English, the inflectional morphemes are suffixes, which are attached at the end of words. In the other two languages, inflectional morphemes can be attached in more various positions. It can be concluded that inflectional morphemes are used in English, Bahasa Indonesia and Basa Sunda. English only has one inflectional morpheme while the others are more varied. There are similarities and differences in using inflectional morphemes in English, Bahasa Indonesia and Basa Sunda. All the languages use inflectional morphemes to show plurality, to indicate comparative or superlative and active/passive verbs. Basa Sunda has more various combination of affixes than others

    Maria Yosephin Widarti Lestari

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    In Indonesia, based on the 2003 Curriculum for Junior school, there are three languages, e.g. English, Bahasa Indonesia and indigenous languages in the group of language. It means that all three languages are taught though in fact the indigenous language is not the subject examined nationally. The government policy to place indigenous languages in education system is meant to be one of the ways to avoid it from extinction. Unfortunately, many problems arose in the teaching and learning process because of the status of the language. The research was carried out in 2 junior schools in Bandung, West Jawa, Indonesia. The schools chosen are based on the location and status in which one is a private school in town (77 students) and the other school is public/state one located in outside the city (74 students). Findings suggested that the students from public school have higher attitudes toward the use of Sundanese language and the Sundanese language learning than students from private school. It is influenced by social and educational factors internally and externally

    Improving Students' Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text by Using Picture and Picture Technique at Junior High School

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    This study aims to improve students’ reading skills using Picture and Picture Technique. The study used a quasi-experimental design with two classes of pre-test and post-test designs as the research design. The sample consisted of 23 VIII A students and 23 VIII B students from SMP Negeri 2 Tlogowungu in the academic year 2022/2023. The students were divided into two groups: experimental and control. A t-test was used to analyze the collected data. The analysis found that t-test had a greater value that the t table (t count = 10.017, t table = 2.074 at the level significant 5%). The reading skills of both groups has improved, yet there is a significant difference between the two. The average post-test learning result of the experimental class is 79.65, while the average control class is 61.39. As a result, it is possible to conclude that using the Picture and Picture Technique can improve students’ reading skills

    Using Technology in English Teaching of Pre-Service Teachers in 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era

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    The study aims at knowing the use of technology in teaching learning process of pre-service teachers of English Study Program of Universitas PGRI Semarang. The subjects of the study are the eight semester students which are Pre-service teachers of the English Study Program of Universitas PGRI Semarang in the academic year 2018/2019. The instrument used in the study is questionnaire. The techniques used in the study are sharing the questionnaire to the eight semester students through WhatsApp to know what kinds of technology used by them are and interview to know how their perception of the use of technology in teaching learning process is. The qualitative data are analyzed by reducing the data, classifying the data and drawing conclusion. The result of the study shows that Pre-service teachers tend to use same kinds of technology in teaching learning process, and they have an opinion that technology is really important for the teachers and for students


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    Penyampaian informasi melalui media cetak memerlukan kemampuan menulis efektif yang mencakup penggunaan unsur-unsur bahasa dari diksi hingga kalimat agar pembaca mudah memahaminya. Sebaliknya, penggunaan struktur bahasa yang rumit dan bertele-tele akan membingungkan pembaca. Salah satu unsur kebahasaan yang sering digunakan adalah bentuk klausa. Namun, penggunaan klausa dengan bentuk yang sama secara terus-menerus memberikan kesan redudansi sehingga diperlukan keragaman bentuk klausa, salah satunya adalah reduced adverbial clauses. Di sisi lain, klausa jenis ini memiliki risiko terjadinya ketidakefektifan dalam penyampaian informasi apabila unsur –unsur bahasa digunakan dengan tidak tepat. Oleh karena itu penulis memfokuskan penelitian ini pada bentuk beserta posisi reduced adverbial clause pada kalimat, peran semantis, dan unsur-unsur klausa yang dihilangkan sebelum klausa itu direduksi. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa bentuk reduced adverbial –ing clause muncul lebih banyak dibanding reduced adverbial –ed clause dan reduced adverbial –ing clause muncul pada semua posisi baik initial, medial, maupun final sedangkan reduced –ed clause muncul hanya pada posisi initial dan final. Untuk peran semantis, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga jenis peran semantis yang muncul yaitu clause of time, conditional clause, dan reason clause. Adapun unsur-unsur yang hilang ialah subjek, verba bantu, dan subordinator meskipun sebagian data menunjukkan bahwa subordinator masih tetap digunakan sedangkan unsur klausa yang mengalami perubahan bentuk ialah verba bentuk non-finite –ing verb

    The Use of the Show and Tell Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery in The First Grade Students Of Junior High School

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    To be effective in teaching vocabulary, teachers must identify, use, and be creative in their methods. The English teacher should employ the proper teaching technique to tackle the problem of mastering vocabulary using the Show and the Tell method. This study was purposefully intended to look into the following topics: 1) the students’ vocabulary mastery before they were taught by using Show and Tell Method 2) the students’ vocabulary mastery after they were taughtwhatwiut using Show and Tell Method 3) the significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery after using Show and Tell Method. It was a quasi-experimental study that used a pretest-posttest control group research design. The sample of the research is two claClassessess research, the researchers choose tclassesass consists list VII A 27 st,udstudentsnd VII B 26 students. The test was employed as a datgatheringng instrument, and it was in the form of a test that included a pre-test and a post-test. Both the experimental and control groups were given the test. Based on the findings of data analysis using the normality, homogeneity tests, anthatteststst. It can be concluded the alternative hypothesis was accepted while the null hypothesis was rejected. It means there were significant differences in vocabulary before and afteusinged the show and tells method for the first grade Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 4 Juwana. Furthermore, tusesed of the Show and Tell Method was important teaching vocabulary mastery because could help motivate vocabularies show and tell method; vocabulary mastery; in students of junior high school

    Investigating Skills-Based Language Assessment Literacy of EFL Teachers in Indonesia

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    As English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, they must possess a sufficient understanding of assessment-related processes. Hence, it is critical to investigate the language assessment expertise possessed by language instructors as an initial measure towards developing language assessment literacy, to identify their proficiencies and limitations in the field of language assessment. To fill the gaps, this current study examines the level of language assessment knowledge among EFL teachers in higher education schools in Indonesia. This study employed the survey method and utilized 60 adopted items, consisting of four constructs. The study was conducted among a sample of 114 EFL teachers employed in both private and public schools in Indonesia. The statistical analysis indicated that, on average, the teachers’ level of language assessment knowledge is at a certain level. The findings of a one-sample t-test indicated a statistically significant difference between the scores obtained by teachers on the scale and half of the overall score. Additionally, the study revealed that the teachers demonstrated the highest level of expertise in evaluating reading skills, while their proficiency in assessing listening skills was comparatively lower. In conclusion, the current study provides several recommendations for both future research endeavors and policymakers in order to enhance the language assessment literacy of EFL instructors in evaluating individual language skills. Keywords: skills-based language assessment, language assessment literacy, EFL teacher

    Investigating the Figurative Language of the Novel Entitled "Miles Morales: Spider-Man" by Jason Reynold

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    The purpose of this study is to (1) investigate the types of figurative language used in the novel Miles Morales: Spider-Man, (2) describe the meaning of figurative language conveyed in Miles Morales: Spider-Man novel, (3) identify what figurative language is used has the most appearances in Miles Morales: Spider-Man novels (4) find out his contribution to education. Researchers used a qualitative descriptive method. The research data is figurative language in a novel entitled "Miles Morales: Spider-Man" by Jason Reynold. Data collection techniques use documentation. At the same time, data analysis is done by identifying figurative language, classification, interpretation, analysis, and conclusion. The study results in mentioning seven figures of speech found in the novel "Miles Morales: Spider-Man" by Jason Reynold, namely metaphor, hyperbole, personification, irony, simile, repetition, and metonymy. The researcher concludes that figurative language has the most appearances in the novel "Miles Morales: Spider-Man" by Jason Reynold