22 research outputs found
A summary of evidence types for on-topic micro-blogs.
<p>A summary of evidence types for on-topic micro-blogs.</p
Example text content to describe the evidence inference categories NE, OTG and NOTG [6, p.3].
<p>Example text content to describe the evidence inference categories NE, OTG and NOTG [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0189378#pone.0189378.ref006" target="_blank">6</a>, p.3].</p
The number of micro-bloggers by summary inference category <i>CB</i> and corroboration category for the ADon_a and ADcomb_a datasets.
<p>The number of micro-bloggers by summary inference category <i>CB</i> and corroboration category for the ADon_a and ADcomb_a datasets.</p
Example miss-classified text by human annotators.
<p>Example miss-classified text by human annotators.</p
The number of content source for the ADon and ADoff datasets at the completion of the filtering processes.
<p>The number of content source for the ADon and ADoff datasets at the completion of the filtering processes.</p
The summary inference category <i>CB</i>, corroboration <i>COR</i>, and <i>Bel(OTG)</i> value and corresponding rank, for example micro-bloggers by the ADon_a and ADcomb_a datasets.
<p>The summary inference category <i>CB</i>, corroboration <i>COR</i>, and <i>Bel(OTG)</i> value and corresponding rank, for example micro-bloggers by the ADon_a and ADcomb_a datasets.</p
A summary of event milestones with corresponding approximate time intervals.
<p>A summary of event milestones with corresponding approximate time intervals.</p
The sets representing evidence and micro-blogs posted by an example micro-blogger.
<p>The micro-blogger <i>MB</i><sub>1</sub> has posted three micro-blogs <i>M</i><sub>1β3</sub> that include three text evidence <i>T</i> = {<i>e</i><sub>1</sub>, <i>e</i><sub>4</sub>, <i>e</i><sub>6</sub>}, two images <i>I</i> = {<i>e</i><sub>2</sub>, <i>e</i><sub>5</sub>}, and two geotags <i>G</i> = {<i>e</i><sub>3</sub>, <i>e</i><sub>7</sub>}. The image and text content in this figure are similar to content posted by an example micro-blogger, and are for illustrative purposes. The images in the figure are printed under a CC BY license, with permission from Rachael Hopkins, original copyright 2017.</p
Illustrative example of on-topic micro-blogs posted by a single micro-blogger that distinguish between on-hash and off-hash categories for a target event <i>#AFLDonsPies</i>.
<p>The image and text content in this figure are similar to content posted by an example micro-blogger, and are for illustrative purposes. The images in the figure are printed under a CC BY license, with permission from Rachael Hopkins, original copyright 2017.</p
Examples of potential NOTG evidence from the off-topic text content.
<p>Examples of potential NOTG evidence from the off-topic text content.</p