7 research outputs found
Beluga River Daily Insects 2009-2012
These are the daily measurements of invertebrate biomass (mg) along our two pitfall trap transects in Beluga River, Alaska 2009-2011. Each transect was comprised of 5 pitfall traps
Churchill Daily Insect Data 2009-2011
These are the daily measurements of invertebrate biomass (mg) along our two pitfall trap transects in Churchill, Manitoba 2009-2011. Each transect was comprised of 5 pitfall traps
Nest Data Churchill and Beluga 2009-2012
This file can be used in Program Mark to determine the nest survival rates of Hudsonian Godwits, Limosa haemastica, breeding in Beluga River, Alaska and Churchill, Manitoba from 2009-2011. The file includes the nest ID number, the first date on which each nest was found, the date on which it was last known to be alive, and the date on which its fate was complete (e.g., alive or dead). The final column denotes the nest's fate (0 = hatched, 1 = failed)
Churchill and Beluga Chick Growth Data 2009-2011
This file contains the data which can be used to calculate the growth rates of Hudsonian godwit, Limosa haemastica, chicks hatched at Beluga River, Alaska and Churchill, Manitoba from 2009-2011. The first column denotes the site at which the chick was hatched (BR = Beluga River, CH = Churchill); the second column the year in which they were hatched; the third column the date on which they were hatched; the fourth the date of the capture; the fifth their individually unique flag code, which can be linked to the chick data file; the sixth their mass (g) at the time of capture; the seventh their USGS or CWS band number; and the last column whether or not they were hatched from a renest (0 = first nest, 1 = renest)
Chick Data Churchill and Beluga 2009-2012
This file can be used in Program Mark to determine the survival rates of Hudsonian Godwit, Limosa haemastica, chicks hatched in Beluga River, Alaska and Churchill, Manitoba from 2009-2011. The first column is the site at which a chick was hatched (CH = Churchill, BR = Beluga River); the second the year in which it was hatched; the third the nest from which it hatched, which corresponds to the nests in the Nest Date file; the fourth the chick's unique flag code; and then the date on which the chick was first captured, the last date it was known to be alive, and the date its fate was confirmed (e.g., fledged or dead); the eighth is the chick's fate (0 = fledge, 1 = dead); and the last column whether or not the chick hatched from a renest (0 = first nest, 1 = renest)
S.I. Figures and Tables from High-altitude shorebird migration in the absence of topographical barriers: avoiding high air temperatures and searching for profitable winds
All supplemental informatio
Supplementary Table A1 - Metabolic and climatic data
Table includes metabolic scope data and associated climatic data of all bird species included in the analysi