5,214 research outputs found
Governance and Creativity on Urban Regeneration Processes
Governance has become a central topic among policymakers. There is an international consensus that policymaking is evolving from a traditional top-down government approach towards a system of governing that focuses on engaging the citizens within an area (Cabus, 2003). New forms of governance targeting urban competitiveness are increasingly oriented to vertical (between lower and high levels of government and cooperation forms between entities and firms along the production chain) and horizontal (between firms or different municipalities or public and private entities) cooperation (OEDC, 2005). Based on a study research methodology, this article seeks to contribute to answer to the following research questions: i) what is the role of governance in the processes of urban regeneration?; ii) what is the role of governance in the development of creative processes for urban regeneration? and iii) what is the potential of governance to support urban regeneration strategies based on creativity and creative industries?Territorial governance, Creativity, Urban regeneration.
Governance and City Regeneration – A New Methodological Approach for Design and Evaluation
Governance has become a central topic among policymakers. There is an international consensus that policymaking is evolving from a traditional top-down government approach towards a system of governing that focuses on engaging the citizens within an area (Cabus, 2003). New forms of governance targeting urban competitiveness are increasingly oriented to vertical (between lower and high levels of government and cooperation forms between entities and firms along the production chain) and horizontal (between firms or different municipalities or public and private entities) cooperation (OEDC, 2005). Urban renewal policies underwent significant changes in recent decades. Synthetically, the following periods can be distinguished: 1970s: “hard†urban renewal – extensive physical interventions; 1980s: “soft†urban renewal - efforts to keep the original population in place; 1990s: “integrated urban renewal†- combining physical, economic and social interventions (Tosics, 2010). And over the last few years there has been a gradual shift in the understanding of what should be the tools and objectives of urban regeneration policies, with a greater emphasis on process-related and ‘soft’ issues of stakeholder engagement, partnership formation, leadership development, ‘institutional capacity’ development, knowledge and learning (Magalhães, 2004). This shift in the understanding of urban regeneration processes accomplishes the growing importance in literature of concepts like urban governance, institutional relational density, creativity, social capital, city branding and place marketing. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a new methodology for territorial analysis and planning focused on urban regeneration processes and its governance mechanisms. A new methodology that seeks, for each specific urban context, contribute to the following results: 1) Help select the most appropriate governance model to be adopted for each process of urban regeneration, 2) Monitor the partnership process and help promote the partnership guidance; 3) Support the design process and the definition of the strategic approach and projects, 4) Monitor the process of implementing the strategy and support multidimensional and multiscale evaluation of its results; 5) Evaluate the socio-economic and territorial impacts of urban regeneration processes.
The Innovation Public Policies and the Firms’ adoption of Innovative Processes - A New Methodological Approach for Evaluation
Today, innovation is present in the discourse of politicians and business leaders. They see innovation as a positive value and as a solution to solve social problems and company’s competitiveness, so organizations are encouraged to adopt innovative practices through incentives and innovation policies. Several economic and sociological studies have shown that Portuguese companies adopt more easily technological innovations (with short-term effects) then organizational and social innovations. In this sense, we will consider innovation public policies effects at Portuguese companies and how they take available opportunities for innovation. The aim is to know if the concept of innovation spread by these policies is multidimensional (eg social, economic and technological) or restricted. We propose to study the factors (internal and external) that affect innovation processes in enterprises through case studies methodology. This research strategy will show us the processes of innovation from within the organizations and analyze the socio-economic context in which organizations operate through a new methodological approach for evaluation.Innovation, Innovation Systems, Public Policies, Enterprises, Territory.
Reinforcing Innovation Effectiveness – A New Methodological Approach for Policy Evaluation
‘Innovation is the ability to take new ideas and translate them into commercial outcomes by using new processes, products or services in a way that is better and faster than the competition’ (Nedis & Byler, 2009). Innovation is considered as an important competitiveness factor for companies and a source of wealth for economies. Therefore it is an important subject of policy intervention and regional development. The understanding of what innovation is has evolved in the past decades away from a purely technological definition – of new products and processes introduced on the market, to a wider one including organisational and marketing aspects or incremental innovation in low tech production companies and more recently, innovation in services (European Commission, 2008). The main purpose of this paper is to propose a new methodology for territorial analysis and planning focused on innovation and knowledge transfer and in its governance mechanisms. A new methodology which is intended that can contribute to strengthen the present analytical tools applied to the processes of regional innovation and technology transfer. A new methodology that seeks, for each specific territorial context, contribute to the following results: 1) Evaluate the socio-economic and territorial impacts of knowledge transfer and technology diffusion; 2) Mapping territorial innovation effects and pathways – reinforcing innovation mapping and strategic planning; 3) Monitor innovation productivity, competitiveness and its systemic effects; 4) Monitor the innovation implementing processes and public policies, and support the multidimensional and multiscale evaluation of its results; 5) Better understand the knowledge transfer and technology diffusion in a specific territorial bases; 6) Increase the understanding of local and regional contexts of innovation governance.
Synthesis and study of biological activity of tetrahydro-1H-[3]-benzazepines
The 3-Benzazepines are an important class of compounds in drug discovery due to their biological activity such as analgesic, antihypertensive or anticancer properties as well as dopaminergic or antidopaminergic activity. In particular, the tetrahydro-1H-[3]- benzazepine is a common skeleton in a number of natural and pharmaceutical products. As consequence of the interesting biological properties, derivatives of the tetrahydro-1H-[3]-benzazepines, especially the 1-aryl substituted have been synthesized by different routes and evaluated their pharmacologic activity. [1,2]
The stereoselective synthetic approaches of tetrahydro-1H-[3]-benzazepine have focused on ring enlargements, as the Stevens rearrangement (SR) which is a good regio- and diastereoselective synthetic methodology. In my research group, the reaction conditions to synthesize tetrahydro-1H-[3]-benzazepines 1,2-disubstituted by via SR from tetrahydroisoquinolinium salts conveniently functionalized have been optimized. [3,4]
This methodology allowed us to obtain a wide variety of tetrahydro-1H-[3]- benzazepines 1,2-disubstituted with different substituents at A-ring (Cl, OMe) and the C-1 (-C6H4X, X = H, OMe, Cl, NO2, NMe2, NH2, SMe) and C-2 (Electron-withdrawing groups) positions. The demethylation of the synthesized tetrahydroisoquinolines and tetrahydro-1H-[3]-benzazepines 1,2-disubstituted, lead us to get catechol structure, an important requirement for their dopaminergic activity.
We have studied the dopaminergic activity of the synthesized compounds by radioligand binding assays, establishing a structure-activity relationships.
[1] A. Gini, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 4049. [2] H. Damsen, Eur. J. Org. Chem.
2015, 36, 7880. [3] M. Valpuesta, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 23, 4393. [4] M. Ariza, Eur.
J. Org. Chem. 2011, 32, 6507.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Synthesis of bioactive compounds. Studies of their attachment to nanoparticles
The 1-aryl tetrahydroisoquinolines have attracted great attention in medicinal chemistry due to their biological activity. These compounds present antitumor, anti-HIV and antibacterial activities. Several analogues of 1-aryl tetrahydroisoquinoline are used for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson´s and Alzheimer´s diseases since also act as dopaminergic antagonists and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist. [1]
The 1-substituted tetrahydro-3-benzazepines have also been studied for their affinity to the Phencylclidine binding site of the NMDA receptor as well as for their affinity to the dopaminergic receptors. [2]
In the last years, various methods have been carried out to satisfy the demand of novel tetrahydroisoquinolines and tetrahydro-3-benzazepines. We have synthesized nor-1-aryl tetrahydroisoquinolines with different substituents in the aryl group of C-1 (H, NMe2, SMe, NO2, NH2). In addition to this, we have performed the synthesis of nor-tetrahydro-3-benzazepinas by different routes, obtaining the best results via opening of epoxides by arylphenethylamines and subsequent cyclization.
The nor-tetrahydroisoquinolines and nor-tetrahydro-3-benzazepines have been derivatized to obtain appropiate adsorbates which can be attached to nanoparticles. This fact is crutial in drug delivery systems as well as in the improvement of the biocompatibility of these compounds.
[1] Toshiaki Saitoh, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2006, 41, 241. Mattias Ludwig, Eur. J. Med. 2006, 41, 1003. [2] Olaf Krull, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2004, 12, 1439.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
Sobre el uso del pretérito perfecto y pretérito indefinido en el español de Canarias: pragmática y variación
La Sociolingüística Variacionista ha sentado sus bases sobre el análisis de formas alternantes en un mismo contexto del que la correlación entre los factores lingüísticos y sociales pueda establecersc sin dificultad. El énfasis puesto en este aspecto es bastante conocido, así como el debate establecido (Lavandera 1975, 1978; Labov 1978; Romaine 198 1 ; García 1985; Cheshire 1987) y las posibles soluciones (Sankoff 1988; Silva-Corvalán 1989; Serrano 1903, 1993a)
Which projects are selected for an innovation subsidy? The Portuguese case
Several empirical studies have analyzed which firm characteristics influence government evaluators in the decision to select specific firms to participate in Research and Develop- ment and Innovation subsidy programs. However, few authors have provided a precise analysis about the selection process of applications submitted for public support. The aim of the present article is to assess differences in investment project characteristics (expected impact) between firms with approved and non-approved applications and to understand which kinds of projects are selected for a subsidy. The analysis is focused on the case study of applications submitted to the Portuguese Innovation Incentive System (SI Innovation) between 2007 and 2013. The impact variables under study are those used in the selection procedure to grant the firm a subsidy, namely the expected impact on exports, value creation, productivity, patent application and qualified employment. Using a counterfactual analysis and Propensity Score Matching estimators, the results show that firms with approved applications are those that expect to invest more and forecast a higher increase in exports and productivity as the result of the investment project. However, these firms in comparison with the control group (those with non-approved applications) have investment projects with a lower contribution to growth and lower economic efficiency (return on investment in terms of productivity). The conclusions of this study could be useful for policy-makers since it provides evidence about firms’ strategic choice concerning investment projects submitted for an Innovation subsidy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Estrutura e Dinâmica da Economia como Instituição Social
Este texto procura fazer um breve retrato da economia enquanto instituição social. Primeiramente revisitam-se os fundadores da Sociologia e as suas preocupações permanentes, e persistentes ao longo do tempo, com a economia e com a construção de uma abordagem sociológica da mesma. As fases de desenvolvimento da Sociologia Económica, cujo percurso se confunde com o próprio percurso da Sociologia e da Economia, elucidam sobre a forma como se constrói uma abordagem sociológica das questões económicas. De seguida identificam-se alguns dos principais marcos da história recente da instituição económica, de modo a compreender a origem, a evolução e as mudanças ocorridas no sistema económico capitalista, bem com as mudanças sociais que esse sistema provocou na sociedade. Entre essas mudanças, destaca-se a desindustrialização e a emergência de uma sociedade pós industrial e pós moderna, resultado do processo de globalização da economia. Olhando para estes temas com uma malha mais fina, detemo-nos necessariamente sobre a análise de temas sociológicos imbricados com a economia, tais como o trabalho, o emprego, o desemprego, o subemprego, o consumo e o lazer, bem como sobre as tendências de evolução que apresentam na sociedade actual
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