18 research outputs found


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    This paper is a study of the importance of multicultural owned Indonesian nation as a valuable asset and a potential commodity in the entrepreneurship movement in an effort to rebuild the national economy. Multicultural as entrepreneurship capital also provides added value to the promotion of the state in the international arena. Entrepreneurship itself is an attempt to help themselves, to change things for the better which also includes life skills. Because it takes consciousness of every layer of society to open- up and thinking, doing so has improved with the entrepreneur spirit. The government is also promoting entrepreneurship movement by exploiting the potential of multicultural and potential through education. Diverse cultural nation that needs to be managed and empowered, because it has a high selling value, which ultimately gives a significant impact on the growth of various sectors of development. Related to this, will automaticall


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    Human resources and jobs are an inseparable unit in a company. Both go hand in hand and have high dependency. Company management needs to do a job analysis along with human resource planning that will fill the formation or do the work. Therefore,job analysis and HR planning provide direction for management to determine the right method in the recruitment process. Thus, they can get the right people to fill the right position too. This article aims to examine and explain the effect of job analysis and HR planning on recruitment methods. With the literature study conducted, it was concluded that both the job analysis and HR planning variables have a significant influence on the recruitment method


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    The research conducted at a flour producer attempts to find out the Influence of Job Design on the Quality of Work Life and Job satisfaction. Primary data was taken through questionnaires method of ninety respondents of the company. The sampling technique is Non-Probability Sampling with purposive random sampling method. While the processing of data using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) software. The data processing and the analysis reveal that the result of the three hypotheses can be accepted. The design work gives a positive influence on the quality of work life, while the job design also shows a positive influence on the job satisfaction. The quality of working life also performs a positive effect on employee job satisfaction


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    The research conducted at a flour producer attempts to find out the Influence of Job Design on the Quality of Work Life and Job satisfaction. Primary data was taken through questionnaires method of ninety respondents of the company. The sampling technique is Non-Probability Sampling with purposive random sampling method. While the processing of data using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) software. The data processing and the analysis reveal that the result of the three hypotheses can be accepted. The design work gives a positive influence on the quality of work life, while the job design also shows a positive influence on the job satisfaction. The quality of working life also performs a positive effect on employee job satisfaction

    Pengembangan Start-Ups Berbasis e-Commerce Melalui Matakuliah Aplikasi Bisnis Terintegrasi (ABT)

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    Nowadays, during the industrial revolution 4.0, one of the phenomena that occurs in business industry is the implementation of digital business by utilizing the internet of things (IOT). The second phenomenon is the emergence of a mobile office system using digital devices. Politeknik Ubaya as a vocational education institution captures business developments in this digital era and develops courses that prepare students to be ready to do business in the digital era. One of these courses is Integrated Business Applications (ABT). The purpose of this study is to find out whether this ABT course is useful in preparing students to become start-ups or new entrepreneurs who have competitiveness in this industrial revolution 4.0 era. The research method used for this research is quantitative research implementing questionnaires and non-formal interview as a tool. The target respondents were students who had taken the course. The results of the study show that ABT course can prepare students to become start-ups who are ready to enter the industrial world. In addition, students have felt the impact of this course, so some of them choose to continue their e-commerce business. The narrow scope of sampling is a limitation of this study. Through this research, it is expected to increase students' motivation to develop their potential in entrepreneurship or build new start-ups or develop existing businesses. The suggestion for further research is that it is necessary to measure students’ business motivational through this Integrated Business Application course

    Mengukur Kualitas Pelayanan Tenaga Penjualan: Studi pada Sebuah Perusahaan Distributor Sandal Karet di Surabaya

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    Over the past three years, the sales of sandals and rubber shoes have been significantly impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic. This has coincided with the economic downturn, particularly in the industrial sector. One way to recover is through innovations in the sales of primary, secondary, and tertiary products. By providing high-quality services and prime performance from the human resources possessed, it is hoped that the company's performance can be improved. The purpose of this study is to understand the quality of service and sales performance. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach, where data collection was conducted through interviews, observations, and recordings. Through a literature review and the information obtained, it was found that the service provided by the salespeople being studied has an impact on their performance. The factors studied include product knowledge, clarity in presenting information, and the process of providing service quickly, accurately, and completely. Many studies on customer service quality have been conducted in service companies such as banks, hotels, and hospitals, but there have been few assessments of service quality in small industries with standardized service standards. The purpose of this study is to bridge this gap by evaluating the condition of service quality for customers to formulate effective and suitable strategies for improving the company. The limitations of this study are that it only focuses on one distributor company and additional approaches are needed to obtain more complex informatio

    The Contribution Of Transformational Leadership And Information Technology To The Climate Of Innovation And Innovative Work Behavior

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of determinant factors, namely Transformational Leadership (X1) and Information Technology (X2), on the Innovation Climate (Y1) and Innovative Work Behavior (Y2) in the organization. Quantitative methods were used in this study, with the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) version 4 analysis tool, to analyze. Data is collected through a survey of employees from various backgrounds and levels within the organization. This study proposes five hypotheses, tested through data analysis using the PLS-SEM approach. The trial was carried out twice to ensure the stability and consistency of the results. The results of the study show that Transformational Leadership has a significant positive effect on the Innovation Climate in organizations, Information Technology also has a strong impact on the Innovation Climate. Furthermore, this study reveals that the Innovation Climate has a significant favorable influence on Innovative Work Behavior. The results of this study have important practical implications for organizational management. Applying transformational leadership and investment in information technology can be a strategy to enhance a culture of innovation and innovative work behavior in the workplace. These findings can form the basis for more in-depth follow-up research on other factors that influence organizational innovation

    Networking capability as a moderator of resourced based view, market orientation, information technology, and effectuation on SMEs internationalization

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of resourced based view, market orientation, implementation of information technology, effectuation and networking capability on the internationalization of Small and Medum Enterprises (SMEs) and the indirect influence between these variables with networking capability as a moderator. The research method uses a quantitative approach. The population and sample in this study are SMEs throughout East Java, Indonesia that have made efforts to internationalize, with data obtained from the Export Center Surabaya office, which is an institution formed by the East Java Provincial Trade Service and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce. 1346 SMEs were recorded at the Export Center Surabaya office and a sample of 300 SMEs was obtained. The analysis technique used in this study is SEM PLS, which is to determine validity, reliability, and hypothesis testing. The results of the study show that resourced based view, market orientation, information technology implementation, effectuation and networking capability on SMEs internationalization have a positive and significant effect. Networking capability as a moderator can strengthen the influence of resourced based view and market orientation towards the internationalization of SMEs. Meanwhile, in the effectuation and implementation of information technology relationship with SMEs internationalization, networking capability as a moderator is in a weak position, that is it produces a negative coefficient, with a t-statistic value greater than the t-table

    Change Management

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    Buku ini merupakan salah satu wujud perhatian penulis terhadap pentingnya manajemen perubahan yang akan dibahas dalam 11 bab terkait introduction, force the change, people attitude toward change, the role of leadership as change agent, motivating change, theories of change management, managing workforce diversity, culture change, technology driving change, continuous change, dan organization development