252 research outputs found

    Districts Developing Leaders: Lessons on Consumer Actions and Program Approaches From Eight Urban Districts

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    Profiles eight Wallace-supported approaches to preparing future principals to succeed in improving troubled city schools, including establishing clear expectations so that university preparation programs can craft training accordingly

    ‘Nous sommes tous nĂ©s nomades.’ The pictorial compasses of Fromentin’s Dominique and Flaubert’s SalammbĂŽ of 1862

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    thanks go to the British Academy for its support for the research and completion of this article, when it was not part of the project for which it had awarded me the 2021–2022 Donald Winch Fund Senior Research Fellowship in Intellectual History.This article takes its lead from Barbara Wright’s simple yet profound literary-critical imperative, ‘“Only Connect” 
 ’ (2010), to reflect Fromentin’s Dominique critically in Flaubert’s Salammbî – and vice versa – by means of the aesthetic compasses of critical reader response in 1862, and their authors’ earlier travel writing. In therefore arguing by example for renewed examination of important works in word and image in Second Empire France that appear the same year, the article reorientates twenty-first-century critical debate concerning the status and aesthetic perspectives of mature, representative, enduring and canonical works in nineteenth-century French and Francophone Studies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Collecting women in geology : opening the international case of a Scottish 'cabinĂ©tiĂšre', Eliza Gordon Cumming (c. 1798–1842)

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    The double meanings of ‘case’ in the subtitle pinpoint the dual investigations of this chapter. It first puts the case for better understanding of women's contributions to ‘serious’ geology in international, as well as national, contexts by overtly collecting British women collectors in the field who contributed to French geological knowledge. It can then unpack the pivotal importance of women's geology collections and women collectors ‘at home’ in the establishment of new global subfields of geological work in the 1840s, despite more famous names being given national and international recognition for key discoveries. Our examination of the geology case in point – the collection and its expert collector, Lady Eliza Gordon Cumming – discloses her international geological expertise but also longer transnational heritage of women's scientific collecting practice. By proposing the French term ‘cabinĂ©tiĂšre’ to name its clearer status, this chapter investigates the implications of serious retrospective relabelling for geology when a woman discoverer-collector is restored and reconnected to her world collections.Postprin

    The Grotte du Renne, Leroi-Gourhan and Flaubert's LĂ©gende de saint Julien l’Hospitalier (1877): : the question of prĂ©histoire(s) to delimit the human

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    This article reconsiders the important work of Leroi-Gourhan through the lens of Chris Johnson's ‘Leroi-Gourhan and the Limits of the Human’ (2011) by returning to the context of French prehistory of the 1860s that lies behind Leroi-Gourhan's discoveries and interpretations of hominid remains and artefacts in the Grotte du Renne. The Exposition universelle of 1867 and French publications of the period capture the importance of ‘prĂ©histoire’ for Second Empire France materialized in Napoleon III’s establishment at Saint-Germain-en-Laye of the first national MusĂ©e des AntiquitĂ©s nationales dedicated to their collections. The archaeological discoveries, and the debates they inspired, did not escape the encyclopedic bricolage and designs of Flaubert. With delicious clins d'oeil to the question of ‘l'homme fossile’ and ‘l’homme futur’ that he had already debated with Louis Bouilhet, this article uncovers how Flaubert's LĂ©gende de Saint Julien details the ‘limits of the human’ in Johnson’s reading of Leroi-Gourhan. By returning to ‘real’ counterparts for the legendary Stag in Flaubert’s tale, its contextual, allegedly fantastical, ‘prĂ©histoires’ can better be excavated. To find the non-legendary, extreme contemporary, sources for Flaubert's disturbing text crucially informs critique of the dehistoricization of seeing in postwar French cultural studies and sciences of the humanPostprintPeer reviewe

    Preparing School Leaders for a Changing World: Lessons From Exemplary Leadership Development Programs

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    Presents eight case studies of effective school leadership training programs and provides the key characteristics of high-quality training to help states and districts address long-standing weaknesses in the way principals are prepared for their jobs

    The development of an instrument to measure chronic pain in dogs

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    This research applied the psychometric approaches of proxy human chronic pain and HRQL instrument development to the development of an instrument to measure chronic pain in the dog, using the owner to provide a proxy report. The development of the instrument followed established steps designed to ensure an instrument’s validity: the identification of all domains relevant to the measurement of interest; generation of a pool of potential instrument items; selection of instrument items from the item pool, and validation of that selection; design and pre-testing of the prototype instrument; field-testing of the instrument to establish its psychometric properties. Domain identification was carried out through interviews with 47 owners of dogs suffering chronic pain. Potential items (descriptive terms) were generated using questionnaires completed by 165 dog owners. These domains and the items selected were subsequently validated by 12 veterinary practitioners and by 10 owners of dogs suffering chronic pain. The validated list of items was incorporated into a structured questionnaire, and this instrument was pre-tested using 26 dog owners. The finished instrument was then field-tested using the owners of 155 dogs who completed a total of 390 questionnaires prior to and during treatment at the University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital and at a local Veterinary Practice, a majority of which dogs were suffering from chronic degenerative joint disease (DJD). Factor analysis of the instrument responses for dogs suffering DJD revealed an interpretable 12-factor model, in which factors were interpreted as domains of canine HRQL: ‘vitality’, ‘physical limitation’, ‘lethargy’, ‘anxiety’, ‘aggression’, ‘emotional upset’, ‘appetite’, ‘consistency of behaviour’, ‘mental disturbance’, ‘attention-seeking’, ‘sadness’ and ‘acceptance’. This analysis provided evidence for the construct (factorial) validity of the instrument, since responses to instrument items revealed an underlying structure that reflected the construct upon which the instrument was developed. Scores were calculated for each of the 12 domains of HRQL identified by the factor analysis, and these were able to discriminate between dogs with chronic pain and healthy dogs on >86% of occasions. Profiles of HRQL scores obtained for dogs with chronic pain were compared with those obtained for healthy dogs in a control group, and differences in these profiles were observed. An examination of changes in HRQL domain scores over time for individual dogs revealed that these scores tended to reflect clinical change in those individuals. The process described here offers a novel approach to the development of chronic pain and HRQL instruments for a range of animal species, and may have relevance for human chronic pain and HRQL instrument development


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    In this article, two teacher educators examine two curriculum moments they have experienced, one with children and the other with pre‐service teachers. They find possibilities for shifts in their understandings and insights into their own identity making and that of students. Drawing upon Connelly and Clandinin’s (1992) notion of teachers as curriculum makers, they consider how students shape curriculum alongside teachers in classrooms. Students’ and teachers’ actions and words shape not only events of the classroom but also ways that they compose and recompose their lives in school. In this way, curriculum making and identity making become intertwined. Key words: narrative inquiry, curriculum, teacher education, teacher knowledge, student learning, identity Dans cet article, deux professeurs de pĂ©dagogie analysent deux expĂ©riences qu’elles ont vĂ©cues, l’une avec des enfants et l’autre avec des Ă©tudiants en formation Ă  l’enseignement. Elles trouvent des avenues pouvant favoriser l’évolution de la perception de leur propre identitĂ© et de celle des Ă©tudiants. S’inspirant d’une notion de Connelly et de Clandinin (1992) voulant que les enseignants soient des bĂątisseurs de curriculum, elles voient comment des Ă©lĂšves façonnent le curriculum en mĂȘme temps que les enseignants. Les actions et les propos des Ă©lĂšves et des enseignants modĂšlent non seulement les Ă©vĂ©nements qui ont lieu en classe, mais aussi les façons qu’ils composent et recomposent leur vie Ă  l’école. De ce point de vue, l’évolution du curriculum et l’évolution de l’identitĂ© sont Ă©troitement liĂ©es. Mots clĂ©s: recherche narrative, curriculum, formation Ă  l’enseignement, connaissances de l’enseignant, apprentissage des Ă©lĂšves, identitĂ©

    A Study of Blindness in the House Mouse

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    A study of blindness in mice, heterozygous for a dominant lethal mutation is reported. The eyelids may fail to fuse in the late embryo or may open at 2 or 3 days of age. The expression of the character may be an opacity of one or both eyes, reduced size of eyeball in one or both eyes, or opacity in one with reduced size in the other. Penetrance is incomplete

    Reflections on leadership preparation research and current directions

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    This reflection addresses the need for research on how leadership preparation features develop candidates’ leadership skills and practices, as aligned to recent research on how principals best influence student learning. It reviews the nature of leadership preparation research, the investments in preparation programs, how the field has promoted leadership preparation research, and new developments in related research. Guskey’s program evaluation framework—which emphasizes evaluating the effects of professional learning on what candidates learn and do and the impact on their organizations—is useful in highlighting current shortcomings in how preparation features have been evaluated and identifying areas for further, more strategic research
