2 research outputs found
Relative Risk (RR) of Total Incident Cancer and of Site-Specific Cancer by Educational Attainment in Men.
<p>Abbreviations: RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight kilograms divided by height in meters squared).</p>a<p>p for trend across education groups.</p>b<p>Age-adjusted Incidence rates are per 100,000 person-years by 5 year age intervals.</p>c<p>Multivariate models included the following covariates: age (yrs); race (White, Black, Hispanic and Asian, Pacific Islanders and Native Americans, combined); smoking (Never, Quit <β=β1 pack per day, Quit>1 pack per day, Currently smoking <β=β1 pack per day, Currently Smoking>1 pack per day); alcohol consumptions g/day (0; 0.1β<5, 5β<15, 15<30, 30+); energy (Kcal/day);BMI (<25, 25β<30, 30β<35, 35+); Physical activity (Frequency of at least 20 minutes that caused increases in breathing or heart rate, or worked up a sweat: Never/Rarely, 1β3 time per month, 1β2 times per week, 3β4 times per week, 5+ times per week, Unknown), married (yes/no); family history of cancer (yes/no).</p>d<p>Smoking related cancers include sites: head neck, esophageal, lung, pancreas, bladder.</p>e<p>For the sites of colon and prostate (local and advanced) models were adjusted for screening behavior.</p
Baseline Characteristics According to Educational Attainment in Men and Women.
a<p>BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared).</p>b<p>Reported screening 3 years prior to baseline for colon, breast (women only), ovarian (women only) or prostate (men only) cancers.</p>c<p>Among parous women.</p