169,460 research outputs found
Longitudinal flow and onset of deconfinement
The effects of the onset of deconfinement on longitudinal and transverse flow
are studied. First, we analyze longitudinal pion spectra from
GeV to GeV within Landau's hydrodynamical model and the
UrQMD transport approach. From the measured data on the widths of the pion
rapidity spectra, we extract the sound velocity in the early stage of
the reactions. It is found that the sound velocity has a local minimum
(indicating a softest point in the equation of state, EoS) at GeV. This softening of the EoS is compatible with the assumption of
the formation of a mixed phase at the onset of deconfinement. Furthermore, the
energy excitation function of elliptic flow () from MeV
to GeV is explored within the UrQMD framework and
discussed in the context of the available data. The transverse flow should also
be sensitive to changes in the equation of state. Therefore, the
underestimation of elliptic flow by the UrQMD model calculation above GeV might also be explained by assuming a phase transition from a
hadron gas to the quark gluon plasma around this energy. This would be
consistent with the model calculations, indicating a transition from hadronic
matter to ``string matter'' in this energy range.Comment: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop The Critical Point and
Onset of Deconfinement, Firenze, Ital
On the Convergence Speed of MDL Predictions for Bernoulli Sequences
We consider the Minimum Description Length principle for online sequence
prediction. If the underlying model class is discrete, then the total expected
square loss is a particularly interesting performance measure: (a) this
quantity is bounded, implying convergence with probability one, and (b) it
additionally specifies a `rate of convergence'. Generally, for MDL only
exponential loss bounds hold, as opposed to the linear bounds for a Bayes
mixture. We show that this is even the case if the model class contains only
Bernoulli distributions. We derive a new upper bound on the prediction error
for countable Bernoulli classes. This implies a small bound (comparable to the
one for Bayes mixtures) for certain important model classes. The results apply
to many Machine Learning tasks including classification and hypothesis testing.
We provide arguments that our theorems generalize to countable classes of
i.i.d. models.Comment: 17 page
The Paradoxical Beauty of the Cross: Theological Aesthetics and the Doctrine of the Atonement in Athanasius’ Contra Gentes-De Incarnatio
In his two-part treatise Contra Gentes-De Incarnatio, Athanasius offers an interesting apologetic for the Christian doctrine of the atonement by employing various aesthetic themes and forms of expression drawn from the classical notion of beauty found particularly in the Platonic and neo-Platonic traditions. Although Athanasius never mentions the term “beauty” in Contra Gentes-De Incarnatio, the concept certainly looms in the background. Writing against the Platonic, Epicurean, and Stoic systems of his day, Athanasius centers his apologetic on the philosophical tension evident in the doctrine of divine transcendence/immanence. This paper argues that Athanasius implicitly characterizes the tension of divine transcendence/ immanence as paradoxical in nature and, as such, is not solved but resolved in Christian doctrine of the incarnation and the culminating event of the crucifixion. For Athanasius, the aesthetic force of the crucifixion is its manifold paradox in which Christ, the God-man, conquers by being conquered, restores man\u27s spiritual form by becoming formless, and establishes universal peace by surrendering to violence. Thus, in the Christian tradition, the divine transcendence/immanence paradox is localized and expanded in the incarnation and crucifixion event invoking an overflow of aesthetic inspiration in the heart of the believer.
Therefore, the purpose of this essay is twofold. First, it will identify certain themes in the classical definition of beauty and will examine how these themes are interwoven throughout Athanasius’ apologetic . Second, it will attempt to prove that the aesthetic superiority of the cross, as implicitly argued in Contra Gentes-De Incarnatio, is rooted in the paradoxical nature of the crucifixion event. Thus, for Athanasius, beauty shines forth through paradox
A systematic strategy to incorporate intensification and diversification into ant colony optimisation
The American Dream Redux
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339213994_The_American_Dream_ReduxPublished versionPublished versio
Can intelligence explode?
The technological singularity refers to a hypothetical scenario in which technological advances virtually explode. The most popular scenario is the creation of super-intelligent algorithms that recursively create ever higher intelligences. It took many decades for these ideas to spread from science fiction to popular science magazines and finally to attract the attention of serious philosophers. David Chalmers' (JCS, 2010) article is the first comprehensive philosophical analysis of the singularity in a respected philosophy journal. The motivation of my article is to augment Chalmers' and to discuss some issues not addressed by him, in particular what it could mean for intelligence to explode. In this course, I will (have to) provide a more careful treatment of what intelligence actually is, separate speed from intelligence explosion, compare what super-intelligent participants and classical human observers might experience and do, discuss immediate implications for the diversity and value of life, consider possible bounds on intelligence, and contemplate intelligences right at the singularity
Legal Russian in Legal - Linguistic Research
Artykuł traktuje o kształtowaniu i rozwoju języka rosyjskiego prawa oraz o metodologii stosowanej w studiach legilingwistycznych w Rosji i za granicą. Autor ilustruje tendencje dominujące w badaniach legilingwistycznych i badaniach zbliżonych do nich koncentrując się na problemach dotyczących identyfikacji materiałów zródłowych oraz metod stworzonych w Rosji dla potrzeb analiz legilingwistycznych. Autor charakteryzuje również kontynuację i dyskontynuację w metodyce badań legilingwistycznych mającą w Rosji znaczny dorobek historyczny. Poniższy przegląd problemów i metod badań legilingwistycznych w Rosji wykazuje cechy charakterystyczne dla europejskiej tradycji legilingwistycznej, szczególnie transformację zainteresowań badaczy począwszy od analizy terminologii w izolacji od innych implikacji lingwistycznych do dyskursywnych aspektów prawa. The article focuses upon the emergence and the development of the legal Russian language and the methodology used for its scrutiny in the legal-linguistic research in Russia and abroad. It shows some of the dominant tendencies in the legal-linguistic and related research in a perspective that combines material issues concerning the work on textual sources and their identification as well as methods developed in Russia to deal with legal- linguistic problems. The author aims to portray methodological continuity and discontinuity in a research area with a relatively long history. The overview of topics and methods demonstrates that the development in the area of the legal-linguistic research in Russia displays all characteristic features of the European legal-linguistic tradition, and especially the shift in the attention of scholars from isolated terminological issues to discursive aspects of law.
The geometry of consistent majoritarian judgement aggregation
Given a set of propositions with unknown truth values, a `judgement aggregation rule' is a way to aggregate the personal truth-valuations of a set of jurors into some `collective' truth valuation. We introduce the class of `quasimajoritarian' judgement aggregation rules, which includes majority vote, but also includes some rules which use different weighted voting schemes to decide the truth of different propositions. We show that if the profile of jurors' beliefs satisfies a condition called `value restriction', then the output of any quasimajoritarian rule is logically consistent; this directly generalizes the recent work of Dietrich and List (2007). We then provide two sufficient conditions for value-restriction, defined geometrically in terms of a lattice ordering or an ultrametric structure on the set of jurors and propositions. Finally, we introduce another sufficient condition for consistent majoritarian judgement aggregation, called `convexity'. We show that convexity is not logically related to value-restriction
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