5 research outputs found

    Application Of Thebranch And Bound In Optimizing The Amount Of Bread Production In CV. Zuhro Bakery Perbaungan

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    Zuhro Bakery is baking factory producing various kinds of bread. In this research, there were three kinds of bread that were studied, they were chocolate, mocha and strawberry flavored bread. The problem in optimalization of the production was modeled into a mathematic model which was the linear program in the form obstacle function and objective function. It was then continued by the deciding variable in integer number as the linear program. Then, it was solved by using Branch and Bound method which previously had counted the variable by using the symplex method. From the simplex method, an integer number result was not found, so the Branch and Bound method was used. QM software was chosen in the research to solve the integer problem. A profit was earned with a sale margin of Rp39.000 or 0,42% from the coorporation’s expected profit by using the Branch and Bound method. The amount of bread produced in the periode of three days were 5.400 consosted of 3.060 chocolate flavored bread, 1.440 mocha flavored bread and 900 strawberry flavored bread with the total profit of Rp9.279.00


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Penerapan Sistem Antrean dalam Menentukan Jumlah Kasir di Supermarket Deco 100 Indrapura. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat kinerja sistem antrean dengan menerapkan disiplin antrean First In First Out (FIFO) serta menggunakan sistem antrean Multichannel-Single Phase. Hasil dari 7 hari penelitian dengan kondisi 4 kasir diperoleh jumlah pelanggaan rata-rata dalam sistem (L) adalah 6 konsumen per menit dengan waktu rata-rata konsumen dalam antrean () selama 5 menit dan waktu rata-rata konsumen dalam sistem () selama 10 menit dengan waktu menganggur kasir 2,5% dan total biaya antrean sebesar Rp141.795,00. Kondisi dengan 5 kasir diperoleh jumlah pelanggaan rata-rata dalam sistem (L) adalah 4 konsumen per menit dengan waktu rata-rata konsumen dalam antrean () selama 1 menit dan waktu rata-rata konsumen dalam sistem () selama 7 menit dengan waktu menganggur kasir 3,9% dan total biaya antrean sebesar Rp116.187. Dapat disimpulkan supermarket melakukan penambahan kasir sebanyak 1 kasir supaya banyaknya antrean yang terjadi pada konsumen dapat berkurang dan dapat dikatakan optimal

    Active Learning Training with Mathematics Tools at SD HKBP Pembangunan 3 Medan

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    Education is an attempt by the Government to increase the country's potential to be able to compete with other countries that are experiencing very rapid development. The development of education will have an influence on the life of the local community, that is, it can affect various aspects of life, be it social, economic, cultural, religious, language and also the environment. The extent of the influence of educational development on aspects of life can be studied independently. Besides that, education also plays a major role in expanding employment opportunities, encouraging activities of supporting industries, introducing natural and cultural beauty that is inseparable from a sense of increasing brotherhood in the national and international environment. This is because education itself creates multiple economic impacts, namely direct, indirect, and secondary impacts, which provide opportunities for the growth of businesses and the role of local communities in the education sector. This research will discuss about Active Learning Training with Mathematics Tools at SDS HKBP Pembangunan 3 Medan. The result achieved is that schools are able to provide effective services online in the face of changing times caused by Covid-19 and can provide more information regarding the location of tourist objects that will be traversed by local and foreign tourists

    Penyelesaian Vehicle Routing Problem Dengan Algoritma Clarke And Wright Savings Di Perumahan Umum Bulog Medan Amplas

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    Distribution routes are generally a problem for every company, including in the public company BULOG Medan Amplas. Distribution to the Medan Amplas BULOG public company, namely having to serve every stall that is far from the warehouse with scattered locations, and limited vehicle capacity. So far, driver considerations in distributing products have only been based on random intuitions of driver and does not consider the efficiency of the route taken. Therefore, this research uses Clarke and Wright Savings algorithm to obtain optimal mileage by taking into account every consumer demand and vehicle capacity. Calculation results using the Clarke and Wright Savings Algorithm obtained the vehicle mileage of 695.08 km with a savings of 11 km or 1.56%

    Application of Fuzzy Service Quality Method in Student Satisfaction Analysis of School Service Quality at SMAN 1 Simanindo, Samosir Regency: Penerapan Metode Fuzzy Service Quality Dalam Analisis Kepuasan Siswa Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Sekolah SMAN 1 Simanindo Kabupaten Samosir

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    To improve the quality of service, it is necessary to know the extent to which thelevel of consumer assessment of service quality, whether the service received is in accordancewith consumer expectations or not. This research was conducted to determine student satisfaction with the service quality of SMAN 1 Simanindo School. The method used in this studyis the Fuzzy Service Quality method which aims to determine the gap that occurs between theservices received and student expectations. The results of data processing indicate that theattribute that is the main concern to be prioritized by the school so that improvements can bemade is the completeness of extracurricular support with a gap (-15.370). Based on the valueof the gap per dimension, the dimension that has the largest gap value is the dimension thatneeds to be prioritized by the school for improvement. The dimension that has the largest gapvalue is the physical dimension (tangiable) with a gap value of -12.98. Based on the Cartesiandiagram, the attributes that require priority treatment from the school are the completeness ofbooks and reference sources in the library and the school’s ability to produce quality alumni.The attributes of the question are located in quadrant I. Based on the Fuzzy Service Qualityanalysis, the overall attributes have a negative gap value. This shows that the quality of service provided by the school is unsatisfactory and still in dire need of improvement