3 research outputs found
Aneurisma arteri pulmonalis (AAP) merupakan pelebaran arteri pulmonalis yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan jaringan elastis dan kolagen pada tunika intima, media dan adventisia. AAP adalah kelainan vaskular arteri pulmonalis yang jarang terjadi di Indonesia. AAP sulit didiagnosis karena gejala klinis yang tidak khas serta tatalaksana yang masih belum jelas. Seorang wanita 39 tahun datang gejala klinis batuk lebih dari 2 minggu. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik tidak didapatkan adanya kelainan. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan normal. Hasil laboratorium didapatkan normal. Hasil sputum BTA (-). Hasil Foto thorax tampak bayangan opak bulat batas tegas tepi reguler dengan sillhouette sign (-) di lapang tengah paru kiri, hasil usg ditemukan gambaran “yin and yang” dan CT Scan thorax lesi isodens, berbentuk saccular pada arteri pulmonalis kiri, berukuran ± 6,5 x 5,5 x 4,8 cm di lapang paru kiri . AAP adalah penyakit yang jarang terjadi dengan gejala klinis yang tidak khas Modalitas radiologi yang bisa digunakan adalah foto thorax USG, MSCT Scan. Diagnosis dini dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat dapat mengurangi risiko komplikasi AAP
Lung X-Ray Segmentation using Quadrant-Based Tracing Method
Chest X-Ray is one of the most popular imaging modalities. Chest X-ray has been a subject of various imaging-related research for years. Among the various research, Lung segmentation is one of the most prominent ones. Nowadays the trend of research in segmentation is moving toward deep learning however traditional segmentation has advantage of requiring less calculation resources thus still has potential to be explored. In this paper an alternative non-deep learning segmentation method using graph-based method to trace border of the Chest X-Ray lung region is proposed. Chest X-Ray image was treated as a graph with coordinate of the pixels as vertex and value of the pixels as edges. First the image was divided into 4 quadrants, then the border of lung region on each quadrant was traced by finding the minimum spanning tree of the graphs on each quadrant, then the pixels recorded as the tree was smoothed and optimized using Savitzky-Golay filter. The results were analyzed using the confusion matrix by comparing the proposed method results with manual segmentation by a radiologist. The proposed method is successfully segment lung area on lateral view of chest X-Ray with an average accuracy of 0.936. Two sample T-test also employed in order to show that there is no significant difference between the proposed method results and manual segmentation by radiologist
Thoracic Radiography Findings of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung
Background: The prevalence of multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (MDR-TB) continues to increase, especially in Indonesia. Thoracic radiography examination plays a role in the TB diagnosis by providing findings of typical lesions in patients. The aim of the study was to determine the thoracic radiography findings in MDR-TB patients.Methods: This was a cross-sectional retrospective descriptive study. This study had explored secondary data from medical records of patients who previously had a clinical diagnosis of MDR-TB and underwent thoracic radiography examinations at the Department of Radiology, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung on July - August 2020 Result: Of 110 data collected, the average age was 37±12.6 years with male patients were predominantly prevalent and 65.5% had large lesions. The most frequent findings of lesions were calcification (94.5%) and fibrosis (90.9%). Other major findings were infiltration (88.2%), consolidation (55.5%), cavity (65.5%), ground-glass opacity (60.9%) while other were found in less than half of the cases such as bronchiectasis (23%), nodule (34.5%), atelectasis (36.4%), lymphadenopathy (34.5%), and others. Interestingly, the miliary pattern was not found.Conclusion: Large lesions, calcification, fibrosis, infiltration, consolidation, cavities, and ground-glass opacities are the main features of the radiographic findings in the majority of MDR-TB patients