2,496 research outputs found

    Understanding Polarization Correlation of Entangled Vector Meson Pairs

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    We propose an experimental test of local hidden variable theories against quantum mechanics by measuring the polarization correlation of entangled vector meson pairs. In our study, the form of the polarization correlation probability is reproduced in a natural way by interpreting the two-body decay of the meson as a measurement of its polarization vector within the framework of quantum mechanics. This provides more detailed information on the quantum entanglement, thus a new Monte Carlo method to simulate the quantum correlation is introduced. We discuss the feasibility of carrying out such a test at experiments in operation currently and expect that the measured correlated distribution may provide us with deeper insight into the fundamental question about locality and reality.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. v3: The version published in PR

    Present status on experimental search for pentaquarks

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    It has been ten years since the first report for a positive strangeness pentaquark-like baryon state. However the existence of the pentaquark state is still controversial. Some contradictions between the experiments are unsolved. In this paper we review the experimental search for the pentaquark candidates Θ+\Theta^+, Θ++\Theta^{++}, Ξ−−\Xi^{--}, Θc0\Theta_c^0 and N∗N^* in details. We review the experiments with positive results and compare the experiments with similar conditions but opposite results.Comment: 20 latex pages, 2 figures, to appear in IJMPA as a revie

    Probing Triple-W Production and Anomalous WWWW Coupling at the CERN LHC and future 100TeV proton-proton collider

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    Triple gauge boson production at the LHC can be used to test the robustness of the Standard Model and provide useful information for VBF di-boson scattering measurement. Especially, any derivations from SM prediction will indicate possible new physics. In this paper we present a detailed Monte Carlo study on measuring WWW production in pure leptonic and semileptonic decays, and probing anomalous quartic gauge WWWW couplings at the CERN LHC and future hadron collider, with parton shower and detector simulation effects taken into account. Apart from cut-based method, multivariate boosted decision tree method has been exploited for possible improvement. For the leptonic decay channel, our results show that at the sqrt{s}=8(14)[100] TeV pp collider with integrated luminosity of 20(100)[3000] fb-1, one can reach a significance of 0.4(1.2)[10]sigma to observe the SM WWW production. For the semileptonic decay channel, one can have 0.5(2)[14]sigma to observe the SM WWW production. We also give constraints on relevant Dim-8 anomalous WWWW coupling parameters.Comment: Accepted version by JHE

    Search for vector-like leptons at a Muon Collider

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    A feasibility study is performed for searching vector-like leptons at a muon collider, in the context of the "4321 model", an ultraviolet-complete model with rich collider phenomenology together with potential to explain recent existing some B physics measurements or anomalies. In this paper, we perform a Monte Carlo study with various machine learning techniques, and examine the projected sensitivity on vector-like leptons over a wide mass range at a TeV-scale muon collider. We find that a 3 TeV muon collider with only 10/fb of data can already be sensitive to cover the mass range of a vector-like lepton up to 1450 GeV.Comment: CPC Published Versio

    γ–hadron correlation measurements to study jets fragmentation with ALICE at LHC

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    The possibility to study the fragmentation function of jets with energies below 50 GeV, which cannot be reconstructed in the heavy-ion environment, is explored. We propose to measure the imbalance distribution between prompt photon and charged hadrons with the ALICE experiment at LHC. In the present article, the case of proton–proton collisions at s=14\sqrt{s}=14 TeV is examined with Monte-Carlo simulations. Performances for prompt photon identification and rejection of the π 0 decay photons are presented. We find that the measurement in proton–proton is meaningful with respect to statistical and systematic errors for photon energies larger than 20 GeV

    Ethical Leadership and Follower Moral Actions: Investigating an Emotional Linkage

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    The effectiveness of ethical leadership has been extensively investigated. However, compared to the outcomes of ethical leadership, we still lack enough knowledge about the mechanisms underlying ethical leadership and its outcomes. Drawing from social information processing theory, this paper explores an emotional explanation for the effectiveness of ethical leadership. Adopting a time-lagged research design with responses from 64 leaders and 289 followers, the present research found that ethical leadership invokes followers’ other-praising emotions and eventually enhances their moral actions. Further, leader core self-evaluation contributes to the positive effects of ethical leadership on followers’ other-praising moral emotions and subsequent moral actions. Theoretical and practical implementations of these observations were discussed

    Probing New Physics via pp-> W+W- -> lvjj at the CERN LHC

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    TeV scale new Physics, e.g., Large Extra Dimensions or Models with anomalous triple vector boson couplings, can lead to excesses in various kinematic regions on the semi-leptonic productions of pp -> WW -> lvjj at the CERN LHC, which, although suffers from large QCD background compared with the pure leptonic channel, can benefit from larger production rates and the reconstructable 4-body mass Mlvjj. We study the search sensitivity through the lvjj channel at the 7TeV LHC on relevant new physics, via probing the hard tails on the reconstructed Mlvjj and the transverse momentum of W-boson (PTW), taking into account main backgrounds and including the parton shower and detector simulation effects. Our results show that with integrated luminosity of 5fb-1, the LHC can already discovery or exclude a large parameter region of the new physics, e.g., 95% CL. limit can be set on the Large Extra Dimensions with a cut-off scale up to 1.5 TeV, and the WWZ anomalous coupling down to, e.g. |\lambda_Z|~0.1. Brief results are also given for the 8TeV LHC.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Same Sign WW Scattering Process as a Probe of Higgs Boson in pp Collision at s\sqrt{s} = 10 TeV

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    WW scattering is an important process to study electroweak symmetry breaking in the Standard Model at the LHC, in which the Higgs mechanism or other new physics processes must intervene to preserve the unitarity of the process below 1 TeV. This channel is expected to be one of the most sensitive to determine whether the Higgs boson exists. In this paper, the final state with two same sign Ws is studied, with a simulated sample corresponding to the integrated luminosity of 60 fb−1^{-1} in pp collision at s=\sqrt{s}=10 TeV. Two observables, the invariant mass of μμ\mu\mu from W decays and the azimuthal angle difference between the two μ\mus, are utilized to distinguish the Higgs boson existence scenario from the Higgs boson absence scenario. A good signal significance for the two cases can be achieved. If we define the separation power of the analysis as the distance, in the log-likelihood plane, of pseudo-experiments outcomes in the two cases, with the total statistics expected from the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the nominal centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV, the separation power will be at the level of 4 σ\sigma.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Probing darK Matter Using free leptONs: PKMUON

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    We propose a new method to detect sub-GeV dark matter, through their scatterings from free leptons and the resulting kinematic shifts. Specially, such an experiment can detect dark matter interacting solely with muons. The experiment proposed here is to directly probe muon-philic dark matter, in a model-independent way. Its complementarity with the muon on target proposal, is similar to, e.g. XENON/PandaX and ATLAS/CMS on dark matter searches. Moreover, our proposal can work better for relatively heavy dark matter such as in the sub-GeV region. We start with a small device of a size around 0.1 to 1 meter, using atmospheric muons to set up a prototype. Within only one year of operation, the sensitivity on cross section of dark matter scattering with muons can already reach σD∼10−19(−20, −18)cm2\sigma_D\sim 10^{-19 (-20,\,-18)}\rm{cm}^{2} for a dark mater MD=100 (10, 1000)\rm{M_D}=100\, (10,\,1000) MeV. We can then interface the device with a high intensity muon beam of 101210^{12}/bunch. Within one year, the sensitivity can reach σD∼10−27(−28, −26)cm2\sigma_D\sim 10^{-27 (-28,\,-26)}\rm{cm}^{2} for MD=100 (10, 1000)\rm{M_D}=100\, (10,\,1000) MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, muons enlighten darknes
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