206 research outputs found
Magnetic order and frustrated dynamics in Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2: a study by {\mu}+SR and SQUID magnetometry
Recently, the mixed transition metal oxides of the form Li(Ni1-y-zCoyMnz)O2,
have become the center of attention as promising candidates for novel battery
material. These materials have also revealed very interesting magnetic
properties due to the alternate stacking of planes of metal oxides on a 2D
triangular lattice and the Li-layers. The title compound,
Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2, has been investigated by both magnetometry and
measurements and {\mu}+SR. We find the evolution of localized magnetic moments
with decreasing temperature below 70 K. The magnetic ground state (T = 2 K) is,
however, shown to be a frustrated system in 3D, followed by a transition into a
possible 2D spinglass above 22 K. With further increasing temperature the
compound show the presence of remaining correlations with increasing effective
dimensionality all the way up to the ferrimagnetic transition at TC = 70 K.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics Procedia (muSR2011 Conference
Magnetic order and transitions in the spin-web compound Cu3TeO6
The spin-web compound Cu3TeO6, belongs to an intriguing group of materials
where magnetism is governed by 3d9 copper Cu2+ ions. This compound has been
sparsely experimentally studied and we here present the first investigation of
its local magnetic properties using muon-spin relaxation/rotation ({\mu}+SR).
Our results show a clear long-range 3D magnetic order below TN as indicated by
clear zero-field (ZF) muon-precessions. At TN = 61.7 K a very sharp transition
is observed in the weak transverse-field (wTF) as well as ZF data. Contrary to
suggestions by susceptibility measurements and inelastic neutron scattering, we
find no evidence for either static or dynamic (on the time-scale of {\mu}+SR)
spin-correlations above TN
Na-ion dynamics in Quasi-1D compound NaV2O4
We have used the pulsed muon source at ISIS to study high-temperature Na-ion
dynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) metallic antiferromagnet NaV2O4. By
performing systematic zero-field and longitudinal-field measurements as a
function of temperature we clearly distinguish that the hopping rate increases
exponentially above Tdiff=250 K. The data is well fitted to an Arrhenius type
equation typical for a diffusion process, showing that the Na-ions starts to be
mobile above Tdiff . Such results makes this compound very interesting for the
tuning of Q1D magnetism using atomic-scale ion-texturing through the periodic
potential from ordered Na-vacancies. Further, it also opens the door to
possible use of NaV2O4 and related compounds in energy related applications.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Series
High-Voltage Honeycomb Layered Oxide Positive Electrodes for Rechargeable Sodium Batteries
Natural abundance, impressive chemical characteristics and economic
feasibility have rekindled the appeal for rechargeable sodium (Na) batteries as
a practical solution for the growing energy demand, environmental
sustainability and energy independence. However, the scarcity of viable
positive electrode materials remains a huge impediment to the actualization of
this technology. In this paper, we explore honeycomb layered oxides adopting
the composition NaNiCoTeO ( and ) as
feasible positive electrode (cathode) materials for rechargeable sodium
batteries at both room- and elevated temperatures using ionic liquids. Through
standard galvanostatic assessments and analyses we demonstrate that
substitution of nickel with cobalt in NaNiTeO leads to an increase
in the discharge voltage to nearly V (versus Na / Na) for the
NaNiCoTeO family of honeycomb layered oxide materials,
which surpasses the attained average voltages for most layered oxide positive
electrode materials that facilitate Na-ion desertion. We also verify the
increased kinetics within the NaNiCoTeO honeycomb layered
oxides during operations at elevated temperatures which lead to an increase in
reversible capacity of the rechargeable Na battery. This study underpins the
doping of congener transition metal atoms to the honeycomb structure of
NaNiTeO in addition to elevated-temperature operation as a
judicious route to enhance the electrochemical performance of analogous layered
oxides.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 1 cover art (Electronic Supplementary
Information: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
Magnetic nano-fluctuations in a frustrated magnet
Frustrated systems exhibit remarkable properties due to the high degeneracy
of their ground states. Stabilised by competing interactions, a rich diversity
of typically nanometre-sized phase structures appear in polymer and colloidal
systems, while the surface of ice pre-melts due to geometrically frustrated
interactions. Atomic spin systems where magnetic interactions are frustrated by
lattice geometry provide a fruitful source of emergent phenomena, such as
fractionalised excitations analogous to magnetic monopoles. The degeneracy
inherent in frustrated systems may prevail all the way down to absolute zero
temperature, or it may be lifted by small perturbations or entropic effects. In
the geometrically frustrated Ising--like magnet Ca3Co2O6, we follow the
temporal and spatial evolution of nanoscale magnetic fluctuations firmly
embedded inside the spin--density--wave magnetic structure. These fluctuations
are a signature of a competing ferrimagnetic phase with an incommensurability
that is different from, but determined by the host. As the temperature is
lowered, the fluctuations slow down into a super-paramagnetic regime of stable
spatiotemporal nano-structures
Magnetic phase boundary of BaVS3 clarified with high-pressure mu+SR
The magnetic nature of the quasi-one-dimensional BaVS3 has been studied as a function of temperature down to 0.25 K and pressure up to 1.97 GPa on a powder sample using the positive muon spin rotation and relaxation (mu(+) SR) technique. At ambient pressure, BaVS3 enters an incommensurate antiferromagnetic ordered state below the Neel temperature (T-N)31 K. T-N is almost constant as the pressure (p) increases from ambient pressure to 1.4 GPa, then T-N decreases rapidly for p > 1.4 GPa, and finally disappears at p similar to 1.8 GPa, above which a metallic phase is stabilized. Hence, T-N is found to be equivalent to the pressure-induced metal-insulator transition temperature (T-MI) at p > 1.4 GPa
Na-ion mobility in P2-type Na0.5MgxNi0.17-xMn0.83O2 (0
Sodium transition metal oxides with a layered structure are one of the most widely studied cathode materials for Na+-ion batteries. Since the mobility of Na+ in such cathode materials is a key factor that governs the performance of material, electrochemical and muon spin rotation and relaxation techniques are here used to reveal the Na+-ion mobility in a P2-type Na0.5MgxNi0.17-xMn0.83O2 (x = 0, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.07) cathode material. Combining electrochemical techniques such as galvanostatic cycling, cyclic voltammetry, and the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique with mu+SR, we have successfully extracted both self-diffusion and chemical-diffusion under a potential gradient, which are essential to understand the electrode material from an atomic-scale viewpoint. The results indicate that a small amount of Mg substitution has strong effects on the cycling performance and the Na+ mobility. Amongst the tested cathode systems, it was found that the composition with a Mg content of x = 0.02 resulted in the best cycling stability and highest Na+ mobility based on electrochemical and mu+SR results. The current study clearly shows that for developing a new generation of sustainable energy-storage devices, it is crucial to study and understand both the structure as well as dynamics of ions in the material on an atomic level
Engineering a pure Dirac regime in ZrTe
Real-world topological semimetals typically exhibit Dirac and Weyl nodes that
coexist with trivial Fermi pockets. This tends to mask the physics of the
relativistic quasiparticles. Using the example of ZrTe, we show that strain
provides a powerful tool for in-situ tuning of the band structure such that all
trivial pockets are pushed far away from the Fermi energy, but only for a
certain range of Van der Waals gaps. Our results naturally reconcile
contradicting reports on the presence or absence of additional pockets in
ZrTe, and provide a clear map of where to find a pure three-dimensional
Dirac semimetallic phase in the structural parameter space of the material.Comment: 17 page
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Engineering a pure Dirac regime in ZrTe5
Real-world topological semimetals typically exhibit Dirac and Weyl nodes that coexist with trivial Fermi pockets. This tends to mask the physics of the relativistic quasiparticles. Using the example of ZrTe5, we show that strain provides a powerful tool for in-situ tuning of the band structure such that all trivial pockets are pushed far away from the Fermi energy, but only for a certain range of Van der Waals gaps. Our results naturally reconcile contradicting reports on the presence or absence of additional pockets in ZrTe5, and provide a clear map of where to find a pure three-dimensional Dirac semimetallic phase in the structural parameter space of the material
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