393 research outputs found

    Interoperability of semantics in news production

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    Public transit route planning through lightweight linked data interfaces

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    While some public transit data publishers only provide a data dump – which only few reusers can afford to integrate within their applications – others provide a use case limiting origin-destination route planning api. The Linked Connections framework instead introduces a hypermedia api, over which the extendable base route planning algorithm “Connections Scan Algorithm” can be implemented. We compare the cpu usage and query execution time of a traditional server-side route planner with the cpu time and query execution time of a Linked Connections interface by evaluating query mixes with increasing load. We found that, at the expense of a higher bandwidth consumption, more queries can be answered using the same hardware with the Linked Connections server interface than with an origin-destination api, thanks to an average cache hit rate of 78%. The findings from this research show a cost-efficient way of publishing transport data that can bring federated public transit route planning at the fingertips of anyone

    Continuous client-side query evaluation over dynamic linked data

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    Existing solutions to query dynamic Linked Data sources extend the SPARQL language, and require continuous server processing for each query. Traditional SPARQL endpoints already accept highly expressive queries, so extending these endpoints for time-sensitive queries increases the server cost even further. To make continuous querying over dynamic Linked Data more affordable, we extend the low-cost Triple Pattern Fragments (TPF) interface with support for time-sensitive queries. In this paper, we introduce the TPF Query Streamer that allows clients to evaluate SPARQL queries with continuously updating results. Our experiments indicate that this extension significantly lowers the server complexity, at the expense of an increase in the execution time per query. We prove that by moving the complexity of continuously evaluating queries over dynamic Linked Data to the clients and thus increasing bandwidth usage, the cost at the server side is significantly reduced. Our results show that this solution makes real-time querying more scalable for a large amount of concurrent clients when compared to the alternatives

    An ontology to semantically declare and describe functions

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    Applications built on top of the Semantic Web are emerging as a novel solution in different areas, such as decision making and route planning. However, to connect results of these solutions -i.e., the semantically annotated data - with real-world applications, this semantic data needs to be connected to actionable events. A lot of work has been done (both semantically as non-semantically) to describe and define Web services, but there is still a gap on a more abstract level, i.e., describing interfaces independent of the technology used. In this paper, we present a data model, specification, and ontology to semantically declare and describe functions independently of the used technology. This way, we can declare and use actionable events in semantic applications, without restricting ourselves to programming language-dependent implementations. The ontology allows for extensions, and is proposed as a possible solution for semantic applications in various domains
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