462 research outputs found
Iterated Shimura integrals
In this paper I continue the study of iterated integrals of modular forms and
noncommutative modular symbols for started in
[Ma3]. Main new results involve a description of the iterated Shimura
cohomology and the image of the iterated Shimura cocycle class inside it. The
concluding section of the paper contains a concise review of the classical
modular symbols for SL(2) and a discussion of open problems.Comment: 16 page
Three constructions of Frobenius manifolds: a comparative study
The paper studies three classes of Frobenius manifolds: Quantum Cohomology
(topological sigma-models), unfolding spaces of singularities (K. Saito's
theory, Landau-Ginzburg models), and the recent Barannikov-Kontsevich
construction starting with the Dolbeault complex of a Calabi-Yau manifold and
conjecturally producing the B--side of the Mirror Conjecture in arbitrary
dimension. Each known construction provides the relevant Frobenius manifold
with an extra structure which can be thought of as a version of ``non-linear
cohomology''. The comparison of thesestructures sheds some light on the general
Mirror Problem: establishing isomorphisms between Frobenius manifolds of
different classes. Another theme is the study of tensor products of Frobenius
manifolds, corresponding respectively to the K\"unneth formula in Quantum
Cohomology, direct sum of singularities in Saito's theory, and presumably, the
tensor product of the differential Gerstenhaber-Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. We
extend the initial Gepner's construction of mirrors to the context of Frobenius
manifolds and formulate the relevant mathematical conjecture.Comment: 46 pages, AMSTe
Manifolds with multiplication on the tangent sheaf
This is a survey of the current state of the theory of --(super)manifolds
, first defined in [HeMa] and further developed in [He], [Ma2],
[Me1]. Here is an \Cal{O}_M--bilinear multiplication on the tangent
sheaf \Cal{T}_M, satisfying an integrability condition. --manifolds and
compatible flat structures on them furnish a useful weakening of Dubrovin's
Frobenius structure which naturally arises in the quantum --theory, theory
of extended moduli spaces, and unfolding spaces of singularities.Comment: 16 pages. Talk at the Conference dedicated to the memory of B. Segre,
Inst. Mat. Guido Castelnuovo, Rome, June 200
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