442 research outputs found
The aim of many genetic studies is to locate the genomic regions (called quantitative trait loci, QTLs) that contribute to variation in a quantitative trait (such as body weight). Confidence intervals for the locations of QTLs are particularly important for the design of further experiments to identify the gene or genes responsible for the effect. Likelihood support intervals are the most widely used method to obtain confidence intervals for QTL location, but the non-parametric bootstrap has also been recommended. Through extensive computer simulation, we show that bootstrap confidence intervals are poorly behaved and so should not be used in this context. The profile likelihood (or LOD curve) for QTL location has a tendency to peak at genetic markers, and so the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of QTL location has the unusual feature of point masses at genetic markers; this contributes to the poor behavior of the bootstrap. Likelihood support intervals and approximate Bayes credible intervals, on the other hand, are shown to behave appropriately
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OBJECTIVE: To study whether reported, but inconsistent, associations between the FMR1 CGG repeat lengths in the intermediate, high normal, or low normal range differentiate women diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) from population controls and whether associations vary by race/ethnic group.
DESIGN: Case-control study.
SETTING: Academic and private fertility clinics.
PATIENT(S): DOR cases (n = 129; 95 Whites, 22 Asian, 12 other) from five U.S. fertility clinics were clinically diagnosed, with regular menses and no fragile X syndrome family history. Normal fertility controls (n = 803; 386 Whites, 219 African-Americans, 102 Japanese, 96 Chinese) from the United States-based SWAN Study had one or more menstrual period in the 3 months pre-enrollment, one or more pregnancy, no history of infertility or hormone therapy, and menopause ≥46 years. Previously, the SWAN Chinese and Japanese groups had similar FMR1 CGG repeat lengths, thus they were combined.
RESULT(S): Median CGG repeats were nearly identical by case/control group. DOR cases had fewer CGG repeats in the shorter FMR1 allele than controls among Whites, but this was not significant among Asians. White cases had fewer CGG repeats in the shorter allele than Asian cases. No significant differences were found in the high normal/intermediate range between cases and controls or by race/ethnic group within cases in the longer allele.
CONCLUSION(S): This study refutes prior reports of an association between DOR and high normal/intermediate repeats and confirms an association between DOR and low normal repeats in Whites
Polygenic transcriptome risk scores (PTRS) can improve portability of polygenic risk scores across ancestries
Background: Polygenic risk scores (PRS) are valuable to translate the results of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) into clinical practice. To date, most GWAS have been based on individuals of European-ancestry leading to poor performance in populations of non-European ancestry. Results: We introduce the polygenic transcriptome risk score (PTRS), which is based on predicted transcript levels (rather than SNPs), and explore the portability of PTRS across populations using UK Biobank data. Conclusions: We show that PTRS has a significantly higher portability (Wilcoxon p=0.013) in the African-descent samples where the loss of performance is most acute with better performance than PRS when used in combination
Identifying variants that contribute to linkage for dichotomous and quantitative traits in extended pedigrees
Compared to genome-wide association analysis, linkage analysis is less influenced by allelic heterogeneity. The use of linkage information in large families should provide a great opportunity to identify less frequent variants. We perform a linkage scan for both dichotomous and quantitative traits in eight extended families. For the dichotomous trait, we identified one linkage region on chromosome 4q. For quantitative traits, we identified two regions on chromosomes 4q and 6p for Q1 and one region on chromosome 6q for Q2. To identify variants that contribute to these linkage signals, we performed standard association analysis in genomic regions of interest. We also screened less frequent variants in the linkage region based on the risk ratio and phenotypic distribution among carriers. Two rare variants at VEGFC and one common variant on chromosome 4q conferred the greatest risk for the dichotomous trait. We identified two rare variants on chromosomes 4q (VEGFC) and 6p (VEGFA) that explain 12.4% of the total phenotypic variance of trait Q1. We also identified four variants (including one at VNN3) on chromosome 6q that are able to drop the linkage LOD from 3.7 to 1.0. These results suggest that the use of classical linkage and association methods in large families can provide a useful approach to identifying variants that are responsible for diseases and complex traits in families
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Transcriptome-wide association study of the plasma proteome reveals cis and trans regulatory mechanisms underlying complex traits.
Regulation of transcription and translation are mechanisms through which genetic variants affect complex traits. Expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) studies have been more successful at identifying cis-eQTL (within 1 Mb of the transcription start site) than trans-eQTL. Here, we tested the cis component of gene expression for association with observed plasma protein levels to identify cis- and trans-acting genes that regulate protein levels. We used transcriptome prediction models from 49 Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Project tissues to predict the cis component of gene expression and tested the predicted expression of every gene in every tissue for association with the observed abundance of 3,622 plasma proteins measured in 3,301 individuals from the INTERVAL study. We tested significant results for replication in 971 individuals from the Trans-omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). We found 1,168 and 1,210 cis- and trans-acting associations that replicated in TOPMed (FDR < 0.05) with a median expected true positive rate (π1) across tissues of 0.806 and 0.390, respectively. The target proteins of trans-acting genes were enriched for transcription factor binding sites and autoimmune diseases in the GWAS catalog. Furthermore, we found a higher correlation between predicted expression and protein levels of the same underlying gene (R = 0.17) than observed expression (R = 0.10, p = 7.50 × 10-11). This indicates the cis-acting genetically regulated (heritable) component of gene expression is more consistent across tissues than total observed expression (genetics + environment) and is useful in uncovering the function of SNPs associated with complex traits
To what extent can headteachers be held to account in the practice of social justice leadership?
Internationally, leadership for social justice is gaining prominence as a global travelling theme. This article draws from the Scottish contribution to the International School Leadership Development Network (ISLDN) social justice strand and presents a case study of a relatively small education system similar in size to that of New Zealand, to explore one system's policy expectations and the practice realities of headteachers (principals) seeking to address issues around social justice. Scottish policy rhetoric places responsibility with headteachers to ensure socially just practices within their schools. However, those headteachers are working in schools located within unjust local, national and international contexts. The article explores briefly the emerging theoretical analyses of social justice and leadership. It then identifies the policy expectations, including those within the revised professional standards for headteachers in Scotland. The main focus is on the headteachers' perspectives of factors that help and hinder their practice of leadership for social justice. Macro systems-level data is used to contextualize equity and outcomes issues that headteachers are working to address. In the analysis of the dislocation between policy and reality, the article asks, 'to what extent can headteachers be held to account in the practice of social justice leadership?
A protein risk score for all-cause and respiratory-specific mortality in non-Hispanic white and African American individuals who smoke
Protein biomarkers are associated with mortality in cardiovascular disease, but their effect on predicting respiratory and all-cause mortality is not clear. We tested whether a protein risk score (protRS) can improve prediction of all-cause mortality over clinical risk factors in smokers. We utilized smoking-enriched (COPDGene, LSC, SPIROMICS) and general population-based (MESA) cohorts with SomaScan proteomic and mortality data. We split COPDGene into training and testing sets (50:50) and developed a protRS based on respiratory mortality effect size and parsimony. We tested multivariable associations of the protRS with all-cause, respiratory, and cardiovascular mortality, and performed meta-analysis, area-under-the-curve (AUC), and network analyses. We included 2232 participants. In COPDGene, a penalized regression-based protRS was most highly associated with respiratory mortality (OR 9.2) and parsimonious (15 proteins). This protRS was associated with all-cause mortality (random effects HR 1.79 [95% CI 1.31-2.43]). Adding the protRS to clinical covariates improved all-cause mortality prediction in COPDGene (AUC 0.87 vs 0.82) and SPIROMICS (0.74 vs 0.6), but not in LSC and MESA. Protein-protein interaction network analyses implicate cytokine signaling, innate immune responses, and extracellular matrix turnover. A blood-based protein risk score predicts all-cause and respiratory mortality, identifies potential drivers of mortality, and demonstrates heterogeneity in effects amongst cohorts
Deep-coverage whole genome sequences and blood lipids among 16,324 individuals.
Large-scale deep-coverage whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is now feasible and offers potential advantages for locus discovery. We perform WGS in 16,324 participants from four ancestries at mean depth >29X and analyze genotypes with four quantitative traits-plasma total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides. Common variant association yields known loci except for few variants previously poorly imputed. Rare coding variant association yields known Mendelian dyslipidemia genes but rare non-coding variant association detects no signals. A high 2M-SNP LDL-C polygenic score (top 5th percentile) confers similar effect size to a monogenic mutation (~30 mg/dl higher for each); however, among those with severe hypercholesterolemia, 23% have a high polygenic score and only 2% carry a monogenic mutation. At these sample sizes and for these phenotypes, the incremental value of WGS for discovery is limited but WGS permits simultaneous assessment of monogenic and polygenic models to severe hypercholesterolemia
Metabolic network reconstruction of Chlamydomonas offers insight into light-driven algal metabolism
A comprehensive genome-scale metabolic network of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, including a detailed account of light-driven metabolism, is reconstructed and validated. The model provides a new resource for research of C. reinhardtii metabolism and in algal biotechnology
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Deep coverage whole genome sequences and plasma lipoprotein(a) in individuals of European and African ancestries.
Lipoprotein(a), Lp(a), is a modified low-density lipoprotein particle that contains apolipoprotein(a), encoded by LPA, and is a highly heritable, causal risk factor for cardiovascular diseases that varies in concentrations across ancestries. Here, we use deep-coverage whole genome sequencing in 8392 individuals of European and African ancestry to discover and interpret both single-nucleotide variants and copy number (CN) variation associated with Lp(a). We observe that genetic determinants between Europeans and Africans have several unique determinants. The common variant rs12740374 associated with Lp(a) cholesterol is an eQTL for SORT1 and independent of LDL cholesterol. Observed associations of aggregates of rare non-coding variants are largely explained by LPA structural variation, namely the LPA kringle IV 2 (KIV2)-CN. Finally, we find that LPA risk genotypes confer greater relative risk for incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases compared to directly measured Lp(a), and are significantly associated with measures of subclinical atherosclerosis in African Americans
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