4,117 research outputs found
Generic Multifractality in Exponentials of Long Memory Processes
We find that multifractal scaling is a robust property of a large class of
continuous stochastic processes, constructed as exponentials of long-memory
processes. The long memory is characterized by a power law kernel with tail
exponent , where . This generalizes previous studies
performed only with (with a truncation at an integral scale), by
showing that multifractality holds over a remarkably large range of
dimensionless scales for . The intermittency multifractal coefficient
can be tuned continuously as a function of the deviation from 1/2 and of
another parameter embodying information on the short-range amplitude
of the memory kernel, the ultra-violet cut-off (``viscous'') scale and the
variance of the white-noise innovations. In these processes, both a viscous
scale and an integral scale naturally appear, bracketing the ``inertial''
scaling regime. We exhibit a surprisingly good collapse of the multifractal
spectra on a universal scaling function, which enables us to derive
high-order multifractal exponents from the small-order values and also obtain a
given multifractal spectrum by different combinations of and
.Comment: 10 pages + 9 figure
Comment on "Central limit behavior in deterministic dynamical systems"
We check claims for a generalized central limit theorem holding at the
Feigenbaum (infinite bifurcation) point of the logistic map, made recently by
U. Tirnakli, C. Beck, and C. Tsallis (Phys. Rev. {\bf 75}, 040106(R) (2007)).
We show that there is no obvious way that these claims can be made consistent
with high statistics simulations. We also refute more recent claims by the same
authors that extend the claims made in the above reference.Comment: 3 pages, including 3 figure
Linear Relationship Statistics in Diffusion Limited Aggregation
We show that various surface parameters in two-dimensional diffusion limited
aggregation (DLA) grow linearly with the number of particles. We find the ratio
of the average length of the perimeter and the accessible perimeter of a DLA
cluster together with its external perimeters to the cluster size, and define a
microscopic schematic procedure for attachment of an incident new particle to
the cluster. We measure the fractal dimension of the red sites (i.e., the sites
upon cutting each of them splits the cluster) equal to that of the DLA cluster.
It is also shown that the average number of the dead sites and the average
number of the red sites have linear relationships with the cluster size.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Evaluating cumulative ascent: Mountain biking meets Mandelbrot
The problem of determining total distance ascended during a mountain bike
trip is addressed. Altitude measurements are obtained from GPS receivers
utilizing both GPS-based and barometric altitude data, with data averaging used
to reduce fluctuations. The estimation process is sensitive to the degree of
averaging, and is related to the well-known question of determining coastline
length. Barometric-based measurements prove more reliable, due to their
insensitivity to GPS altitude fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures (v.2: minor revisions
Abelian deterministic self organized criticality model: Complex dynamics of avalanche waves
The aim of this study is to investigate a wave dynamics and size scaling of
avalanches which were created by the mathematical model {[}J. \v{C}ern\'ak
Phys. Rev. E \textbf{65}, 046141 (2002)]. Numerical simulations were carried
out on a two dimensional lattice in which two constant thresholds
and were randomly distributed. A density
of sites with the threshold and threshold are
parameters of the model. I have determined autocorrelations of avalanche size
waves, Hurst exponents, avalanche structures and avalanche size moments for
several densities and thresholds . I found correlated avalanche
size waves and multifractal scaling of avalanche sizes not only for specific
conditions, densities , 1.0 and thresholds , in
which relaxation rules were precisely balanced, but also for more general
conditions, densities and thresholds $8\leq E_{c}^{II}\leq3 in
which relaxation rules were unbalanced. The results suggest that the hypothesis
of a precise relaxation balance could be a specific case of a more general
Gradient-limited surfaces
A simple scenario of the formation of geological landscapes is suggested and
the respective lattice model is derived. Numerical analysis shows that the
arising non-Gaussian surfaces are characterized by the scale-dependent Hurst
exponent, which varies from 0.7 to 1, in agreement with experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Thermodynamic interpretation of the uniformity of the phase space probability measure
Uniformity of the probability measure of phase space is considered in the
framework of classical equilibrium thermodynamics. For the canonical and the
grand canonical ensembles, relations are given between the phase space
uniformities and thermodynamic potentials, their fluctuations and correlations.
For the binary system in the vicinity of the critical point the uniformity is
interpreted in terms of temperature dependent rates of phases of well defined
uniformities. Examples of a liquid-gas system and the mass spectrum of nuclear
fragments are presented.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure
Wealth Condensation in Pareto Macro-Economies
We discuss a Pareto macro-economy (a) in a closed system with fixed total
wealth and (b) in an open system with average mean wealth and compare our
results to a similar analysis in a super-open system (c) with unbounded wealth.
Wealth condensation takes place in the social phase for closed and open
economies, while it occurs in the liberal phase for super-open economies. In
the first two cases, the condensation is related to a mechanism known from the
balls-in-boxes model, while in the last case to the non-integrable tails of the
Pareto distribution. For a closed macro-economy in the social phase, we point
to the emergence of a ``corruption'' phenomenon: a sizeable fraction of the
total wealth is always amassed by a single individual.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Extreme values and fat tails of multifractal fluctuations
In this paper we discuss the problem of the estimation of extreme event
occurrence probability for data drawn from some multifractal process. We also
study the heavy (power-law) tail behavior of probability density function
associated with such data. We show that because of strong correlations,
standard extreme value approach is not valid and classical tail exponent
estimators should be interpreted cautiously. Extreme statistics associated with
multifractal random processes turn out to be characterized by non
self-averaging properties. Our considerations rely upon some analogy between
random multiplicative cascades and the physics of disordered systems and also
on recent mathematical results about the so-called multifractal formalism.
Applied to financial time series, our findings allow us to propose an unified
framemork that accounts for the observed multiscaling properties of return
fluctuations, the volatility clustering phenomenon and the observed ``inverse
cubic law'' of the return pdf tails
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