61 research outputs found
Speech by Rakshita B Gawda, a student of BGS World School, Chickballapur, in ICYAH – 2017, New Delhi
School Principals Take Initiatives in Promotion of Adolescent Health
Indian Association for Adolescent Health Karnataka Chapter has held its 1stannual meetingfor the year 2018 on June 09, 2018 at the Kempegowda Institution of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangaloreto reviewits existing strategies and to plan for adolescent health promotion work with the schools and colleges for the academic session 2018-19. The meeting was attendedby the members of the association as well as the non-member medical professionals, educational professionals and Counselors who are engaged in the adolescent health promotion work in schools and colleges in different capacities. Some principals of the schools were also present from Bangalore and around who were interested in launch school health programme in their own schools
Adolescent Health Promotion Work Carried out by BGS World School, Chickballapur, Karnataka Since 2015: A Report
The Karnataka Chapter of Indian Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH-K) was established on November 22, 2015. The Principal of BGS World School, Chickballapur, Karnataka Wg Cdr Ranjit Kumar Mandal joined the association as its founding Joint Secretary. Immediately after this on November 24, 2015 the BGS World School, Chickballapur launched its ‘School Health Programme’ through a ceremony in which the Secretary General of the association Dr Jugal Kishore and also the Director Professor, Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College, New Delhi was present as it chief guest and the chief speaker. Since the day of launching the programme the school has carried out several activities in the school as per guidelines provided by the Indian Association for Adolescent Health, New Delhi. The school programmes incorporated all students and staff members in its coverage as their beneficiaries. A summary of the work is being presented in this report for the period from the beginning up to August 2018 i.e., a period of 2 years 9 months
Spectral properties of -graphs
Assumed to be undirected, simple, and connected are all of the graphs in this
study, and adjacency matrix serves as the associated matrix. In this paper
we show that it is possible to relate a creation sequence for a type of
cographs (we call it -graphs). Those cographs can be defined by a
finite sequence of natural numbers. Using that sequence we obtain the inertia
of the cograph under consideration. An extended eigenvalue-free set from
to \big{[}\frac{-1-\sqrt{2}}{2}, -1)\cup (-1, 0) \cup (0,
\frac{-1+\sqrt{2}}{2}\alpha_{min}\big{]}, (where is the
smallest integer of the creation sequence) is obtained for the cographs under
consideration. Additionally, an exact formula is found for the characteristic
polynomial.Comment: 14 pages, 1figur
Mechanism behind the switching of current induced by a gate field in a semiconducting nanowire junction
We propose an orbital-controlled model to explain the gate field induced switching of current in a semiconducting PbS-nanowire junction. A single-particle scattering formalism in conjunction with a posteriori density-functional approach involving a hybrid functional is used to study the electronic current; both first- and higher-order Stark effects are explicitly treated in our model. Our calculation reveals that after a threshold gate voltage, orbital mixing produces p components at the S atoms in the participating orbitals. This results in an interlayer orbital interaction that allows electrons to delocalize along the channel axis. As a consequence, a higher conductance state is found. A similar feature is also found in a PbSe nanowire junction, which suggests that this model can be used universally to explain the gate field induced switching of current in lead-chalcogenide nanowire junctions
Book Review: Organized Muslim Women in Turkey: An Intersectional Approach to Building Women’s Coalitions
Codoping in a single molecular junction from first principles
Using a codoping model, where a cation and an anion are introduced simultaneously into the host to maintain charge neutrality, we probed the electron transport characteristics in a single molecular junction. We used the 1, 12-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane inorganic molecule as a precursor, replaced one of the vertex carbon atoms by a boron atom, and simultaneously decorated it with an endohedrally doped alkali atom (Li or Na) to look into the role of dopant atoms in the conductivity. The commonly used thiolate anchoring groups are used to attach the molecule between two gold electrodes, and a parameter-free, first-principles, single-particle Green’s function approach is used to calculate the current-voltage characteristics. When compared to the undoped system, a significant increase in current is observed for the system codoped with Na and B; about an order of magnitude increase in the observed current is found at an applied bias of ~2 V. Charge transfer from the alkali atom to the host is found to have a profound effect on the electronic structure, causing a dramatic change in the conductivity. Since the single alkali atom controls the behavior of electron flow in this circuit, we call this device a “single-atom-controlled” device
Effect of Creativity on Achievement in English of The Students of Secondary School
The present study was conducted with a view to assess the effect of Creativity on achievement in English of secondary students studying in X standard. The purpose of the study was to explore the effect the level of creativity of secondary students, if any, in terms of gender and locality in achievement in English. A sample of 715 students who were studying in X standard of different schools were randomly selected from urban and rural areas of Chickballpur and Kolar district of Karnataka. Both boys and girls were included in the study. The result showed that the students with creativity achieved better in English than the students who had less creativity; and there was no significance correlation between creativity and achievementscores among the boys and girls of urban and rural area
Effect of Interest on Achievement In English of The Students of Secondary School
The present study was conducted with a view to assess the effect of Interest on achievement in English of secondary students studying in X standard. The purpose of the study was to explore the effect the level of interest of secondary students, if any, in terms of gender and locality. A sample of 715 students who were studying in X standard of different schools were randomly selected from urban and rural areas of Chickballpur and Kolar district of Karnataka. Both boys and girls were included in the study. The result showed that the students with higher level of interest achieved better in English than the students who had less interest; and there was no significance correlation between interest and achievement scores among the boys and girls of urban and rural area
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