4,162 research outputs found
Equation of motion for multiqubit entanglement in multiple independent noisy channels
We investigate the possibility and conditions to factorize the entanglement
evolution of a multiqubit system passing through multi-sided noisy channels. By
means of a lower bound of concurrence (LBC) as entanglement measure, we derive
an explicit formula of LBC evolution of the N-qubit generalized
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GGHZ) state under some typical noisy channels,
based on which two kinds of factorizing conditions for the LBC evolution are
presented. In this case, the time-dependent LBC can be determined by a product
of initial LBC of the system and the LBC evolution of a maximally entangled
GGHZ state under the same multi-sided noisy channels. We analyze the realistic
situations where these two kinds of factorizing conditions can be satisfied. In
addition, we also discuss the dependence of entanglement robustness on the
number of the qubits and that of the noisy channels.Comment: 14 page
Impact of intrinsic biophysical diversity on the activity of spiking neurons
We study the effect of intrinsic heterogeneity on the activity of a
population of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. By rescaling the dynamical
equation, we derive mathematical relations between multiple neuronal parameters
and a fluctuating input noise. To this end, common input to heterogeneous
neurons is conceived as an identical noise with neuron-specific mean and
variance. As a consequence, the neuronal output rates can differ considerably,
and their relative spike timing becomes desynchronized. This theory can
quantitatively explain some recent experimental findings.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Quantum dense coding in multiparticle entangled states via local measurements
In this paper, we study quantum dense coding between two arbitrarily fixed
particles in a (N+2)-particle maximally-entangled states through introducing an
auxiliary qubit and carrying out local measurements. It is shown that the
transmitted classical information amount through such an entangled quantum
channel usually is less than two classical bits. However, the information
amount may reach two classical bits of information, and the classical
information capacity is independent of the number of the entangled particles in
the initial entangled state under certain conditions. The results offer deeper
insights to quantum dense coding via quantum channels of multi-particle
entangled states.Comment: 3 pages, no figur
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