26 research outputs found

    Knowledge about ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and attitudes and behaviour regarding gel manicure according to the age of women

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    Introduction and purpose. Nowadays, artificial gel nails, which require Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) for polymerization, steadily gain popularity. Gel manicure dried with UV lamps has become a regular part of many women's beauty routines. However, its safety remains controversial. The aim of the study was to assess the women’s knowledge of UVR and  their attitudes towards UV nail exposure and its impact on human health. Material and methods. The study was carried out from January to March 2020 with the use of PAPI and CAWI method. The study population consisted of 188 women living in the Silesian Voivodeship in Poland. The mean age was 31.7 ±12.4. The majority of women were familiar with UV nail polish drying devices (74%). Most of the respondents were regularly using UV lamps (51.1%). Results. 62% of women aged 18-25 regularly got UV manicure, whereas only 29% of women older than 40 years (p<0.001). Most of the respondents got UV manicure at beauty salon. However, 37% of women got it also at home. Self-manicure was mostly popular among women at age 18-25 (p<0.001). Only 18.7% put sunscreen on hands and 10.8 % wore fingerless gloves. Simultaneous antibiotic therapy or artificial sunbathing was not a contraindication for 15% and  8% of women, respectively.  The knowledge of respondents about UV radiation was poor. The rate of correct responses was 54.7%.   Conclusions. While existing research suggests a low risk of carcinogenesis resulting from UV nail lamp use, ways to minimize any risk should be kept in mind. Dermatologists should educate patients, especially those with photosensitivity disorders, tanning bed history or with family history of skin cancer and raise their awareness about the potential health risk of UV manicure. Photoprotection and fingerless gloves should be accessible in beauty salons and recommended to use during UV manicure. Safety regulations concerning UV lamps are needed because they are very often self-operated by many women at home

    Perinatal Manganese Exposure and Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Rat Brain

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    The present study was designed to investigate the role of pre- and postnatal manganese (Mn) exposure on hydroxyl radical (HO•) formation in the brains of dopamine (DA) partially denervated rats (Parkinsonian rats). Wistar rats were given tap water containing 10,000 ppm manganese chloride during the duration of pregnancy and until the time of weaning. Control rat dams consumed tap water without added Mn. Three days after birth, rats of both groups were treated with 6-hydroxydopamine at one of three doses (15, 30, or 67 µg, intraventricular on each side), or saline vehicle. We found that Mn content in the brain, kidney, liver, and bone was significantly elevated in dams exposed to Mn during pregnancy. In neonates, the major organs that accumulated Mn were the femoral bone and liver. However, Mn was not elevated in tissues in adulthood. To determine the possible effect on generation of the reactive species, HO• in Mn-induced neurotoxicity, we analyzed the contents of 2.3- and 2.5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (spin trap products of salicylate; HO• being an index of in vivo HO• generation), as well as antioxidant enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoenzymes and glutathione S-transferase (GST). 6-OHDA-depletion of DA produced enhanced HO• formation in the brain tissue of newborn and adulthood rats that had been exposed to Mn, and the latter effect did not depend on the extent of DA denervation. Additionally, the extraneuronal, microdialysate, content of HO• in neostriatum was likewise elevated in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. Interestingly, there was no difference in extraneuronal HO• formation in the neostriatum of Mn-exposed versus control rats. In summary, findings in this study indicate that Mn crosses the placenta but in contrast to other heavy metals, Mn is not deposited long term in tissues. Also, damage to the dopaminergic system acts as a “trigger mechanism,” initiating a cascade of adverse events leading to a protracted increase in HO• generation, and the effects of Mn and 6-OHDA are compounded. Moreover, HO• generation parallels the suppression of SOD isoenzymes and GST in the brains of rats lesioned with 6-OHDA and/or intoxicated with Mn—the most prominent impairments being in frontal cortex, striatum, and brain stem. In conclusion, ontogenetic Mn exposure, resulting in reactive oxygen species, HO• formation, represents a risk factor for dopaminergic neurotoxicity and development of neurodegenerative disorders

    Ultraviolet exposure from indoor tanning devices as a potential source of health risks: Basic knowledge of the proper use of these devices for practical users, physicians and solarium staff

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    Bearing in mind the adverse health effects of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in solarium, especially the risk of carcinogenesis, there is a need to adopt legal regulations by relevant Polish authorities. They should set out the principles for indoor tanning studios operation, supervision and service of the technical parameters of tanning devices and training programs to provide the staff with professional knowledge and other aspects of safety in these facilities. The mechanism of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the human body, scale of overexposure, resulting from excessive sunbathing are described. Methods for estimating UV exposure and possible actions aimed at reducing the overexposure and preventing from cancer development caused by UV are also presented in this paper. Med Pr 2017;68(5):653–66

    Illuminance in selected gymnasiums in the Voivodeship of Silesia

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    Background. Lighting plays an important role in the vision. The proper lighting of the class affects the student's well-being and reduces eye fatigue during learning. The aim of this study is to assess illuminance and illuminance uniformity of lighting in classrooms according to the Polish Standard PN-EN 12464-:2012. Material and methods. Lighting was assessed in 28 classrooms of 10 schools in the cities of Silesia in Poland. With the use of a digital light meter (Lutron’s type Lx- 105) illuminance on students’ desks and blackboards were measured. In addition, a questionnaire on subjective evaluation of lighting in classrooms was disseminated among students aged 13–15 years. Results. The average illuminance on the desks was 334 lx (SD=153), while the average value at boards was 183 lx (SD=91). Only 57% of classrooms met the requirements of the Polish Standard PN-EN12464-1:2012 concerning illuminance on the desks (300 lx). However, in none of the tested classrooms illuminance on the blackboards was adequate and according to the recommended standard (500 lx). The values of illumination uniformity on school desks was 0.75 (SD=0.14) and the value at boards was 0.79 (SD=0.1). According to the survey, 52% of the students were satisfied with the light in classrooms, while 26% of the respondents were dissatisfied with the lighting on the blackboards. 9% of the respondents reported that at least half of the fluorescence lamps in luminaires were dead. Conclusions. Lighting in schools in the cities of Silesia is very diverse. Illuminance at desks in almost half of the school classes and lighting on blackboards in all classrooms do not meet the requirements of hygienic standard and requires improvement. Light reflection needs to be eliminated and faulty fluorescent lamps changed.Wstęp. Oświetlenie jest niezbędnym czynnikiem umożliwiającym widzenie. Właściwe oświetlenie klasy wpływa zarówno na dobre samopoczucie ucznia i nauczyciela, jak i na ograniczenie zmęczenia wzroku podczas uczenia się i nauczania. Celem pracy była ocena natężenia oświetlenia i równomierności oświetlenia w salach lekcyjnych w wybranych szkołach gimnazjalnych zgodnie z normą PN-EN 12464-1:2012. Materiał i metody. Oświetlenie oceniano w 28 klasach szkół na terenie miast województwa śląskiego. Za pomocą luksomierza cyfrowego (typ Lx-105 firmy Lutron) wykonano pomiary natężenia oświetlenia na ławkach uczniów oraz na tablicach. Ponadto w badanych szkołach, w grupie uczniów w wieku 13–15 lat przeprowadzono ankietę na temat subiektywnej oceny oświetlenia w klasach. Wyniki. Średnie natężenie oświetlenia na ławkach szkolnych wynosiło 334 lx (SD=153), natomiast na tablicy średnia wartość to 183 lx (SD=91). Zaledwie w 57% pomieszczeń spełnione zostały minimalne średnie wartości natężenia oświetlenia ławek zawarte w normie PNEN 12464-1:2012 (300 lx). Natomiast na żadnej z tablic w badanych salach nie odnotowano poziomu natężenia oświetlenia zalecanego w normie (500 lx). Średnia wartość równomierności oświetlenia na ławkach wyniosła 0,75 (SD=0,14) a na tablicach 0,79 (SD=0,1). Badania ankietowe pokazały, że tylko 52% uczniów ocenia oświetlenie w klasach jako dobre, natomiast 26% ankietowanych ma zastrzeżenia do oświetlenia tablicy. Aż 9% uczniów zgłaszało występowanie w oprawach oświetleniowych co najmniej połowy niesprawnych świetlówek. Wnioski. Warunki oświetlenia w badanych szkołach są bardzo zróżnicowane. Oświetlenie ławek szkolnych w prawie połowie klas oraz oświetlenie tablic we wszystkich pomieszczeniach nie spełniało zaleceń Polskiej Normy i wymaga poprawy w tym zakresie. Występujące odbicia światła powinny zostać wyeliminowane, a niesprawne świetlówki wymienione

    Conditions of lighting in reading-rooms located in public and school libraries in Silesian Voivodeship

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    Introduction: Reading-room is a place where special lighting conditions are required to make the reader feel comfortable and satisfied.. Lighting requirements are enclosed in the Polish Standard PN-EN 12464-1:2004. Accordingly, illuminance in the reading-rooms should be 500 lx. The aim of the study was to measure illuminance in reading- rooms in various libraries and make relative comparisons to standard values. Material and methods: Measurements of illuminance were performed in 22 reading-rooms in Silesia Voivodeship. Half of them were made in public libraries and half in reading-rooms at junior lower high schools. Illuminance was measured in 5 measurement points in reading-rooms by digital lux meter Lx-105 manufactured by Lutron. Furthermore , 100 readers of school libraries and 89 readers of public libraries completed a questionnaire on lighting conditions in these places. Results: Only 5 out of 22 reading-rooms meet the requirements of the Polish Standard concerning illuminance. Only in one reading room at junior lower high school illuminance exceeded 500 lx. In two other reading places the requirements were met due to additional desk lamps. Despite the results, 76.4% of approached readers of public libraries and 60% of pupils think that lighting in readingrooms is satisfactory and almost 63% of the readers and 53% of the pupils don’t demand additional lighting. Conclusions: Most of the scrutinized reading rooms do not meet lighting requirements according to the Polish Standard. Lighting conditions in school libraries are worse than in public libraries. According to the respondents lighting in public libraries is adequate.Wstęp: Czytelnia to miejsce, które wymaga specjalnych warunków oświetleniowych w celu zapewnienia czytelnikowi komfortu oraz dobrego samopoczucia. Wymagania oświetleniowe zawarte w Polskiej Normie PN-EN 12464- 1:2004 wskazują, iż natężenie oświetlenia w czytelni powinno wynosić 500 lx. Celem pracy był pomiar natężenia oświetlenia w czytelniach różnego typu i porównanie go z wartościami normatywnymi. Materiał i metody: Pomiary natężenia oświetlenia wykonano w 22 czytelniach na terenie województwa śląskiego. Połowę z nich stanowiły czytelnie znajdujące się w bibliotekach publicznych, zaś drugą połowę czytelnie umieszczone w szkołach gimnazjalnych. Za pomocą luksomierza cyfrowego typu Lx-105 firmy Lutron, zmierzono natężenie oświetlenia w 5 punktach czytelni. Ponadto w grupie 100 czytelników bibliotek szkolnych i 89 czytelników bibliotek miejskich przeprowadzono autorską ankietę na temat stanu oświetlenia w bibliotekach. Wyniki: Tylko 5 z 22 badanych czytelni spełniało wymagania dotyczące natężenia oświetlenia zawarte w Polskiej Normie, w tym zaledwie 1 czytelnia szkolna. Kolejne 2 czytelnie osiągnęły wymagany poziom natężenia oświetlenia stosując dodatkowe oświetlenie w postaci lampki nabiurkowej. Mimo takich wyników 76,4% ankietowanych czytelników bibliotek miejskich i odpowiednio 60% uczniów uważa, iż oświetlenie w czytelniach jest prawidłowe, a prawie 63% czytelników i 53% uczniów nie odczuwa potrzeby dodatkowego oświetlenia. Wnioski: Większość badanych czytelni nie spełnia wymagań dotyczących natężenia oświetlenia zawartych w Polskiej Normie. Stan oświetlenia w bibliotekach szkolnych jest gorszy niż w czytelniach miejskich. Według ankietowanych oświetlenie w czytelniach jest zadowalające i nie wymaga poprawy

    Conditions of lighting in reading-rooms located in public and school libraries in Silesian Voivodeship

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    Introduction: Reading-room is a place where special lighting conditions are required to make the reader feel comfortable and satisfied.. Lighting requirements are enclosed in the Polish Standard PN-EN 12464-1:2004. Accordingly, illuminance in the reading-rooms should be 500 lx. The aim of the study was to measure illuminance in reading-rooms in various libraries and make relative comparisons to standard values. Material and methods: Measurements of illuminance were performed in 22 reading-rooms in Silesia Voivodeship. Half of them were made in public libraries and half in reading-rooms at junior lower high schools. Illuminance was measured in 5 measurement points in reading-rooms by digital lux meter Lx-105 manufactured by Lutron. Furthermore , 100 readers of school libraries and 89 readers of public libraries completed a questionnaire on lighting conditions in these places. Results: Only 5 out of 22 reading-rooms meet the requirements of the Polish Standard concerning illuminance. Only in one reading room at junior lower high school illuminance exceeded 500 lx. In two other reading places the requirements were met due to additional desk lamps. Despite the results, 76.4% of approached readers of public libraries and 60% of pupils think that lighting in readingrooms is satisfactory and almost 63% of the readers and 53% of the pupils don’t demand additional lighting. Conclusions: Most of the scrutinized reading rooms do not meet lighting requirements according to the Polish Standard. Lighting conditions in school libraries are worse than in public libraries. According to the respondents lighting in public libraries is adequate

    Do the requirements included in the regulation on health and safety at school effectively prevent children from carrying too heavy schoolbags?

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    WstępNadmierne obciążenie kręgosłupa tornistrem ma duży wpływ na postawę ciała dziecka. Zgodnie z zaleceniem Głównego Inspektora Sanitarnego (GIS) stosunek masy tornistra do masy ciała (m.c.) dziecka nie powinien być większy niż 10–15% m.c. dziecka. Celem tej pracy była ocena obciążenia dzieci w wieku 6–9 lat tornistrami i skontrolowanie, czy spełniało ono zalecenie wyrażone jako procent masy ciała dziecka. Sprawdzano także masę przyborów szkolnych w plecakach. Dodatkowo analizowano spostrzeżenia rodziców dotyczące tornistrów oraz wykorzystywania dodatkowych miejsc do przechowywania (szafek) przez dzieci.Materiał i metodyBadaniem objęto 332 dzieci w wieku od 6 do 9 lat (172 dziewczynki, 160 chłopców) uczęszczających do wybranych szkół na terenie miasta w województwie śląskim. Wykonano pomiary masy tornistrów i odniesiono wyniki do masy ciała uczniów. W przypadku 2 prób niezależnych o rozkładzie odbiegającym od rozkładu normalnego (test Shapiro-Wilka) zastosowano test U Manna-Whitneya. Test Kruskala-Wallisa wykorzystano do porównania wielu prób niezależnych. Za poziom istotności statystycznej przyjęto p = 0,05.WynikiŚrednia masa tornistra wynosiła 3,57±0,58 kg. Masa tornistra u 75% uczniów nie przekraczała 15% ich m.c. – zaledwie u 17% badanych była niższa niż 10% m.c. Najcięższe tornistry były noszone przez uczniów klasy I. Dziewczynki miały istotnie cięższe tornistry w porównaniu z tornistrami chłopców (p = 0,037). Dzieci korzystające z osobistych szafek szkolnych nosiły cięższe tornistry niż uczniowie, którzy zostawiali zbędne przedmioty na półkach przeznaczonych dla całej klasy (p = 0,006).WnioskiCiężkie tornistry to nadal poważny problem i wyzwanie dla decydentów zdrowia publicznego pomimo uregulowania prawnego, które nakazuje szkołom udostępnienie dzieciom miejsca na pozostawianie książek w szkole. Obowiązujące przepisy nie zapewniają bezpieczeństwa dzieci w tym aspekcie. Wskazane jest podjęcie kroków w celu wyznaczenia bezwzględnej normy, do której szkoły i uczniowie będą zobowiązani się dostosować. Med. Pr. 2020;71(6):687–697BackgroundExcessive spinal load caused by a schoolbag has a major impact on the child’s body posture. The National Sanitary Inspector recommends the limit of schoolbag weight as corresponding to 10–15% of the student’s weight. The aim of the study was to assess the spinal load of children aged 6–9 years, caused by schoolbags, and to check if it meets the requirements expressed as a percentage of the child’s weight. The weight of the items in schoolbags was also established. In addition, parents’ awareness about schoolbags and the child’s use of additional storage spaces (lockers) were analyzed.Material and MethodsOverall, 332 children aged 6–9 years (172 girls, 160 boys) attending selected schools in a city located in the Silesian Voivodeship participated in the study. The study included determining schoolbag weight and presenting it in relation to the child’s weight. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for 2 independent variables with non-normally distributed data (the Shapiro-Wilk test). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare >2 independent trials. The level of statistical significance was set at p = 0.05.ResultsAn average schoolbag weighted 3.57±0.58 kg. Schoolbag weight did not exceed 15% of the student’s weight in 75% of the students; however, the schoolbags of only 17% of the students weighed less than 10% of the student’s weight. The heaviest schoolbags were found among first-grade students. The girls had significantly heavier schoolbags compared to the boys (p = 0.037). The students using school lockers had heavier schoolbags than those who left unnecessary items on common shelves in the classroom (p = 0.006).ConclusionsThe issue of heavy schoolbags remains a challenge for public health decision-makers despite the regulation that requires to provide children with space to leave books at school. The current rules do not effectively prevent children from carrying too heavy schoolbags. It is advisable to take measures to set an absolutely mandatory standard with which schools and students will be required to comply. Med Pr. 2020;71(6):687–9

    Ultraviolet exposure from indoor tanning devices as a potential source of health risks: Basic knowledge of the proper use of these devices for practical users, physicians and solarium staff

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    Bearing in mind the adverse health effects of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in solarium, especially the risk of carcinogenesis, there is a need to adopt legal regulations by relevant Polish authorities. They should set out the principles for indoor tanning studios operation, supervision and service of the technical parameters of tanning devices and training programs to provide the staff with professional knowledge and other aspects of safety in these facilities. The mechanism of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the human body, scale of overexposure, resulting from excessive sunbathing are described. Methods for estimating UV exposure and possible actions aimed at reducing the overexposure and preventing from cancer development caused by UV are also presented in this paper. Med Pr 2017;68(5):653–66

    Comparison of recovery time in a cold provocation test performed by two methods in subjects with acrohomoiothermic regulation of the peripheral circulation

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    BACKGROUND A quantitative evaluation of vascular response to cold provocation is determined by measurements of the fi nger skin temperature. In the study two methods of cold exposure were used to assess the eff ect of water temperature and immersion duration on recovery time in subjects with the homoiothermic regulation. MATERIAL AND METHODS In the study two cold provocation tests were performed. One test consisted of a 10-min immersion of the both hands in cold water at 14 °C (Polish requirements) and the second one adequately, of a 5-min immersion in cold water at 12 °C (ISO 14835-1:2004 standard). Twenty young (22-24 years) and health subjects took part in each test. Finger skin temperature was measured on all fingers of both hands before and after immersion. RESULTS The mean recovery time of the cold provocation test was not statistically significant in the group examined by ISO 14835-1:2004 standard requirements in comparison with the group examined by the method used in Poland. CONCLUSIONS Immersion parameters used in the cold provocation test performed in acrohomoiothermics do not have a significant effect on recovery time.WSTĘP Ilościowa ocena reakcji naczyniowej na prowokację chłodem jest określana za pomocą pomiarów temperatury skóry palców rąk. W badaniach zastosowano dwa sposoby oziębienia rąk celem oceny wpływu temperatury wody i okresu chłodzenia na czas odnowy u osób o akrohomoiotermicznym typie regulacji obwodowej. MATERIAŁ I METODY W badaniach wykonano dwa testy czynnościowej próby termicznej. W jednym teście stosowano oziębianie obu rąk przez 10 minut w wodzie o temperaturze 14 °C (krajowe wytyczne), a w drugim odpowiednio oziębiano ręce przez 5 minut w wodzie o temperaturze 12 °C (norma ISO 14835-1:2004). W każdym teście uczestniczyło po 20 młodych (22-24 lata) i zdrowych osób. Temperaturę skóry mierzono na wszystkich palcach obu rąk przed i po oziębianiu. WYNIKI Średni czas odnowy w czynnościowej próbie termicznej nie różnił się statystycznie w grupie badanej wg zaleceń normy ISO 14835-1:2004 w porównaniu do grupy badanej wg wytycznych krajowych. WNIOSKI Parametry oziębiania stosowane w czynnościowej próbie termicznej nie mają istotnego wpływu na czas odnowy u osób z homoiotermicznym typem regulacji naczyń obwodowych

    Tanning in solarium – knowledge, attitudes and Polish habits

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    Introduction. Tanning devices are sources of UVA and UVB radiation. UV exposure can cause damage to the cornea of the eye, skin burns and even skin cancer. Appropriate use of solarium requires adequate knowledge of health effects resulting from the excessive use of sunbeds. The aim of the study was to examine knowledge, attitudes and habits in the solarium use. Material and methods. The study was based on our own questionnaire distributed among the citizens of a city located in Łódź Province. The study group consisted of 135 adults, mostly women and people with secondary and vocational education. Participants of the study were asked to answer specific questions included in the questionnaire concerning the knowledge of UV radiation, attitudes and the behaviour in the solarium. Results. 36% of the respondents were going to the solarium. 38% of the respondents weren’t going at all. Every fourth respondent used to go to the solarium in the past, however gave up this type of tanning for some reasons. Protecting goggles were used only by 18% of the respondents. 94% of the respondents never asked the service about CE certificates for the sunbeds intended for use. Conclusions. People tanning in the solarium, in comparison to those who do not use the artificial sun, enjoy better knowledge of the ultraviolet radiation. However they do not follow the requirements of the safe tanning. They are also not interested in technical conditions of the sunbeds. People who are not tanning in the solarium are more aware of health effects caused by UV radiation. Actions promoting public awareness on negative health effects of exposure to UV radiation in the solarium are needed.Wstęp. Łóżka solaryjne są źródłem promieniowania nadfioletowego z zakresu UVA i UVB. Ekspozycja na promieniowanie UV może powodować uszkodzenie rogówki oka, poparzenia a nawet nowotwory skóry. Umiejętne korzystanie z solarium wymaga odpowiedniej wiedzy na temat zagrożeń zdrowotnych wynikających z nadmiernego narażenia na UV. Celem pracy była ocena wiedzy, postaw i nawyków Polaków związanych z opalaniem się w solarium. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród mieszkańców jednego z miast w województwie łódzkim w oparciu o kwestionariusz ankiety. Badana grupa to 135 osób dorosłych. Większość badanych to kobiety oraz osoby z wykształceniem średnim i zawodowym. Uczestnicy badania odpowiadali na pytania autorskiego kwestionariusza dotyczące wiedzy o promieniowaniu nadfioletowym oraz zachowań podczas korzystania z solarium. Wyniki. Wśród badanych osób 36% korzysta z solarium. Osoby nigdy nie korzystające z tego typu usług stanowiły 38% ankietowanych. Co czwarty badany korzystał z solarium w przeszłości, jednak z określonych powodów zrezygnował z tego typu opalania. Gogle ochronne używa jedynie 18% badanych. Aż 94% respondentów opalających się w solarium nigdy nie sprawdzało czy łóżko solaryjne posiada oznakowanie CE. Wnioski. Osoby uczęszczające do solarium w porównaniu do osób nie opalających się mają większą wiedzę na temat promieniowania ultrafioletowego. Mimo to nie przestrzegają zasad bezpiecznego korzystania z łóżek opalających oraz nie interesują się stanem technicznym tych urządzeń. Osoby nie opalające się w solarium są bardziej świadome niekorzystnego działania promieniowania UV na zdrowie. Potrzebne są akcje zdrowotne propagujące wiedzę o negatywnych skutkach zdrowotnych ekspozycji na nadfiolet w solarium