2 research outputs found
Cyber Security Maturity Model Capability at The Airports
Cybersecurity is an important facilitator for essential aviation safety. The adoption rate for levels of cyber-security protocols at commercial airports is the focus of this research. Scope of this research is limited to cybersecurity maturity model capability norms covering fourteen domains. The paper presents primary data collected from several airport authorities. This survey-based study will be useful in identifying areas for improving operational procedures and developing strong cybersecurity governance at airports. This will allow airports to understand risks and respond proactively by adopting cybersecurity best practices and resilience measures. This study includes domestic, international, privately owned airports, airstrips, or aerodromes. This research found that level one of cyber-security maturity model is the most followed while proactive and advance levels i.e., level 4 and 5 are least adhered to. Most airports appear to have some resources allocated to cyber protection and resilience
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Capability in Aviation and Railway Industry
Cybersecurity is pivotal for the established aviation and railway industries. This study will examine the compliance of various levels of cybersecurity practices according to Cybersecurity Maturity Model Capability. This study will conduct a survey for aviation and railways. The data collected will be compared to identify which of the two industries is more compliant with the cybersecurity operational procedures. It will also enable the two industries to better evaluate and proactively acknowledge the threats by implementing cybersecurity best practices, governance and resilience processes